
Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

author:Jin Yan documentary


Recently, the quadrennial mayoral election in Tokyo, Japan, began, and its campaign is no less intense than that of Beijing.

But if you think that elections are solemn and serious, then you are wrong!

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

This year's Tokyo election came to a group of "cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods", and after watching it for a long time, I couldn't pick out a normal one from it.

Secondary 2 clown

First of all, the first candidate came up and couldn't fix the person, he played the role of a clown, came up and burst into laughter for three minutes, and moved the stool to the table and laughed in circles.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

When he finished laughing, he began to sit down and prepare for a blockbuster, and the first words he uttered left the audience speechless.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

The Joker said that his policy was to change Chiba Prefecture to Disneyland, and that the sea should not be called the sea in the future, but should be called sea (the English word for sea), and just when everyone thought it was outrageous, he continued.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

"I hated the word trash, so I'm going to rename trash to Star Shards." Good guys, many netizens said that they would go out to take out the garbage in the future and say that they would pour out the fragments of the stars.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

This is not the most exaggerated, the most exaggerated is that he promoted "polygamy" in Japan as a way to solve the problem of low fertility, and to legalize prostitution and revitalize the Japanese economy by supporting the sex industry.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

This clown's policy really did not disappoint the majority of netizens, and they all supported Japan's return to the "old business", but he was invited to tea by the Metropolitan Police Department overnight because he invited the actress to take a photo for publicity.


In the 2020 election, he played the role of Kazuki Goto in "Rebellious Lelousho", and the poster title was: Katsuki Goto ordered you to vote for me.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

was so frightened that the production company of "Rebellious Lelouch" issued a statement overnight saying that this person had nothing to do with him and had no authorization.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

In his 2020 campaign, after taking the stage, he unexpectedly took off all his clothes and lay down on the podium to sleep, and he inexplicably gained a lot of support for advocating that the film should not be coded.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

This year, he wore a pink wig and dressed as a pseudo-lady to campaign, and his poster praised love and peace, but he himself is a xenophobia, and his continuous participation can't help but make the editor look forward to his abstract performance in 2024.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Open bribery

Do you think it's just a person who likes role-playing, in addition to the pseudo-mother, there is even a person who plays Cheng Yanzhu to run for election, and he openly bribed the audience in front of the screen in the interview.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Yan Zhu said that if he is elected, he will directly give 100,000 yen to all Tokyo citizens!

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Good guy, it's the first time I've seen my fellow villagers when I take office, do you really want to bribe the audience in public?

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

However, some netizens in Japan said that 100,000 yuan is the most unattractive, and the Japanese government basically pays money every six months.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

It's hot in Tokyo

None of the above is particularly exaggerated, the most exaggerated is this one.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Looking at the photo, the female senator is quite normal, but when she said for two minutes, she suddenly said that she was so hot and nervous, and then the lady actually took off her clothes!

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

After taking it off, she said to the camera that she was not only cute but also sexy, it was really a big deal, this female senator is called Airi Uchino, and when she took off her clothes and showed her figure to the camera, she took off her glasses again.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

At the same time, he said to the audience, "I'm cute without glasses." ”

For her operation, the majority of netizens suddenly had nothing to say, looking at the live broadcast screen, this female senator is really "clothes", and at the same time, the "clothes" that the audience can see are still unfinished.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?
Airi Uchino expressed three political opinions in the video, namely: please be friends with Airi Uchino, promote Airi Uchino's social accounts, and let everyone know Airi Uchino.
Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

In front of Auri Uchino, she wrote her own title "Come and see my political opinions", including his slogan, which is also inseparable from cuteness: I am a cute messenger, the chairman of the cute factory, and a cute goddess, but she is 31 years old this year.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

After sharing these, Airi Uchino began to let people follow her social accounts, and said in the live broadcast room that she would reply to private messages.

Older age

Anyway, the young ones are making trouble, and this 96-year-old election immortal also resolutely joined the competition among young people.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

After the interview clip, I learned that the 96-year-old man said that he was rich and just wanted to experience what it was like to be a politician, and said that it was already difficult for him to speak at his age, but it didn't matter, he made an intelligent model to help him reply.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

According to the editor, this old man is still an inventor, and the machine in the small steel ball shop in Japan was invented by this old man, and since the invention of the machine became rich, he has become more enthusiastic about invention.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Recently, he published an idea of adding a nuclear reactor to the snow plow, so that the snow could melt away and it would not be difficult to clean up, and his idea frightened the Japanese Patent Office overnight to hold the old man down and persuade him not to invent blindly.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

In addition to the old man, there is even a virtual person with an official age of 51 who came to join in the fun, and AI is also running for mayor, otherwise the Japanese are far ahead of the rest of their mental state.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Now there is no need for the future, AI is really going to rule mankind.

Election mechanism

In addition to people, some pet lovers even put their pets as candidates and posted them on the billboard.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

I believe everyone is puzzled why so many people will come up and go crazy in such an official election, because the mayoral election mechanism in Tokyo, Japan, is that as long as you pay money, you can become a candidate, and you can also have your own billboard in the streets and alleys.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Therefore, for the sake of popularity, some associations elect a spokesperson to participate in the promotion of their own associations, so it is normal to be abstract.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Netizens commented that NHK has no political opinions at all, and their propaganda boards are sold to people who want to get out of the circle and do things, except for the Shiba Inu, which their party leader particularly likes.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

There was also a headline party on the political propaganda column before, and after clicking on it, it was found that it was a dating software and related reports involving wire fraud.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?


Seeing that netizens here are puzzled, why is the Tokyo mayoral election so casual, like child's play, but it has not had any impact in their local area, and it is very common to see the reaction of Japanese netizens, and even think that this is a normal phenomenon.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

The editor thinks it may be because Japanese culture is more tolerant, and some netizens think that it is because Japan's moral level is generally low, after all, there are rumors that they once voted for a virtual anime character to be the prime minister.

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

Some netizens added Sun Xiaochuan to the list of candidates and threatened to vote for Sun Xiaochuan as the emperor, so what do you think about the mayoral election of Tokyo, Japan?

Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?
Source: Wushan Rong Media
Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?
Source: Hong Kong Satellite TV
Asking for polygamy, bribing the audience, and women undressing on the spot, how turbulent is the mayoral election in Japan?

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