
The silent joy of the scattered nibs

author:Wei Chu Zhao is capable

Zhao Youneng's original work

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

The shadows of the moon are swaying, the cicadas are like tides, and the silence of the summer night ripples in the courtyard. The stars are dotted with pearls like pearls set in the sky, and in this silent night, they exude a faint but gentle light. The lotus flowers in the small pond in front of the court have quietly bloomed, and the fragrance comes with the wind, refreshing people's hearts.

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

On this dreamlike night, I leaned alone in front of the window, holding an ancient scroll in my hand, and my mind was already immersed in the feelings of the ancients. Those words seem to tell the story of thousands of years ago, and it seems to tell the heart of tonight. The moonlight shines through the window lattice and sprinkles on the pages, reflecting a silvery white, which makes people intoxicated.

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

This summer's fate, like the flowers and plants in this garden, quietly sprouted inadvertently. When I first saw it, it was the season of May flowers, and the garden was full of spring colors, which was dizzying. You smiled lightly, like the spring breeze, instantly dispelling the haze in my heart. That smile, like the first rays of sunshine in early summer, warm and bright, lit up my whole world.

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

In this summer, we walked together on the flower path and enjoyed the moonlight on the lotus pond. Your laughter is as crisp and melodious as a bell, rippling in my heart lake. We walked in the west wind of the ancient road, watching the sunset afterglow sprinkled on the distant mountains, full of red clouds, like a picture scroll. All the beauty is more vivid and vivid because of your presence.

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

Fate allows us to meet, and love makes us know each other. On this summer night, sitting quietly in front of the court, the breeze is blowing, but the heart is warm. What is recorded in the scroll is not only the wisdom of the ancients, but also my affection for you. Every word, every sentence, is the expression of the deep affection in my heart, the quiet joy of this summer night.

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

Time passes like flowing water, and in the tranquility of the summer night, I feel your tenderness like water. Origin and extinction are all in one thought. And I would like to turn this affection into a poem on the tip of the pen in this long summer, recording the little moments we spend together. No matter how the future changes, this summer's deep love will always remain in my heart and become the most beautiful memory of my life.

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

The origin and the fall are all because of this deep love. May we walk through every beautiful moment together in the silence and joy of this summer, so that this fate will bloom with eternal light in the flow of time.

The silent joy of the scattered nibs

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