
How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

author:Mobile phone tips sharing

Douyin is one of the short video platforms we commonly use, and in order to facilitate login and payment, most people have bound their own or other people's mobile phone numbers. However, due to some reasons, I don't want to use this Douyin account anymore and want to release the mobile phone number, so when I need to unbind the mobile phone number, many people find that they can't unbind it directly. So what to do? Today I will teach you the method by hand, and I am afraid that I can't remember the likes and collections of videos, so let's learn about them if you are interested.

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

First open Tik Tok, (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

After opening, you need to find the place where you can unbind or rebind, click Me in the lower right corner, (as shown in the picture above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

Then select the three bars in the upper right corner to enter the page, (as shown in the figure above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

Click here for settings. (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

After entering the settings, find Account & Security and turn it on, (as shown in the picture above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

At this time, you can see the binding of the mobile phone number, click in, (as shown in the picture above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

Then select OK Replacement. (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

Here, you will be asked to enter your original mobile phone number, and select Next after entering it as required. (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

Once you receive the verification code, enter it and select Next, (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!
How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

Next, you need to enter a new mobile phone number, fill in the new mobile phone number as required, and select SMS verification code. (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!
How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

When I use a new Douyin account, it will show that there is an account conflict with the bound mobile phone number. At this time, two options will appear, how to unbind the current account? (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

First, bind with a different mobile phone number, and both accounts can be kept. But because the Douyin account I am using now has been blocked and I want to get this number out, the first method is not available, (as shown in the picture above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

We choose the second one, continue to bind with the new mobile phone number, and need to cancel the original account. (as shown in the image above)

How does Douyin unbind a mobile phone number instead of changing it? Teach you how to do it!

Enter this interface, you can see that there is a "OK and log out" function, click to log out. (as shown in the image above)

After the cancellation is successful, the original mobile phone number will be unbound and no longer bound to any Douyin account. However, this takes a certain amount of time to be reviewed, and there are certain requirements. What are the conditions for deregistration? First, the account is in a secure state; Second, the account property has been settled and the transaction has been completed; Third, the account authorization binding has been terminated; Fourth, there are no disputes in the account, including but not limited to complaints or reports, and the services have been completed or have been voluntarily abandoned. If you meet these four conditions, you can successfully unbind your number and re-register it after 7 working days. If you don't meet the above conditions, you can't unbind!

That's all for today's video, I hope this video can help everyone. If you still haven't learned or understood, read it a few times or share it with family and friends who need it. Thank you very much for your support, and we'll see you in the next video.

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