
Truth is shown through opposites, against essentialism

author:Zhang Wenmu strategy

Zhang Wenmu

Truth is shown through opposites, against essentialism

Truth is shown through opposites, and it is important to remember that Mao Zedong said in his speech at the conference on May 8, 1958: "It is important to set up opposites. The so-called opposites are things that objectively exist, and things that do not exist objectively cannot be set. ”

Where can it be the opposite of reality? Only in a real environment. The richest opposites bring you closest to the truth in the richest. Why do migrant children learn the truth faster than our school children? Because the opposites are straightforward and rich. The school doesn't have it, and the school has more "Qi Tongwei"-style characters, sending roses and making fake accounts, which is not good. It's your comrades who are cheating, but the enemy is the opposite of not letting you pass. Chiang Kai-shek immediately grasped Chen Duxiu's mistake, and Chiang Kai-shek immediately grasped Li De's mistake, and immediately attacked it, and the "April 12" and the battle of Xiangjiang came out.

Among the 13 deputies to the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, all of them graduated from Peking University without exception, and the reason for this is that people with high diplomas rely more on book knowledge, which Mao Zedong called "bookism." As shown in the table below:

Truth is shown through opposites, against essentialism

Mao Zedong pointed out the problem, and he said in his article "Against Fundamentalism":

I think that what I have read is right, and the culturally backward Chinese peasants still have this mentality. It is not said that issues are discussed within the Communist Party, but there are also people who open their mouths and "take the book". When we say that the instructions of the higher-level leading organs are correct, it is by no means only because they are from the "higher-level leading organs," but because their content is suitable for the objective and subjective situations of the struggle and is required by the struggle. It is very wrong to blindly carry out the discussion and examination according to the actual situation and blindly implement the formalistic attitude based solely on the concept of "superiors." The reason why the party's strategic line has always failed to penetrate deep into the masses is that this kind of formalism is at work there. Blindly carrying out the instructions of the superiors without any objection is not really carrying out the instructions of the superiors, and this is the best way to oppose or sabotage the instructions of the superiors.

The fundamentalist method of social science research is likewise the most dangerous, and may even embark on the road of counter-revolution, and there are many Communist Party members engaged in social science research who specialize in making a living from books. It's clear proof.

In order to correct this style of study, which was divorced from reality, Mao Zedong carried out rectification in Yan'an and carried out an educational revolution after the founding of the People's Republic of China, which played a great role in achieving victory in revolution and construction and preventing "peaceful evolution." However, the problems pointed out by Comrade Mao Zedong are spreading again today: the higher-level organs must be closer to the truth than the grass-roots organs, and the "985" and "211" high diplomas must understand more than those with low diplomas, let alone working part-timers. If this continues, the Soviet Union will be a lesson from the past.

It seems that changing the current trend of detachment from reality, as Yan'an has done in rectifying the style of study, is still an important task before us.

Truth is shown through opposites, against essentialism