
Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo

author:Pisces Small 8

Yang Zi

Wow! Is this the look of Yang Zi's event tonight? Yang Zi is really getting more and more comfortable now, and every time she moves, the style is so suitable for her, wearing a red dress, the sun is bright and bright, Chinese red, cool and white.

Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo
Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo

The TV series "Sauvignon Blanc 2" starring Yang Ziling, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Wei, Tan Jianci and Wang Hongyi was successfully concluded in Beijing. On July 6th, the Changsha Station Movie Viewing Ceremony let us continue to meet, and don't miss the acacia beans in Changsha!

Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo
Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo
Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo

Shen Teng

There was no Shen Teng in the nomination for the Hundred Flowers Award this time, which caused heated discussions among netizens, and some netizens said that Shen Teng actually slipped into gear, which sounds funny, but it is also quite ironic.

Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo


Zhao Liying's studio responded to the Hundred Flowers Award nomination for the Supporting Actress Award, Zhao Liying's performance in "Article 20" deserves a nomination, and I look forward to future works.

Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo

Zhang Songwen

The new movie "Law Hide" starring Zhang Songwen has been officially announced, and I am looking forward to this film.

Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo
Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo
Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo

Wang Yibo, Yang Zi

In the first half of 2024, the popularity list of Maoyan characters has been released, and the most popular is Wei Ruolai played by Wang Yibo, which shows that this role is very well shaped. Yang Zi's Mai Chenghuan and Huang Yingzi are both on the list, and they are also very powerful. #头条创作挑战赛#

Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo
Yang Zi, Shen Teng, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo

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