
The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

author:Yu Ni Bo


With the development of society, all kinds of new things have emerged, giving birth to many new professions, such as doing online celebrity live broadcasts. The barrier to entry in this industry is very low, and as long as you have traffic, you will be able to make money.

No matter what education you have or what family, it is possible to get rich overnight through live broadcasting, so more and more people choose to be Internet celebrities, because they are glamorous, profitable, and can be like celebrities.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

But with the events of various Internet celebrities, it has been confirmed to all of us that Internet celebrities are also a high-risk profession, and self-exposure is getting higher and higher.

And for the Internet celebrities with a lot of traffic, it can be said that they have tried their best, which has led to the increasingly aggressive anger of the Internet celebrity industry, such as a recent Internet celebrity brother who danced a square dance in Jilin, who was stabbed and fell to the ground while dancing one day.

Square dancing is deadly

With the improvement of the living standards of the Chinese people, more and more people pay more attention to spiritual and cultural life, especially many middle-aged and elderly people, who are very keen on square dancing, and they are dancing everywhere in various parks, squares, and residential buildings.

This low-intensity way of square dancing has been loved by many people, and in the past two years, many young people have also joined the square dance team, and have also developed their own small teams.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

And many of them have developed into big Internet celebrities, for example, there is a big brother who loves to dance in Jilin, because he often carries a leather bag when dancing, wears a handsome dress, and wears his watch.

Because he always likes to hold a leather bag when he dances, everyone nicknames him Brother Baobao, and every night, he can always be seen in Songyuan Square in Jilin.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

He was always able to hold his bag and sway his body to the music playing, attracting many people to come and watch, but who would have thought that behind this joy, there were many unknown risks.

On the evening of June 30th, Brother Jiabao came to the square to dance with his bag as before, and the square was as harmonious as ever, and everyone gathered together to talk and laugh in this square.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

seems to be calm, but I don't know that there is a great danger hidden, when Brother Jiabao was dancing, a bald brother who he didn't know suddenly approached him, and his eyes didn't leave Brother Jiabao from beginning to end.

Two people who didn't know each other had a dispute because they looked at each other more, so the original harmonious square dance atmosphere was instantly broken, and the bald brother drank some wine again, which happened to be on fire again.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

Originally, it was not a big deal to have two sentences, but who knew that the bald brother then took out a sharp knife from his body, directly escalating a quarrel into a deadly conflict.

The bald brother took advantage of Brother Jiabao's turn and stabbed him directly from behind, but the knife did not hurt the vital point, Brother Jiabao was still conscious, and he didn't fall down immediately, he also turned around and looked at the bald man.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

Maybe Brother Jiabao thought that this was already a stab, and he shouldn't dare again, but who knew that the bald man turned his head directly and stabbed Brother Jiabao several times until Brother Jiabao fell to the ground.

It didn't take long for Brother Bao's two pairs of shoes to fall off naturally, which should be known to Chinese at this time It is already difficult for him to regenerate, and the bald man stabbed someone, and did not feel that there was any problem at all.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

There was no sense of fear at all, and after seeing Brother Jia Bao fall to the ground, he was still holding a knife and gesturing in the air, such a big living person, just like this, was directly stabbed to death in the big square, so many people, this thing sounds a little scary.

Police report

After the incident, everyone talked to each other, and more and more people knew about the murder of Brother Jiabao, and many people were very concerned about this incident.

Everyone began to push Brother Bao, the bald brother who drank alcohol, whether there was any ulterior secret, or whether there was any grudge.

Because Brother Jia Bao has always been a bit high-profile in square dancing, many people think that he has offended this drunk man in some way.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

Because Brother Jia Bao often dances in this place, many people like him very much, especially many female fans, and more than 4,000 people follow him on his account.

So many people speculated whether Brother Jiabao had anything to do with the wife of the bald brother, and after it was known, the bald brother drank wine and stabbed Brother Jiabao.

Because from a normal person's point of view, no one would go out and carry a knife with them, this must have been planned in advance.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

But these are just speculations and have not been confirmed, until the police reported the police information, we know that this fatal fight is only caused by a quarrel between the two sides at that time, which is how much resentment and how dare to stab an unknown person to death at such a moment.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

And according to the people in Brother Jiabao's same village, Brother Jiabao has a very stable job in the oil field, although he often loves Deser and drinks a little wine, but the whole person is not bad.

But there are many popular people, he always looks like a prodigal and unruly, it is always easy to cause misunderstanding among others, and he will always offend a lot of people, even many music bar owners don't let him in, for fear that he will provoke anyone after he enters.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

But even so, he still encountered an accident, and it really made people feel very sudden, and he was stabbed to death while dancing a square dance, which is somewhat incredible for anyone.


And the place where Brother Jiabao was stabbed to death is not at home, nor is it in a place where no one is around, you must know that there are so many people in the square, and the bald brother dares to commit crimes against the wind, it can be seen that Brother Jiabao still offends a lot of people, and no one stepped forward to stop it, and no one is willing to help Brother Jiabao, and what is extremely scary is that judging from the photos posted by everyone at the scene.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

Brother Jiabao is obviously much taller than the bald brother in terms of height, and the weight difference between the two is not very large, so when the bald brother took out the knife, he was very likely to push the other party out and stop the other party's behavior, but Brother Jiabao didn't do this, I don't know what Brother Jiabao thought at that time.

And in the end, after medical rescue failed, the bald brother also paid the price for his actions, and his future children and grandchildren will be affected by him.

The truth about Brother Jiabao's killing! Because of drunkenness and hatred, insiders exposed his character, and the onlookers were indifferent

Therefore, before we do anything, we must think carefully and again, and do not impulsively make big mistakes, and in the end we have no chance to make amends.

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