
2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Integrate into society and experience life

author:Guanhua composition

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Integrate into society and experience life

Read the material below and write as requested.

Pragmatics I. encourages young people to actively integrate into society and experience a real and rich life while "paying attention to themselves".

What kind of associations and thoughts does this trigger for you? Please write an article.

Requirements: choose the right angle, determine the idea, clarify the style, and draft the title; Don't copy, don't plagiarize; Do not divulge personal information; No less than 800 words.

[Essay Question Analysis]: This is an essay question for quotation materials.

The material is designed to guide students to understand and think about how to "experience life as it really is". According to the material, "experiencing a real and rich life" is achieved through two aspects: "self-attention" and "active integration into society". The word "also" indicates that the two aspects are juxtaposed. "Self-attention" refers to focusing on one's spiritual pursuits, personal worth and happiness; "Active integration into society" refers to the individual's opening up of himself, caring for others, and paying attention to social development. The latter is both a way for an individual to "experience a true and rich life" and a necessity for the individual as a social being.

Write with a sense of both, or focus more on the latter. For example, when writing an argumentative essay, closely follow the "experience of a real and rich life" mentioned in the material, and discuss the two aspects of "self-concern" and "active integration into society". For example, we can make clear our own point of view: we must not only maintain our own independence and pursue our personal ideals, but also integrate into society and strive for progress. Then the main body can be arranged into a contrasting structure, and the positive writing of the young people in the year is integrated into the social development and actively enterprising; On the other hand, it is written that some young people choose to "Buddhist" and "lie flat" and do not integrate into society. Through contrast, the viewpoint is more distinct, and finally the point is reaffirmed. For example, when writing a narrative, you can tell your own life story of actively participating in social activities, and the narrative reflects two aspects of the material, which is in line with the topic.


1. Actively integrate and strive for progress.

2. Maintaining self-independence is to better integrate.

3. Improve oneself and contribute to society.

[Appreciation of Masterpieces]: The Song of Youth - Pay attention to the melody of the integration of self and society

On the stage of youth, we are all protagonists, unique and distinctive. We pay attention to ourselves, pursue inner truth and abundance, and aspire to leave unique traces on the picture scroll of life. However, when we are immersed in the ocean of our own world, we should not forget the vast social world, where there is real life, rich experience, and our responsibilities and responsibilities.

Youth is a song full of passion, and every note carries our dreams and hopes. On the road of self-concern, we strive to find our own value, pursue the release of individuality, and seek inner growth. We aspire to perform on the stage of our own world and show our talent and charm.

However, the singing of youth should not be confined to the stage of the ego. We live on the big stage of a society, and every individual is a part of society. On this stage, we need to integrate into society and experience a real and rich life. This means that we need to step out of our own circle, to understand others, to care about society, and to take responsibility.

In this era of challenges and opportunities, we need to pay attention to ourselves and actively integrate into society. Only in this way can we truly experience the richness of life. When we shift our attention from the self to the society, we will find that the world is so beautiful that it is worth loving and striving for.

Actively integrating into society means learning to communicate with others, learn to listen, and learn to understand. In the process, we will find that everyone has their own story, their own pain and joy. These stories and emotions are how we understand others and how we grow. Through communication with others, we learn to care, respect, and take responsibility.

Taking the initiative to integrate into society also means that we should be concerned about the development of society and the destiny of the country. As young people in the new era, we should actively participate in social construction and contribute to the development of the country. When we closely link the destiny of the individual with the destiny of the country, we will find that our own value is maximized.

In this era of change and challenge, we must bravely go out into society and experience a true and rich life. We should pay attention to society and the country while paying attention to ourselves. We must ignite the flame of hope with the blood of youth and water the seeds of dreams with the sweat of youth.

The song of youth is not only a melody that focuses on oneself, but also a movement that actively integrates into society. Let us sing to our heart's content on the stage of youth, and use our talents, enthusiasm and responsibility to write a beautiful chapter. Let us not forget the broad social world while paying attention to ourselves, and use our strength to create a better future.

In the song of youth, we realized the true meaning of life and found our own value. We pay attention to ourselves, but we pay more attention to society, because we know that only by integrating into society can our lives be more colorful. Let us walk hand in hand to compose the song of youth, let this song spread all over the earth, and inspire countless followers to move forward.

[Masterpiece Appreciation]: The Journey of the Heart: The Melody of the Integration of Self and Society

In the music of life, each young person is a unique note, both independent and in harmony with each other, weaving together the symphony of the times. We are like the rising sun, with a desire for the unknown, with dreams, embarking on the journey of life. In this journey, "focusing on ourselves" seems to have become a beacon for us to move forward, however, the pragmatic voice gently rings in our ears: "Don't forget, integrate into society, and experience a real and rich life." This voice, like a spring breeze blowing through a wheat field, evoked a deep resonance in my heart.

