
17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

author:Transcript of Xiao Sun's war
17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

Recently, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) held an emergency meeting to approve a military operation code-named Operation Raptor.

The main objective of the operation was to destroy Allah fire positions in southern Lebanon, a step intended to clear the way for subsequent Israeli military action against Hamas.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

The conflict was triggered by a Allah attack that fired several rockets at Israel's northern border, killing three Israeli soldiers.

The attack infuriated the IDF, which responded quickly with heavy artillery shelling to destroy several positions of Allah.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

At a summit of 17 member states, the League of Arab States voted no longer to list Allah as an "armed group."

This resolution has exerted significant international pressure on Israel and has further complicated the situation.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

Israel is trying to weaken Allah through military action in order to reduce the threat from Lebanon.

Allah, for its part, has used the support of the League of Arab States to strengthen its position in regional politics.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

The Israeli military announced the launch of a large-scale military strike program codenamed Operation Raptor, vowing to completely eliminate Allah's armed strongholds in day and night raids.

The war is expected to be in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, a strategic location that has historically been a hotspot of conflict and an important base for Allah.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

As one of the most powerful non-state armed forces in the Middle East, Allah's military strength should not be underestimated.

In terms of equipment, Allah has a wide variety of technologically advanced weapons systems, including anti-tank ballistic weapons and anti-ship ballistic weapons, which are enough to pose a serious threat to Israel's ground and sea forces.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

In particular, its "Genie" anti-tank ballistic weapons, a weapon system known as "tank killers", are capable of delivering lethal blows to Israel's main battle tanks and armored vehicles.

In addition to traditional weapons, the development of Allah in drone technology is also eye-catching.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

They utilize a modified civilian drone, giving it precision guidance capabilities that allow it to reach a range of up to 300 kilometers.

These drones can not only conduct reconnaissance, but also carry small ammunition to deliver pinpoint strikes against key targets in Israel.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

In the face of such a formidable adversary, Israel has developed a well-thought-out battle plan in this "Operation Raptor".

The Israeli Air Force will take the lead in launching large-scale air strikes to destroy Allah's air defense systems and command centers, clearing the way for a surprise attack by ground forces.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

Israeli special forces will then break into Allah's hidden strongholds at night to conduct close-quarters combat and clearance operations.

The terrain of the Bekaa Valley is complex, and Allah is well aware of the terrain and has long established a defense system in depth here.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

Whether Israel will be able to achieve a decisive victory in a short period of time remains a huge unknown.

Lebanon's Allah party (Hezbollah) has been an important and influential armed group in the Middle East since the 1980s.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

Allah is not just a military force, but also has significant political, social and economic influence in Lebanon.

More crucially, Allah has long enjoyed strong support from Iran.

Iran's funding, weapons and training have enabled Allah to grow and become a menacing presence in the Middle East.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

Iran's relations with Allah date back to the early 1980s, when Iran's Islamic Revolution was just successful and it was in dire need of allies in the region to expand its influence.

Allah has become Iran's natural partner because of the high degree of ideological compatibility between the two sides.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

By supporting Allah, Iran has been able to establish a solid proxy in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East.

Over time, Israel's conflict with Allah escalated.

A clear example of this is the Lebanese War of 2006, which resulted in a large number of civilian casualties and huge economic losses, with neither side able to achieve a decisive victory.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

The conflict has also exposed Allah's military capabilities and Iran's support for it.

The war between the United States and Israel on one side and Iran and Allah on the other is a battle of complex international relations and geopolitical interests.

Once again, the situation in the Middle East has reached a critical crossroads.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

As the antagonism between Israel and Allah escalates, a new, larger conflict seems to be brewing.

Israel's attack on Allah is intensifying, and Allah is actively preparing for a possible all-out war.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

If Iran continues to support Allah, the conflict is likely to be confined to Lebanon and Israel, but will trigger a ripple effect throughout the Middle East.

Regional conflicts could quickly escalate, attracting the participation of other powers, such as Russia and the United States, which would lead to significant changes in the global geopolitical landscape.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed

The "powder keg of the world", the outbreak of any war has the potential to trigger a global chain reaction.

The conflict between Israel and Allah is not just a war between two countries, but a microcosm of a multinational game and a reflection of a complex geopolitical situation.

17 countries make big decisions! It is a major blow to Israel, so that it will not be reined in or will be destroyed
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