
The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

author:Shanyu chats about the world
The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children
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The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

In the spring of 2019, Tianhe Matchmaking Agency in the heart of Shanghai welcomed a special guest. The 90-year-old Mr. Qin staggered into the door, but his eyes flashed with determination.

When the staff asked him if he was looking for a partner for his juniors, Mr. Qin shook his head lightly and replied with a smile: "I'm here for myself."

This unexpected answer caught the attention of Chu Jing, the person in charge of the marriage agency. However, no one thought that this seemingly ordinary marriage request would uncover a family past that had been sealed for more than 40 years.

What's even more surprising is that Chu Jing will be the key figure connecting this lost family relationship. This ordinary day is destined to become an important turning point in Mr. Qin's life.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

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In a corner of Tianhe Marriage Agency, Mr. Qin sat on a comfortable sofa with deep eyes, as if he had traveled back in time and space to the past. He told Chu Jing about his ups and downs in life, and his voice was low and vicissitudes.

When he was young, Mr. Qin was full of spirit and held important positions in the army. The first marriage brought a sweet life, and together with his wife, he gave birth to a pair of lively and lovely children.

However, as time went on, his busy schedule led him to neglect his family responsibilities. The relationship between the husband and wife gradually deteriorated, and finally came to the end of divorce.

After the divorce, a pair of children were raised by their ex-wife. At first, Mr. Qin could still see the children from time to time, but for some reason, his ex-wife suddenly disappeared with the children.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

In this way, he lost contact with his biological flesh and blood, and he was not heard from for more than 40 years.

Recalling the past, Mr. Qin's eyes flashed with complicated emotions. He described softly: "My daughter has been smart and clever since she was a child, excellent in character and learning, and outstanding in eloquence; My youngest son has a naughty personality but looks a lot like me.

When he said this, the lovely pair of children seemed to be right in front of him, but they were out of reach.

Time flies, Mr. Qin later remarried and spent a happy old age with his second wife. However, fate played a trick again, and his second wife also passed away many years ago.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

Mr. Qin, who has entered his 90s, is once again facing a lonely life.

In order to escape his loneliness, he tried to live in a nursing home. But soon, Mr. Qin found that life there was not as good as he imagined. "The days in the nursing home are so lonely!" "Every day feels like I'm stuck on an island.

After only a month, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to move out.

It was this desire for life and longing for family affection that drove Mr. Qin to come to the marriage agency. He heard about the new way of providing for the elderly, and hoped to find someone who could not only take care of each other, but also find heirs for his property.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

However, fate had an unexpected surprise in store for him. This marriage journey, not only did not find a new partner, but became an opportunity for him to reconnect with his lost family.

Mr. Qin would not have imagined that he was about to embark on a wonderful journey to find his relatives and regain the most precious relatives in his life.

Chu Jing, the person in charge of Tianhe Matchmaking, originally thought that this was just an ordinary customer reception. However, when she listened to Mr. Qin's story, her heart set off turbulent waves.

She carefully inquired about the details of Mr. Qin's ex-wife, and suddenly realized a shocking fact: Mr. Qin's ex-wife turned out to be a friend she hadn't seen for many years! Chu Jing's heart raced, and she asked for more details in disbelief, and every answer confirmed her guess.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

After confirming that it was correct, Chu Jing took a deep breath and said cautiously: "Sir, I'm sorry to tell you that your ex-wife passed away in 2011.

She explained that she had heard the news from other friends because they hadn't been in touch for a long time.

This sudden news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, shattering Mr. Qin's hope of reunion. He sat there, his eyes filled with sadness and confusion. Chu Jing looked at the old man in front of him who had experienced many vicissitudes, and a strong sense of mission surged in his heart.

"Old sir," Chu Jing said softly, "although your ex-wife is dead, we may still be able to find your children. Would you like me to try it? "

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

Mr. Qin raised his head, and a spark of hope was rekindled in his eyes. He held Chu Jing's hand tightly, and said in a trembling voice, "Please, this may be my last wish in this life."

In this way, Chu Jing changed from the person in charge of a marriage agency to a messenger to find relatives. She embarked on a difficult search journey, contacting former colleagues, finding old addresses, and even tapping into her network in the United States.

In the process, Chu Jing experienced countless disappointments and setbacks. She first went to the unit where Mr. Qin's ex-wife worked before her death, hoping to get valuable information from her colleagues, but found nothing.

Subsequently, she inquired through various channels and finally learned that Mr. Qin's ex-wife had emigrated to the United States more than 20 years ago. This news made Chu Jing feel depressed for a while, and felt that the road to finding relatives was even more elusive.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

But whenever she remembered Mr. Qin's expectant eyes, she would cheer up again. She contacted her partner in the United States, a matchmaking company, and asked for their help in finding Mr. Qin's daughter.

Chu Jing's persistence and hard work have finally paid off. With the help of her American partners, she was able to obtain information about Mr. Qin's daughter. When she learned that Ms. Qin had also been looking for her father, she was filled with relief and emotion.