I was reminded of my own story, which was a story of independence and integration. I remember after graduating from university, I chose a path that few people took with a vision for the future. I came to a strange city alone and started my career. At first, I threw myself into my work and pursued the realization of my self-worth. I was obsessed with my own world, like a lonely bird, soaring in the vast sky, but forgetting the flowers and rivers around me.

However, by chance, I participated in a community volunteer activity. There, I met all kinds of people, some of them were kind old people, some were lively children, some were hard workers. Communicating with them, I heard their stories and felt their joys and sorrows. I began to realize that the world was so diverse and life was so rich, and I was just the tip of the iceberg.

Since then, I have started to try to integrate into society and experience a different life. In my spare time, I participated in various social activities and made friends from all walks of life. I share my thoughts with them and I listen to them. In the process, I found myself gradually broadening my horizons and enriching my heart. I learned to understand others, I learned to care, and I learned to give. My life has become more exciting because of it.

Integrating into society does not mean losing oneself, but allowing oneself to be forged in the crucible of society and become more mature and perfect. Just like a pearl, it can only shine when it blends into the sea. Only on the big stage of society can we show our talent and value.

However, integration into society is not an easy task. In the fast-paced modern life, people tend to focus too much on their own interests and ignore the feelings of others. To truly integrate into society, we need to learn to let go of ourselves, to care for others, to understand others, and to think about others. Only in this way can we truly experience life in a true and rich way.

When I think back on my journey, I am filled with emotion. Once I was just a lonely bird, now I am an eagle with wings spreading. All of this stems from the fact that I have learned to integrate into society and experience a different life. I believe that as long as we bravely step out of ourselves and embrace society, our lives will be more exciting.

Let's focus on ourselves at the same time, but also do not forget to integrate into society and experience a real and rich life. Let our lives be intertwined with the big stage of society and compose a symphony of the times together.

2025 College Entrance Examination Essay Prediction and Appreciation of Masterpieces: Integrate into society and experience life

[Appreciation of masterpieces]: Integrate into society and experience life

In the vast universe, the earth is like a flat boat, slowly moving forward in the long river of history. And we, as human beings living on Earth, are all sailors on this ship, and our every action affects the course of this ship. Therefore, integrating into society and experiencing life is not only the only way for everyone to grow, but also our responsibility and responsibility as members of society.

Under the cover of night, I sat alone in front of the window, gazing at the twinkling stars, which were like bonfires lit by people in ancient times, conveying warmth and hope. I think that life is like a journey, everyone is a traveler, and we are constantly searching for ourselves and our relationship with the world during the journey. And only by truly integrating into the society can we experience the ups and downs of life, and at the end of the trip, look back on the past without regrets.

I remember when I was a child, I was always immersed in my own world and indifferent to the world around me. At that time, I thought that the world was what I saw in front of me, quiet, peaceful, and undisturbed. However, as I grew older, I gradually stepped out of my own small world and began to be exposed to a wider society. I saw the prosperity of the city and the tranquility of the countryside; I have seen the glory of affluence, but also the hardships of poverty. All of this made me deeply aware of the complexity and diversity of society.

I participated in a social practice activity and went to a poor mountainous area. The children there live in poor conditions, but their eyes sparkle with a thirst for knowledge and a love for life. They are poor, but they are rich in spirit. I saw in them the spirit of perseverance and the pursuit of a better life. This experience made me deeply realize that the meaning of life does not lie in material abundance, but in the abundance of the soul and the love of life.

I also participated in an international exchange event and interacted with people from all over the world. I heard their stories and saw their lives. I learned that each country has its own unique culture, and each culture has its own value and meaning for existence. It has made me more respectful and understanding of others, and it has also made me value my own culture more.

Nowadays, I have a deep understanding that only by integrating into society can we truly experience the richness of life. I will actively participate in social activities, care for others, and contribute to society. I believe that everyone can find their own value and realize their own value in life through their own efforts.

In this era full of challenges and opportunities, we young people should take the initiative to integrate into society and experience a real and rich life. We can contribute to society by participating in volunteer activities and caring for the underprivileged. We can broaden our horizons by communicating with others and learning about different cultures and perspectives. We can contribute to the development of society by studying hard and constantly improving ourselves.

In short, only by integrating into society can we truly experience the richness of life. Let's take action together, pay attention to ourselves, and at the same time take the initiative to integrate into society and experience a real and rich life!

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