
The United States is preparing for war, who is going to be unlucky this time?

author:Confused Hachi

The United States is recently preparing for a war, and this war is likely to be the largest since World War II.

Why do I say that?

The United States is preparing for war, who is going to be unlucky this time?

Recently, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a mandatory conscription bill that requires Americans between the ages of 18 and 26 to register with the enlistment.

Looking back at history, we will find that in 1940, nine years after World War II, when the United States had not yet entered the war, the Roosevelt Act introduced the Selective Training and Service Act, and in December 1941, the United States officially entered World War II.

Mass conscription in the United States ended after the Vietnam War and was replaced by a volunteer system, which has been in place for 50 years

With the passage of this mandatory conscription bill this time, it is not difficult for us to find that the United States is preparing for war.

So which country will the United States deal with this time?

The United States is preparing for war, who is going to be unlucky this time?

Judging by the information obtained personally, there are two countries that are most likely, one is Belarus and the other is Lebanon.

My judgment is also very simple for the United States to deal with these two countries, and the United States is evacuating Chinese nationals from these two countries.

But why these two countries?

I think everyone knows very well that the relationship between Belarus and Russia is that although it is said to be two countries, in fact it is not very different from one country.

Now that Russia is mired in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it is difficult to support Belarus separately, and the United States attacking Belarus at this time can not only involve the pace of Russia's attack on Ukraine, but also drag Russia down.

Lebanon's reason is that Israel wants to attack Lebanon, which seems a bit far-fetched, right?

In fact, it is not far-fetched at all, in addition to the Jewish occupation of the United States, there is also a reason that Israel is the last foothold of the United States in the Middle East, and the United States will lose all its interests in the Middle East without Israel.

In the end, the decision on which country to attack will depend on how the United States calculates the benefits it can obtain.

In the end, the main concern is when will the war start?

The United States is preparing for war, who is going to be unlucky this time?

In fact, in the face of war, the United States values interests more than fairness and justice, and the most beneficial thing for the United States in war is not to participate in the war, but to be an arms dealer.

During World War I, the United States sold more than 500 million yuan in arms to Britain, while Britain's annual military expenditure was only 690 million yuan.

Before World War II, the United States lent more than $10 billion to Germany and exported $703.9 million to Japan, nearly 70 percent of which were military supplies.

In the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States has also sold more than $60 billion in arms to Ukraine, so the most beneficial thing for the United States is to sell arms.

Participation in the war will only be intervened by the United States at the end of the war, because at this time the benefits of the arms trade have been greatly reduced, and it is most advantageous to use it as a resource to defeat and divide the defeated country.

Now it's the same, the United States still wants to be its own arms dealer, but this time the situation is completely different from the previous two times.

On the previous two occasions, the United States was able to stay out of the matter and become an arms dealer, mainly because the contradiction that broke out in the war was the contradiction between the participating countries, and this time the participating countries on one side were bent on pulling the United States into the water.

In addition, the internal problems of the United States are also something to consider.

The problem of unemployment in the United States is very serious now, and there are two ways to solve the problem of unemployment, one is to create more jobs, and the other is to reduce the number of unemployed.

Finally, let's end the article with a single sentence.

The unipolar world is over, and it's time to wake up from the dream.

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