
Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

author:Liu Luqiang law


Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!
Sources: All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources, and is detailed at the end of the article
"Mo Yan does not retribution, gods and ghosts have arrangements", all things in heaven and earth, after death, their souls will be detained by black and white impermanence to the underworld.

Although black and white impermanence is just a foil around Hades, their fame is well-known, and their fierce faces and thunderous methods make people shudder.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

But how did they come to the underworld to become officials, and what their identities are in the world, many people must have this question in their hearts.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

The origin of "black and white impermanence".

The historical prototype of black and white impermanence is Fan Wuyi and Xie Bi'an, presumably everyone is familiar with these two names, in the recently popular TV series "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the two powerful generals around the second prince are called this name.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

Black Impermanence's name is Fan Wuyi, short and fat; Bai Wuchang's name is Xie Bi'an, tall and thin, both of them are from Fuzhou, Fujian during the Western Jin Dynasty.

Maybe some people don't know that black and white impermanence is still an old acquaintance before death, to be precise, they are good brothers who can wear a pair of pants, grow up together, study together, and aspire to serve the country.

However, in ancient times, it was thousands of times more difficult to take the imperial examination than the current college entrance examination, and 10,000 people may not be able to take the exam, and there are many people who have taken the exam for a lifetime, and finally won the Jinshi but went crazy.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

Like thousands of ordinary people, Xie Bi'an and Fan Wuyi were not admitted to the imperial examination, and finally lowered their requirements and worked together in the county government to catch fast.

They are still as kind as ever, and they cherish their friendship with each other very much, even to the point of giving their lives.

Before their deaths, they were good at catching fast, helping others, punishing the evil and fighting evil, and they could be said to be the patron saints of one party, but why did such people die and become black and white impermanence?

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

Associated with a heavy rainstorm.

When they went to Nantai Bridge in a certain place in Fujian, suddenly the sky and the earth changed color, dark clouds were thick, lightning and thunder roared, and there would be a heavy rainstorm without accident.

We don't know if this thunderstorm was caused by a typhoon or ordinary rainfall, but now there is heavy rainfall in coastal areas or a dangerous thing, and the relevant departments will also remind residents not to go out as much as possible, and to check the glass, windows, etc. at home, the danger will only be higher in ancient times.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

The rain soon began to fall, and even the river was rising and about to overflow, and they had to hurry home or find a place to hide.

But before, they needed an umbrella.

Xie Bi'an went back to get the umbrella, Fan Wuyi waited in place, and then the two of them went to the Netherworld Mansion.

Because of the promise of "wait for me", Fan Wuyi waited in place, and was submerged in the water and did not move. After knowing that his good brother was killed, Xie Bi'an committed suicide with guilt.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

The souls of the two entered the underworld, and they were summoned by the king of Hades, and after some exchanges, the king of Hades appointed them as black and white impermanence.

So, what did they say? What are the points that impressed Hades?

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

Moved by Hades, successfully joined

After the two came to the underworld, they hugged their heads and cried, the king of Hades had never seen such a scene, and asked, "What are you crying about?" If you have any grievances, I will make decisions for you. ”

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

In his previous life, the king of Hades was Bao Zheng, and the iron-faced and selfless Bao Qingtian couldn't see unjust, false and wrongful cases, and when he saw the two crying so sadly, he was very moved, and concluded that they must have been wronged.

"It's all my fault!" "No, Brother Xie blames me!" "Brother Fan, it's all my fault." Then, the two continued to hug and cry.

Under the angry rebuke of Hades, the two stopped crying and told the truth one by one.

Hades wanted to scare them, so he said to Xie Bi'an, "Do you know what the crime of committing suicide is? ”

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

There is a legend in ancient folklore that a person who commits suicide will go to the fourteenth layer of hell and will never be able to be a human being.

