
Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

author:Yu Ni Bo
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In an era where people are paying more and more attention to health, the problems that arise in food can be described as shocking, because the problems are at the source.

Since May this year, a reporter has conducted a follow-up investigation on the phenomenon of indiscriminate loading of fuel tankers, and found a chaos that shocked consumers.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

A tanker truck went to the grain and oil company, filled it with soybean oil, and then drove out of the company and headed for its destination. The last time the car was filled with coal-to-liquid, and the storage tanks were not cleaned, it was used to fill edible soybean oil.

This will directly lead to the contamination of edible oil by chemical liquids, and the health of consumers who buy and eat it will be threatened, because there are many chemical components in coal-to-liquid, which may cause human poisoning in severe cases.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

If it is not clean at the source, how can we talk about food safety?

What makes it even more difficult to accept is that the phenomenon of these tanker trucks messing around is no secret in the industry, everyone does it.

It is understood that tankers are generally divided into two types, one is specially used to load flammable and explosive liquids such as gasoline and kerosene, which cannot be mixed. But the drivers can't control so much about the other kind of tanker trucks used to load ordinary liquids, as long as they can load them, they have to load them.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

For drivers, not running an empty car is making money.

A driver revealed that the car he drove was an ordinary tanker truck, which was either used to load coal-to-oil or cooking oil. The former is the fuel for the kitchen, and the latter is what the consumer eats into the stomach.

The driver naturally knew that mixing would contaminate the cooking oil, but he could not go back empty, as the fleet had regulations.

After that, the reporter followed the car, took a look at his work process, and found that it was really a mixed tank truck.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

I saw that after the car unloaded the coal-to-liquid, it drove into the grain and oil company (Huifu Grain and Oil Group), waiting to load the edible oil.

An hour later, the truck loaded with 31.86 tons of first-grade soybean oil was re-opened to the food company, and according to the transport documents, the mixed packaging evidence was conclusive.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

Drivers pretend not to see in order to make money, so will the food company supervise?

There was a car that also drove to the edible oil manufacturer immediately after unloading the coal-to-liquid, and the driver said that it didn't matter if it would be refused, he said that he could load it, and if he didn't load it, he would leave. But it's usually fitted.

Even if it is the China Grain Storage Oil Company, they never inspect the tankers that come to load edible oil, and these vehicles enter the factory area, and they go directly to load oil, which is simply unimpeded.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

In this way, in order to make more money, the drivers mixed and cleaned the storage tanks, and the food companies never supervised and inspected in order to save time and money, they only wanted to sell the oil.

It is understood that most of the manufacturers of edible oil in the mainland are concentrated in the coastal areas, and most of them need middlemen when they sell edible oil, so after the oil truck is driven out of the manufacturer, all the problems will not be directly pointed at the manufacturer.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

With so many problems, isn't there a relevant legal provision to regulate?

In 2014, China began to implement the bulk transportation of edible oil, which reads "special vehicles should be used", which is enough to see that the restrictions and supervision of vehicles loaded with edible oil are quite small and do not have the slightest sense of coercion.

In many countries, there is no mandatory three words, and no one takes it seriously.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

For example, a few years ago, the restriction on the use of plastic bags was also repeatedly banned at the beginning, whether it was the manufacturer, the seller of the sale, or the customer who bought something, they did not take the relevant advice of trying not to use plastic bags seriously.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

Until the introduction of the clear text, after the implementation of the three words "plastic limit order", up to the manufacturer, down to the customer began to pay attention to it, to this day, has formed customers take the initiative to bring environmental protection bags, merchants buy a higher cost of degradable plastic bags, which has solved a lot of environmental pollution problems.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

"Money & Health"

Drivers of tanker trucks are well aware of the dangers of mixing cooking oil with other oils, and they are also likely to become customers of contaminated cooking oil, but these people have no right to speak.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

In the case of lower and lower freight, the owner of the team in order to earn a little more profits, can save money, and completely kick out of the rules of the team, because the cost of washing once is 300 to 900, and if you don't wash it, you will save it.

The drivers who drive the car think that what kind of oil they fill and whether they wash the tank or not is the business of the team owner and the manufacturer.

Some manufacturers are quite strict, they will check the storage tanks first after the tanker truck comes in, and the drivers also have a routine to deal with these manufacturers.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

Some drivers revealed that these manufacturers only inspect the tank mouth, and after they unload the coal-to-liquid, they will wipe the oil drain port and the inlet mouth clean, so that the manufacturer can not check it.

After a long time, the manufacturer naturally knows, so the strict grain and oil company has also issued a verification clause, that is, only the tanker is required to be loaded with edible oil in the first three times, so that even if the storage tank is not washed, the tanker can enter and exit the edible oil production plant smoothly.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

This is how the team and the manufacturer fool each other, because the manufacturer has no way to distinguish at all, and no matter how strict it is, as long as the team is unwilling to cooperate, they have no choice.

In the final analysis, the main reason why there is a problem at the source is because of profits, and they don't take consumers' food safety seriously.

Buyers hired cars to buy oil from cooking oil factories, and in order to save costs, they did not force the fleet to wash the storage tanks, nor did they improve the level of control, and even if there were relevant hygiene regulations, they did not strictly enforce them.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

Some drivers said that the driver is also a referee and an athlete, and they take photos related to the filling port and the unloading port, as well as the "edible oil" of the tank, and they can make a difference, and these photos can be used again and again, and the relevant control on the buyer's side is useless.

From this point of view, the chaos of tank truck transportation is mainly due to the source of the problem, there is no clear and strict relevant legal provisions, and the suggestive words are not binding at all. In the face of interests, merchants don't take it seriously at all.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

For the end consumer, it is impossible to see whether the edible oil is polluted with the naked eye? After all, even ordinary inspections can't detect problems.

Only when consumers have problems eating, causing a large butterfly effect, can the phenomenon of random loading of fuel tankers be taken seriously.

Ridiculous! After unloading kerosene, directly load soybean oil! It is also called an open secret, who cares about the health of the people

There are still many aspects of China's laws that need to be improved to ensure food safety. The problem of "those who miss the covenant will be rare" needs to be solved from the source.

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