
Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

author:Director Xu Health said

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One patient was surprisingly well in the hospital, despite recently waiting for surgery for early-stage liver cancer. The retired postman spent his life on the streets of the city, but after retirement, he faced a health test.

His love of food has not changed because of his illness, especially the boiled eggs full of tea, which always allows him to find some solace in these boring hospital days.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

The liver is an important detoxification organ in the human body, and it is extremely sensitive to toxins in food. Braised eggs do not directly cause liver cancer, but excessive consumption of processed meat products, such as braised eggs, may increase the burden on the liver. A lot of salt and other condiments are usually used in the preparation of braised eggs, which can increase the saltiness and shelf life of the food to a certain extent.

Excessive salt intake is an important factor in the development of hypertension, which in turn is a potential threat to liver disease. In addition, if industrial-grade seasonings are used in the brine or if it is not stored properly, it may also contain harmful substances such as nitrites, which may be metabolized in the body and converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

Long-term excessive intake of foods high in salt and fat can lead to obesity, which is a major cause of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) may progress to cirrhosis or even liver cancer. Therefore, although braised eggs are not direct carcinogenic factors, they may indirectly increase the risk of liver cancer through this series of physiological changes.

Although Uncle Ouyang has a soft spot for braised eggs, it is indeed a dietary habit that needs to be paid attention to for liver health. Experts recommend that even healthy people should moderate their intake of processed foods like braised eggs, not to mention liver disease patients like Uncle Ouyang.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

While enjoying delicious food, you also need to be alert to the health effects of food. Food choices and intake are directly related to our long-term health, especially for those who already have health risks, and a reasonable diet is an integral part of their healthy lifestyle.

With the advice of his doctor, Uncle Ouyang began to take a serious look at his eating habits, especially those foods that may have a negative impact on liver health.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

In addition to braised eggs, there are several foods that doctors specifically point to avoid, including braised goods, hot pot, and fried chicken. Although these foods are delicious, they may pose more health risks for liver cancer patients like Uncle Ouyang.

Braised goods usually include braised beef, braised eggs, etc., and in the production process, a large amount of salt, sugar and various condiments are usually used, which not only increases the sodium content of the food, but also may contain some chemical additives, such as preservatives and colorings.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

Diets high in sodium have been widely shown to increase blood pressure and put a strain on the heart, while in patients with liver insufficiency, excessive sodium intake can also lead to edema and ascites problems. In addition, too many chemical additives may increase the detoxification burden on the liver and affect liver health.

Next up is hot pot. Although hot pot is the first choice for many people's winter dinners, for people with liver disease, the high fat, high salt and large amount of fried foods in hot pot are health risks. Hot pot base usually contains a lot of animal fats and condiments, which not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but is also something that people with liver disease need to avoid.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

High-fat foods can put more burden on the liver, which may exacerbate hepatitis or accelerate the progression of cirrhosis. In addition, processed meats commonly used in hot pot, such as meatballs and ham, contain nitrites and other preservatives, which may also cause additional damage to the liver.

As a popular fast food, fried chicken can easily overlook its health risks due to its attractive appearance and crispy texture. The preparation of fried chicken involves frying at high temperatures, which not only increases the fat content of the food, but also may produce harmful substances such as trans fats and acrylamide.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

The accumulation of these substances in the body may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and for patients with impaired liver function, such foods can undoubtedly increase their health burden.

In order to maintain liver health, in addition to avoiding these harmful foods, the doctor also recommended that Uncle Ouyang adopt a healthier diet: increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that can help protect the liver.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

Moderate intake of high-quality proteins, such as fish, chicken breasts and legumes, which not only provide the nutrients the body needs, but also avoid overburdening the liver; Proper physical activity and maintaining an optimistic mindset are also very important, which not only improves the overall health of the body, but also effectively relieves the psychological stress caused by illness.

Through these specific life and dietary adjustments, Uncle Ouyang can not only control and improve his liver disease symptoms, but also promote overall health and improve quality of life. Although these changes require a certain amount of self-control and perseverance, every bit of effort is worth it for health and longevity.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

Let's talk about Omega-3 fatty acids, which are especially helpful for the liver, especially in the prevention and treatment of hepatitis and fatty liver. Eat more Omega-3-rich fish such as salmon and mackerel, or flaxseeds, which can help reduce liver inflammation and maintain liver health.

Another point that is often overlooked is sugar intake. Eating too much simple sugar and refined carbohydrates can spike blood sugar and insulin levels, which not only puts more stress on the liver, but can also lead to insulin resistance, which can worsen liver disease. Choosing foods with a low glycemic index, such as whole grains, legumes, and those vegetables, is a smarter way to eat.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

In addition to diet, regular medical check-ups are essential. Regular tests of liver function can help identify potential problems in time for early intervention.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards life and moderate physical activity can greatly improve quality of life and help mitigate the negative effects of illness. Appropriate physical activity, such as walking, swimming, or yoga, not only boosts physical strength, but also improves mood and promotes physical and mental health.

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less

By reducing the intake of harmful substances and increasing the intake of beneficial nutrients, combined with proper physical activity and a positive mindset, everyone can contribute to their own health. While these changes require sustained effort and self-control, it's all worth it for the sake of health and longevity. (All names have been changed)

What do you think about liver cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

[1] Xu Lu. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Pharmaceutical Services in Patients with Hepatitis B Cirrhosis by Drug Treatment Management Combined with PCNE Classification System, Herald of Medicine, 2024-06-01

Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less
Is braised eggs the "fuse" of liver cancer? Doctor's warning: If you want to have a healthy liver, remember to touch 3 things less