
The real question raised by Mr. Lihua: What is the advanced direction that should be grasped in the party building of private enterprises?

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
The real question raised by Mr. Lihua: What is the advanced direction that should be grasped in the party building of private enterprises?
Yesterday morning, I saw Mr. Wang Lihua's new work "The Advanced Direction of Party Building in Private Enterprises Should Have "Five Characteristics"", and I noticed that the article raised a real question of great practical significance - "In the process of Chinese-style modernization led by the party, what is the advanced direction that the party building of private enterprises should grasp?" ”
The real question raised by Mr. Lihua: What is the advanced direction that should be grasped in the party building of private enterprises?

[Fan Qi, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Chairman of the Beijing Flagship Company]

Teacher Lihua's original words:

"Comrade Fan Qi is a private entrepreneur, is the direct leader of Qijian Company, is an organic part of the productivity of the enterprise, his party building thinking to a certain extent reflects the requirements of the times of enterprise development, and has risen to a certain theoretical height."

The first is not to avoid the problem, but to "problematize" the problem that should be a problem, or that it is not explicit but has already affected us; The second meaning is that the true question is not a false proposition, and a false proposition will deviate people's thinking and even confuse people.

The second meaning is that we should all have a perceptual understanding over the years, for example, there is a question of "the Party Congress or the Law Congress", which is a false proposition, which puts two concepts that are not comparable on the same level to compare, and the results can be imagined. However, this false proposition stunned many people at the beginning.

To this end, in addition to working on philosophical methodology and epistemology, we also need to dare to put forward the real problems of the times, and "problematize" those old problems that have not appeared in the past or that we have forgotten seem to have been solved, but have resurfaced and come back to us without us being aware of them.

That is to say, we need to have the courage to face up to problems, dare to discover new problems, and learn the ability to capture the "real problems" of the times.

To sum up, it is two sentences, first to find the problem, and then to analyze the problems found, to distinguish which of them may be false propositions and which are true problems.

Let's talk about the "real question" raised by Mr. Lihua.

Mr. Lihua did not entangle the concept of private enterprises, and whether private enterprises should party building or not, which can only be regarded as secondary issues, but straightforwardly talked about the real problem of this reality, which is equivalent to grasping the main contradictions, in the process of grasping the main contradictions - in the process of talking about this real problem, those non-main contradictions will be easily solved.

01 Preliminary thoughts on reading Mr. Lihua's article

"In the process of Chinese-style modernization led by the party, what is the advanced direction that the party building of private enterprises should grasp? That's a real question.

I would like to say 5 thoughts:

1. At the provincial level, the party building of private enterprises should meet the unified requirements of general enterprise party building. This is just as said in the article, "Comrade Fan Qi said that the party building of private enterprises should be surnamed the party and the public, not private, nor family, which is a very sobering definition."

Please note that this is a major premise, and with this "definition", it is easier to expand later.

2. Private entrepreneurs, who belong to the national bourgeoisie, should be classified here, at least patriotic entrepreneurs, in order to distinguish those who are otherwise unclear. Those people also claim to be private entrepreneurs, and only patriotic entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs under the leadership of the party. As pointed out in the article, "capital does not have a motherland, entrepreneurs have a motherland, entrepreneurs should first be patriots, whether it is from the history of national enterprises, or to the present private enterprises, if you don't even care about the interests of the country, you are not a good private entrepreneur, your party building is even more unqualified."

This is also a kind of "definition".

3. The question of defining the nature of private enterprises, which currently needs to be clarified in particular. To be precise, private enterprises can be either publicly owned or non-public. In Mr. Lihua's article, "the third is people's nature", this is a question that must be made clear. It can also be said that it is a new problem. Opportunists, eclecticists, on such issues, create a lot of confusion.

Lenin pointed out: "When speaking of the struggle against opportunism, one must not forget the character of modern opportunism as a whole in all its aspects: ambiguity, ambiguity, and inscrutableness. Opportunists, by their very nature, have always avoided asking questions explicitly and affirmatively, trying to find a common force, maneuvering like a snake between two mutually exclusive views, trying to 'agree' with one point of view and 'agree' with the other, reducing their differences to petty amendments, doubts, good and naïve wishes, and so on. ”

The so-called ambiguity, ambiguity: vague speech and behavior; Liangke: This is fine; That's fine.

The company has become bigger, and when it is necessary to express its position on some key issues, there are often many people who speak ambiguously like this.

The so-called ambiguity means that some leaders, when the consequences of decision-making are unpredictable, often do not want to take responsibility, and engage in some vague opinions on other people's requests for instructions and reports, which are still ambiguous in essence.

The so-called elusive is a relatively masterful form of ambiguity and ambiguity.

Why is this happening?

This is the problem of people, that is, of the opportunists.

Lenin clearly stated: "Opportunists, by their very nature, always shy away from asking questions explicitly and affirmatively. ”

In opportunist-dominated venues, uncertainty increases, and the effect is extremely bad.

On the Trade Unions Revisited, the Situation and the Mistakes of Trotsky and Bukharin was written by Lenin in January 1921 in response to the controversy over the trade union question within the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik). Published in January of that year. In "Dialectics and Eclecticism. In the section "Schools" and "Institutions", Lenin gives the basic expression of eclecticism:

The real question raised by Mr. Lihua: What is the advanced direction that should be grasped in the party building of private enterprises?

