
The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

author:Let's go with the fish

The strongest fishing method for wild fishing, the high-eyed eight-figure ring bottom-touching fishing method. You can catch a fish with a strong mouth, and you can catch it with a weak mouth. There are small trash fish that can also be fished. If you are learning a variety of fishing methods, what tunes five to fish three, tune four to fish two, to sink to the bottom, love to eat or not. That can only mean one thing, you understand the fishing game, and you start to change from a rookie to a wild fishing master. It's definitely a game of wild fishing. At the same time, there is a particularly interesting thing. The more I don't understand, the more elementary school students I like, the more fancy they are, and they are very fond of toughness. Note! We're talking about wild fishing! Fish ponds and athletic ponds are not easy to use. Well, it's still the same sentence, it's not that the fisherman can't write it, and you can't understand it if it's not the fisherman.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

Straight to the dry goods! It's just stunned! Let those scientists who are fishing have no way out.

Before starting, according to our old rules, let's talk about the underlying logic of fishing, what we call fishing, in fact, is the habit of fishing. Whoever dares to say that fishing is put aside from the habits of fish, it must be fooling you. It is up to you to decide how many fish you catch today. It's up to your nest to decide. If you don't have a fish, you catch a hammer. Choosing a fishing spot is the best proof of the fish's habits. Fish can't just find a place to stay and stop. The reason why he stopped in this place to forage for food was because of the oxygen, safety, and food that met his needs. In other words, your nest will only work if there are fish near the spot you choose. Why is the fishing position so favored by anglers? In the final analysis, it is caused by the low density of fish in the wild fishing environment. Not every place has fish.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

Nowadays, many of our anglers have the idea of luring fish with bait. In fact, this is all caused by watching too many fishing videos. Our fishing videos today are more like an advertisement, with many masters and anchors performing bait lure in a very dense black pit. We anglers mistakenly thought that the master's burst was caused by good bait and good equipment. In fact, the most important thing it doesn't tell you is that the density of black pit fish is very high, and the waters of the black pit are relatively small and the terrain is relatively flat. Therefore, it is possible to lure the fish with high atomization bait and large flavor type. And many of our anglers just believe it, and move these so-called burst fishing methods and burst bait to the black pit in the wild. Have you ever succeeded? You've only succeeded in making a ghost.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

Straight to the point.

First, the high-eyed eight-character ring has bottomed out! The king of wild fishing!

Although it is said that the plumb sinker has touched the bottom, it is a better fishing method in wild fishing. However, it is also necessary to consider the actual situation. In the summer you use the cannon lead this modulation, no problem. However, in the spring and winter seasons when the water temperature is low and the activity is not high, the fish do not swim much after eating the bait. It's a little tired. Similarly, in summer, due to the lack of oxygen caused by the weather and water temperature, there will also be a phenomenon that the fish do not eat bait actively, do not swim in the water, and the speed is slow. So! In this case, the bottoming fishing method is a little more sensitive than the big run. Able to react to weak mouths.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

There is another important point that many people don't know or don't want to say. That is, you want to give your float enough margin for error. Let's give you an example, why when the Seven Stars catch a relatively large fish, after the float is pulled away by the fish, you will hit when you lift the rod. And our vertical drifting, after the two-eye black drift, when lifting the rod, many times it is the phenomenon of empty poles. Actually, there is a very key point here. That's long enough distance to tell if it's a fish rubbing line. Or the fish ate the hook. We have seven beans in the Seven Stars, and if three beans fall into the water, then the four beans on the top are very far apart. When the seven stars are bleached and drifted, it is equivalent to four beans plus the space in between, and this large margin is enough for you to tell whether it is rubbing the line or the fish running away with a hook in its mouth. For example, the middle compartment is 5cm. Four grids. At least 15cm. As for why it's not 20, it's a math problem, and everyone thinks about it for themselves.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

So we fished for two black drifts. You can't tell if it's a fish rubbing a line or a small fish moving a short distance with a hook in its mouth. If the tail of a large fish touches the line, it moves straight forward by 3 cm. It stopped. Then at this time, if your float is high enough, you can clearly see that the fish is rubbing against the line. There is no need to mention it, it is either anchored to the fish or frightened.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

The method of touching the bottom of the high-mesh eight-figure ring is also very simple, that is, without a fishing hook, the number of meshes you want, ten meshes, eight meshes, and then push up the float to find the bottom. When the number of meshes exposed by the float is equal to or slightly higher than your mesh, it means that your plumb sinker has hit the bottom, and then take out another artifact of yours. Short strands. If you tie it yourself, then there is no problem, 3~5cm, 5~8cm is fine. If it is a finished product, it is very responsible to tell you here that the strand of the 45cm lower line is cut at 2/3 or 1/3, and then the knot is exactly the length of the short strand. In short, the higher the sensitivity, the lower your strands. If it really doesn't work, you can go through the hook with a single line.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