Chu Jing secretly vowed to help the old man realize his dream and reunite the family that had been separated for many years. She is convinced that there is a mysterious force that makes her the key person connecting this lost family relationship.

Chu Jing's unremitting efforts finally ushered in a turnaround. Through a partner in the United States, she successfully contacted Ms. Qin, the daughter of Mr. Qin. When Chu Jing spoke to Ms. Qin for the first time, there was a suppressed crying voice on the other end of the phone.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

"My brother and I have been looking for our father all these years," Ms. Qin said, choking up, "and we even doubt that he is still alive...... "She recounts the hardships of finding his father over the years, her voice full of mixed emotions.

Chu Jing patiently explained the whole incident to Ms. Qin, describing how Mr. Qin came to the marriage agency by chance and how difficult it was to find them. After Ms. Qin heard this, tears fell like rain, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

Under Chu Jing's careful arrangement, the father and daughter finally had their first video call. The moment the picture is connected, time seems to go back in time. Mr. Qin looked at his middle-aged daughter on the screen, and tears blurred his eyes.

The video call across the ocean lasted a full hour. Ms. Qin told her father about her life in the United States and her 8-year-old son. The little boy called "Grandpa" in jerky Chinese, which made Mr. Qin very happy.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

During the call, Ms. Qin spoke in detail about her family situation. It turned out that she immigrated to the United States with her mother 20 years ago, where she started her own family and married an American man.

She introduced her husband to her father, and the foreign son-in-law greeted his father-in-law, whom he had met for the first time, somewhat crampedly.

Seeing that his daughter now has a happy family, Mr. Qin feels extremely gratified. Despite the passage of time and the fact that things are not people, the emotional bond between father and daughter is still deep.

At the end of the call, Ms. Qin said firmly: "Dad, I miss you very much, and I will definitely return to China to see you as soon as possible!" Mr. Qin smiled and nodded, his eyes full of anticipation.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

This unexpected reunion not only filled the gap in their hearts for many years, but also brought new hope to this family that had experienced many vicissitudes.

In June 2019, after more than 40 years of waiting, Mr. Qin finally ushered in the precious moment of reunion with his children. The moment Ms. Qin and her younger brother, Mr. Qin, stepped into the room, time seemed to stand still.

Mr. Qin stood up tremblingly and opened his arms.

Ms. Qin clasped her father's hand and said in a choked voice: "Father, my mother is still worried about you when she is dying, and tells us to find you." We used to mistakenly think that you might have passed away......" Mr. Qin stroked his daughter's back and nodded wordlessly, with mixed emotions in his eyes.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

Unlike his sister, Mr. Qin seemed a little reserved at first. For him, the father is more of a vague concept than a concrete person. His memory of his father was already very weak, and it was difficult to adapt to this sudden family affection for a while.

But as time went on, the relationship between father and son gradually warmed up, and the estrangement between them slowly dissolved.

In order to make up for the lost time, Mr. Qin moved to his son's house to live with him. At first, Mr. Qin felt a little uncomfortable with his father's nagging, but he quickly adapted to the life of an elderly person in the family.

He slowly realized the profound meaning of "there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure", and felt the sense of security and warmth brought by his father's existence.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

This reunion not only filled the emptiness of Mr. Qin's later years, but also brought new vitality and hope to the Qin family. The lost family affection has rejuvenated the family, demonstrating the preciousness of blood relations and the power of family affection.

After the reunion, the Qin family is facing new challenges and opportunities. The outbreak of the new crown epidemic in 2020 has put this newly reunited family through the test again.

Ms. Qin, who is in the United States, has become the person Mr. Qin is most concerned about. Every day, he has a video call with his daughter, and his voice is full of worry: "The epidemic in the United States is too serious, you must be more careful."

Despite being in a foreign country, Ms. Qin has never neglected her love for her father, and often asks for warmth, so that the elderly can feel the warmth of the ocean.

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

Mr. Qin also gradually understood the value of his father. "Although I don't have a deep memory of my father, it always makes me feel at ease knowing that he is there," he said.

This feeling has never been felt before.

For Mr. Qin, the loneliness of his later years is a thing of the past. His life was filled with the love of his children, and the hollowness in his heart was soothed by the family affection he found. Despite his age, his eyes were brighter than ever.

This reunited family has witnessed the wonderful arrangement of fate and the powerful power of family affection. Their story may be as Chu Jing said: "In the dark, there is always a force guiding us."

The old man went to the marriage agency to ask for marriage, but his wife was not found, and he accidentally found his long-lost children

"The experience of the Qin family is not only a heartwarming chapter for themselves, but also a source of hope and inspiration for many families facing similar difficulties.

In this story of family reunion, we see the resilience of life, the power of family affection, and the spirit of never giving up. It reminds us that no matter how the years pass, the sincere family relationship is always worth cherishing and maintaining.

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