In State and Revolution (written in 1917 and published in 1918), Lenin noted:

The real question raised by Mr. Lihua: What is the advanced direction that should be grasped in the party building of private enterprises?

Over the years, we should be no strangers to the manifestations of opportunism and eclecticism, right?

4. Enterprises with party spirit, national character, and people's character have advantages in effectiveness that are incomparable with ordinary private enterprises (Huawei is a typical example, and so are the enterprises led by Mr. Fan, and there are some enterprises, which are different from compradors and enterprises that collude with government and business).

5. To do business is to be a man, to be a man in advance, this is the entrepreneur's way of doing things, is universal. A real entrepreneur has an entrepreneurial spirit, and this is in common with our party's arduous struggle and pioneering spirit. Red entrepreneurs are a kind of entrepreneurs, Ren Zhengfei and Fan Qi are close to red entrepreneurs ideologically, and it makes sense to keep private ownership for the time being, and it makes sense to think about it within the scope of the party's united front. How to solve the problem of ownership in the future is not something that can be explained clearly in a few simple sentences, but the exploration of Mr. Ren and Mr. Fan is worthy of affirmation. Mr. Lihua analyzed Mr. Fan's ideas here, so it is "one of the ways out" anyway, right?

02 This question leads to another real question

The real question raised by Mr. Lihua will inevitably lead to a closely related question - how to communicate with entrepreneurs on behalf of the party organization, that is, how to make the party's leadership reflected in the party building of private enterprises?

This is an issue of the quality and ability of cadres, and this challenge is so great that I have been thinking about it for a long time, but it is still difficult to come to a conclusion.

For this reason, it is better to mobilize the masses, pool their wisdom and efforts, and follow the mass line, which is far more reliable than taking the "elite" line.

【Li Keqin's Postscript】

We are engaged in a socialist market economy, and this cannot be separated from the party's leadership. Non-public ownership can exist and develop, but it must be included in the party's leadership. As for how to lead, this question is unavoidable and can be discussed by everyone. Huawei has explored and has been widely recognized. According to Fan Qi's ideas, Teacher Lihua put forward this real question. If we go deeper, we will be doing our homework together, which is different from "copying homework" -- copying the capitalist market economy, which has been proved to be unworkable. Only when we ask real questions ourselves, so that each of us first has a "self" in our own minds, instead of being swayed by others, that is, we have a sense of ownership that used to be called a sense of ownership, and now it can be called a sense of subjectivity, then we can talk about "self-revolution". If we can't even talk about "self", then how can we revolutionize ourselves?

I have to say that in recent years, non-public private enterprises such as Ren Zhengfei and Fan Qi have been at the helm, as well as Zhoujiazhuang led by Lei Jinhe in Hebei, Liu Zhuang led by Shi Laihe in Henan, Huaxi Village led by Wu Renbao, Yu Quanhe and Li Liangbao in Jiangsu, Changjiang Village in Jingang Town, Zhangjiagang City, Changjiang Village in Xiagang Street, Jiangyin City, Honghu Honglin Village led by Ye Changbao in Hubei, Guanqiao Group 8 led by Zhou Baosheng, Hangmin Village led by Zhu Chongqing in Zhejiang, and later Nanjie Village led by Wang Hongbin, etc., all belong to relatively healthy enterprisesIn the socialist market economy, it has withstood all kinds of tests.

Practice has proved that Ren Zhengfei and Fan Qi are real entrepreneurs, and although the enterprises they lead cannot be regarded as completely public-owned enterprises, in such enterprises, the party's leadership is embodied, and it is a real adaptation.

As for red entrepreneurs like Wu Renbao and Wang Hongbin, in the enterprises they lead, the leadership of the party, there is no need to say more, that is a matter of course.

How can Chinese enterprises develop in the future to be considered healthy?

The above are collectively referred to as entrepreneurs' ideas and practices, which are completely reasonable and reasonable, is this still false?

In fact, Mr. Lihua raised real questions, and the company has successfully explored. However, for the sake of prudence, we still need to pay attention to the specific analysis of specific problems, and we must not take radical actions based on momentary excitement, which will lead to adverse consequences.

As a matter of fact, it is politicians and theoreticians who will really face greater challenges in the future.

Politicians cannot lead entrepreneurs without real skills.

If the theorist can't ask real questions, if he can only talk empty and high-minded, the entrepreneur will not bother to pay attention to you.

Politicians, theoreticians, entrepreneurs, and all people should return to the purpose of the Communist Party of China and the correct line. As far as innovation and entrepreneurship are concerned, the entrepreneurs mentioned above are at the forefront of the times and are worthy of our learning.

Finally, I want to say that shopping malls are like battlefields, and real entrepreneurs lead entrepreneurs to experience the test of brutal market competition anytime and anywhere, so they don't like empty talk, and they can't steal peace. Like Ren Zhengfei, Fan Qi belongs to the master, because he has a high ideological consciousness and is good at treating the party organization as a nobleman, in fact, he consciously restricts himself with the standards of party members, and he himself naturally becomes a nobleman of the enterprise.

Who wouldn't welcome entrepreneurs who love the party?

[Related Reading]

Wang Lihua: The advanced direction of party building in private enterprises should have "five characteristics"

(Author: Li Keqin, Professor, Hubei University of Technology, Senior Researcher, Kunlun Ce Research Institute; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's authorization], reproduced from "Jixue", revised and released)