
Defeat but not discouraged, "Brother Aerospace", you boldly move forward!

author:Wen Fengyuan

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Defeat but not discouraged, "Brother Aerospace", you boldly move forward!

Original title: Chapter 402 Defeat but not discouraged, "Brother Aerospace", you boldly move forward! Lack of patient capital and unwillingness to burn money are the biggest weaknesses of scientific and technological innovation!

Author: Shi Xingming# Dean Jiang talks about aerospace ##天兵科技 #巩义火箭坠落 #

Among the "three musketeers" in the development of new quality productive forces, the "Heavenly Soldiers" have always been the leaders in the "commercial aerospace" among them, and they are highly favored by the investment community. The accident in the "Tianlong-3" test has become a matter of general concern in society. The mainland's commercial aerospace projects are basically the personnel of the former national team, and they feel that the innovation environment in the system is not active enough, so they "jump out of the three realms and are not in the five elements" to start their own businesses. Therefore, the people who are currently active in the field of commercial aerospace entrepreneurship are not "ignorant", but more knowledgeable!

Defeat but not discouraged, "Brother Aerospace", you boldly move forward!

The problem with "Tianlong-3" this time is actually not a big deal, scientific research? How can it be smooth sailing? If the test site is placed in the northwest desert, it is a lonely smoke. "Lonely Smoke in the Desert" can't have such a big impact, it's not a matter at all! The question is, why didn't Tianbing Technology put this kind of risky experiment in the Great Northwest to do it?

Defeat but not discouraged, "Brother Aerospace", you boldly move forward!

There are two reasons for this, one is to go to this kind of project, if there is no local government guidance fund support at the beginning, the social fund will not dare to go on. And the local government has given money and policies, which is more or less to reflect the "political achievements" purchased, so it will never agree to Tianbing Technology to take the money invested by the local government and go to other places to blossom and bear fruit, wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others! Therefore, the test base project that has landed in Henan will be done in Henan!

The second reason is that there is not enough money, and the money is not enough to be supplemented by "policies". If you have the money and the test base is located in the Great Northwest, it is the best choice! But the money our capital invests in commercial aerospace is a drop in the bucket compared to Musk, and it is simply a world of difference.

Defeat but not discouraged, "Brother Aerospace", you boldly move forward!

Therefore, in recent years, some big names in aerospace have come to me and hope that I will support them in their commercial aerospace entrepreneurship, and I will do my best to support them. But I also told them that your ability to do this is fine, but there is a problem with China's financial ability. I have repeatedly explained to them that the foundation of scientific and technological innovation is financial innovation, and without solid financial support as the foundation, it is difficult to carry out projects such as commercial aerospace. Let's talk about "Tianbing Technology", the valuation is 15 billion, but the actual financing is only 4 billion, less than 25% of the valuation. If the premium is not so high, the actual financing amount reaches one-third of the valuation, and the financing is 1 billion more, and then the test base is built in the northwest with this 1 billion yuan, then the occurrence of this accident will not bubble up in the society.

Scientific and technological innovation is to burn money, and if you don't burn money, how can you innovate in science and technology. The lack of patient capital and the unwillingness to burn money are precisely the biggest weakness of the mainland's scientific and technological innovation in the future! If something happens to the development of aerospace, it is also a kind of material injury, and we will inevitably be sad. I hope that commercial aerospace will hold on, "brother", you will boldly move forward!

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