2. Correctly understand sensitivity!

Many anglers who have just learned to fish look down on the fishing method of sinking to the bottom because they think that it is a sinker. Then you have to get to know Linghodon correctly. We don't want to explain too much here, just say one sentence, and you can figure it out for yourself. For the fisherman it is the spirit, then for the fisherman it is the ton, for the fisherman it is the spirit. In short, the fish in the pond are not the same as the ones you see in the video. Because those fish are farmed fish, they have pellet feeders to the surface of the water every day to shoot floating water pellets, so they no longer eat bait with their heads down, but look up to eat bait.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

Wild fish, it's not like that, wild fish. So to tell you, even if half of your bait falls into the mud, he'll find a way to get it out for you. Wild fish have a habit of eating bait with their heads down, which also creates a problem, if your float is adjusted too sensitively, the remaining buoyancy of the float is relatively large. Then when the fish is underwater, they don't just have to suck your bait into their mouths. You also have to overcome the remaining buoyancy of your float in order to pull the float down. For example, if you use a 3g float, the small crucian carp will not be able to pull it. Of course, what we're talking about here is the signal to the mouth is the strength of the fish to suck the bait. It's not that after the hook hooks the fish's mouth, the fish runs with the hook, and that strength can't be compared. It's huge. There is no such phenomenon when the plumb sinker bottoms out. The fish only need to suck the hook and bait into their mouths. The whole bait suction action is completed.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

3. A short line or a single-line hook is a sharp weapon for wild fishing.

Regarding the blind spot of the double hook of Taiwan fishing, we have already talked about it in many articles, so I will not repeat it here, and I am interested in turning over our previous articles. In short, the advantage of the short line is that when the fish comes from above to absorb the ear material, as long as it raises its head slightly, it can make your float produce a floating signal. As long as the fish swings its head to the right, it will make your float pause. In the same way, a single-wire hook can also be used. The underlying core logic is: In order for your float to signal, the fish must move your hook to drive the sinker and drive the main line. Floating. So the shorter your strand is. The more agile you are when you go wild fishing. The closer the hook sinker is to the hook, the more sensitive you are.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

First, there are many benefits of the plumb sinker bottoming out.

1. There are few big fish.

Big fish are few. Then it means that there are more small fish, yes. The most annoying thing in wild fishing is the small trash fish. They can be so crazy that you feel the urge to kick your rod off. But as soon as your bait atomizes and drops, your float stays in mid-air a little longer. Then they will definitely not let you go. So the real wild fishing master, have you seen which fairy used the big flying lead, small flying lead long line to go wild fishing for big carp. Even if you have it in your nest, will you be able to bait to the end? The little trash fish are rampant, not to mention your bait, even corn and wheat can lead you around. Floats can dance, I want to ask what's wrong? How are you guys who use the Big Fly lead fishing method related to fish? By the way, by the way, those little trash fish should use scented bait, we have long said don't fish in the house, don't sit in the office, you go fishing by yourself, you try. Isn't this a typical detachment from the underlying reality? So for wild fishing, you're going to have to sink your plumb a little bit. Let him get to the end quickly and reduce the amount of time the bait stays in mid-air.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

2. There are few big fish.

In wild fishing, not to mention that there are few big fish of ten catties or eight catties, the number of crucian carp of half catty and one catty is very small. Why do you want to pay special attention to the small number of fish? That's because we're going to take advantage of the habits of another fish. That is, the number of fish in the nest is large, the vigilance of the fish is small, and the speed of eating fish will be faster. The better the state will be when you eat the bait. The number of big fish is small, the relative vigilance is large, and the nest is a little windy. will escape from the nest, and safety is more important to them than anything. For example, in the shallows in spring, you will only see the largest fish of three or five catties, and the real fish of ten catties and eight catties, and the temperature of the shoals will not come to him no matter how suitable it is. Because it's not safe, for example, on the shore, you just hit a bucket of nest material, and no matter how good the nest material is. Big fish also don't come during the day because of safety. Therefore, the advantage of the plumb sinker bottoming fishing method is that it does not disturb the nest. It doesn't require frequent pumping like we do with a few tunings. It turns out that crucian carp caught with lure must be smaller than crucian carp caught with earthworms or wheat for a long time without lifting a rod. Think about it yourself, and if you dare to say it, you will dare to protect you.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

3. There are few big fish.

You will find that the wild fishing is a few and a wave. Unless you're particularly lucky, and you hit it directly in the fish's nest. Or maybe the fish happens to be in your nest and cruising to your nest. So it's useless for you to stick to high frequencies! Because it is the location, not the bait, that determines how quickly the fish enter the nest. It's determined by the time the cruising fish find your bait. If the density of the fish is high, then the less time it will find your bait. If you're fishing for a smaller area, the shorter the time it will take for the cruising fish to find your bait. That's why in the wild fishing environment, there will be a few fish in our nest, and a big fish at the same time. And during this waiting time, the quieter the nest, the better it is for us.

The strongest way to fish in the wild! The high-eyed eight-figure ring has bottomed out! Even if you have a strong mouth, you can catch it! Even those with weak mouths can catch fish

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