And Fan Wuyi stopped crying after hearing this: "I am willing to go with Brother Xie." ”

The king of Hades was very moved after hearing this, a person who kept his promises, a person who was affectionate and righteous, and who was affectionate and sexual, was rare in the world, and even more rare in the cold underworld.

At this time, it happened that there was a shortage of manpower in the underworld, and the king of Hades had some selfish intentions, so he made them the gods of the quasi-ghosts and ghosts, and also included them in the top ten yin marshals.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!
The ten handsome are: Ghost King, Day Wandering God, Night Wandering God, Black and White Impermanence, Bull Head, Horse Face, Leopard Tail, Bird's Beak, Fish Gill, and Wasp.

These ten people are all Hades' right-hand men, the bull head and horse face are separated, but the black and white impermanence are together, presumably this is also Hades keeping his promise.

After they became blackboard impermanence, they changed their outfits.

Black Impermanence Fan Wuyi has a serious face, and the words "I'm catching you" on his long hat are on it; And Bai Wuchang Xie Bi'an is always smiling, wearing a long hat with the words "You can come" (there is also information that Bai Wuchang's hat is written on the first sight of wealth, and black impermanence writes that the world is peaceful.) )
Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

To put it bluntly, one sings with a red face, the other sings with a white face, and in a flicker, the ghost followed them to the underworld.

Because of his outstanding business, black and white impermanence soon became the right-hand man of Hades. But are they only responsible for seducing souls and guiding the way?

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

Punish evil and promote good, and enforce the law impartially

In fact, no, in addition to being responsible for seducing spirits and guiding the way, black and white impermanence also needs to reward or punish ghosts according to what they have done in the yang world.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

If the ghost accumulates virtue and does good deeds every day, he will be rich and prosperous in the future; If the ghost does all the evil, he will definitely be sent to hell.

In addition to ghosts, black and white impermanence sometimes makes decisions about the reward and punishment of the living in the yang world.

Bai Wuchang is mostly responsible for rewarding good people and extraditing good people to official positions and reincarnated, while Black Wuchang is responsible for the most vicious people.

Legend has it that there was a big official in the Northern and Southern Period, who often bullied the people because of his noble status, and the people could only endure it silently because of the identity of the high-ranking official.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

The official was lustful, and when he met a young woman while wandering on the road, he immediately became lustful, and the woman's younger brother and sister were beaten to death by the official's subordinates, but the official still did not give up.

Later, the younger brother's body was chopped up and fed to the dogs, and the woman also committed suicide.

They have nowhere to redress their grievances when they are alive, and they will be innocent ghosts after death, and they ask the king of Hades to be the master.

According to the book of life and death, the great official was an emperor who loved the people like a son in his previous life, and only in this life can he continue to be a great official and enjoy happiness until the end of his 80th life.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

Could it be that the good people in the previous life have really become bad? Hades didn't want to believe it, so he asked Black and White Impermanence to go to the mortal world to investigate clearly.

If people's longevity is not over, black and white impermanence cannot seduce people at will, so they came up with a clever trick.

At night, the two of them entered the dream of the big official, and the big official saw the scene of other wicked people being put into the oil pot, and intimidated the big official to correct it, otherwise his fate would only be worse.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

The ancients revered ghosts and gods, and the officials were worried about their sins after death, and they were determined to change their ways. At this time, the sister and brother who died unjustly sought justice and reincarnated with peace of mind.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!


Although most of these ghosts and gods in the underworld are hateful, they are not all evildoers, they enforce the law impartially and do their duty

Nowadays, many film and television dramas make the image of the official messenger of the prefecture funny and kind, and the people's acceptance of them is getting higher and higher.

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!

But these are folk tales handed down from ancient times, and now that science is developed, many bizarre things can be solved with scientific principles in the past, and ghosts and gods have truly become legends.

There is also a saying, "don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door", as long as we do things in a down-to-earth manner and be serious people, everyone will have a bright future!


Headline Encyclopedia: Black and white impermanence

Who was "Black and White Impermanence" before his death? Know who they are and you'll change your mind!