
In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

author:Rafting sports
In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

With the 2024 Paris Olympics approaching, the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team has gradually surfaced.

Several major shortcomings have become the focus of attention of fans and experts.

1. Main attack: Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie are in full swing.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has a luxurious main offensive line, and the four main attackers Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Li Yingying, and Wu Mengjie can discharge different main offensive combinations. With Li Yingying as the axis, there may be the following combinations:

1, Zhu Ting, Li Yingying

2, Li Yingying, Wu Mengjie

3. Zhang Changning, Li Yingying,

4, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning

5, Zhu Ting, Wu Mengjie

Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie are most likely to become the starting main attacking combination of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

Li Yingying and Wu Mengjie, as the main attackers of the new generation of the Chinese women's volleyball team, have fully proven their offensive ability in the international arena.

Li Yingying has become one of the offensive cores of the Chinese women's volleyball team with her excellent bounce and smashing skills. Her powerful smashes and varied lines pose a great threat to her opponents.

Although Wu Mengjie is young, her offense is also sharp, with a good smashing touch and rhythm. The point is high, the strength is large, the line is scattered, and the high-point overhand attack looks like Zhu Ting.

The combination of the two main attackers will provide strong offensive firepower for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Zhu Ting, as the former "world's No. 1 main attacker", her return to the national team has undoubtedly injected strong confidence into the Chinese women's volleyball team. Although Zhu Ting may not be able to play as a starter due to injuries and form problems, her presence on the bench will bring great psychological support and tactical changes to the Chinese women's volleyball team. Zhu Ting's smashing skills and game experience will be an important weapon for the Chinese women's volleyball team to deal with difficult situations.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

This starting main offensive combination is young, energetic, energetic and impactful; There are Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning in the lineup, and the lineup is deep and thick.

Second, the response position: hidden worries and challenges coexist

Gong Xiangyu is the absolute main force.

"China Sports News" fully affirmed that Gong Xiangyu "played a role as the core backbone of the team and a pioneer and exemplary leader, and was an indispensable key player and absolute main force in the rapid and changeable tactical system of the Chinese women's volleyball team." ”

As the core backbone and pioneer model of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Gong Xiangyu has always been an important scoring point for the team. However, with the in-depth study of other teams, Gong Xiangyu's offensive line and rhythm gradually became familiar to opponents, and at the same time, excessive fatigue and injuries affected her offensive ability declined, and the difficulty of scoring in the game gradually increased. Receiving has become the biggest shortcoming of the Chinese women's volleyball team, which makes the Chinese women's volleyball team have certain hidden worries in the receiving position.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

Zheng Yixin, who was substituted for a long time, was transformed into a run-and-go response by Cai Bin.

The competition in the past three years has shown that Zheng Yixin's offensive hard power is poor, and his ability to block the net and tandem kung fu are average. Although "Zheng Yixin, as the key training player of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympic cycle, has distinctive technical characteristics in blocking and running and attacking, and is also one of the main executors of the important tactics of the Chinese women's volleyball team "two points for three points", (Su Chang of China Sports News), but the comprehensive strength is indeed limited, and it is difficult to play any role in dealing with European and American teams. This makes the receiving position even worse, becoming the biggest shortcoming of the Chinese women's volleyball team and the biggest hidden danger of the women's volleyball team winning the championship in Paris.

How to solve the hidden danger in the connection position? It is a big challenge for Cai Bin, the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team!

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

3. Secondary attack: Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan need to play at a high level and stability at the net.

In the secondary offensive position, the combination of Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan has always been a stable output of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Yuan Xinyue, as the captain, has excellent offensive firepower. Wang Yuanyuan also has strong strength in offense and blocking, especially in the World Women's Volleyball League, which has formed a good complement to Yuan Xinyue. The tacit cooperation and stable play of the two assistant attackers will provide fire support for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

Competing for the championship in the Paris Olympics requires Yuan Xinyue and Wang Yuanyuan to block the net and have a high level of stable performance. Not only can you score points at fixed points, but you also need to be able to score points with moving blocks; Not only can you play the level of blocking the net when playing an ordinary strong team, and play super strong teams such as the Italian women's volleyball team, but you must also be able to build a reliable Chinese city wall in front of the net. Blocking the net, which is not good at all times, is unreliable and can cause damage to the team.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

In particular, the captain Yuan Xinyue should truly show "the core backbone of the team and the vanguard and exemplary leading role" in the Olympic Games. ”

Fourth, the setter position: The tacit cooperation between Diao Linyu and Ding Xia is the key to the smooth offensive of the Chinese women's volleyball team

Cai Bin's choice of Ding Xia over Xu Xiaoting has been questioned by many.

In fact, Cai Bin's choice of Ding Xia is understandable. Ding Xiagui is the best setter in the former World Cup, and she has extremely rich experience in the World Series, but Xu Xiaoting is blank in this regard; Ding Xia and Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, Yuan Xinyue, Gong Xiangyu, etc. have been fighting together in the World Series for a long time, and they are skilled in cooperation, but Xu Xiaoting is blank in this regard.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

As for why Cai Bin didn't choose Yao Di? The reasons can be complex.

In the setter position, the tacit cooperation between Diao Linyu and Ding Xia will be the key to the smooth offensive of the Chinese women's volleyball team. As the main setter, Diao Linyu has fast passing speed and high accuracy, which can well connect the team's offense. As a substitute setter, Ding Xia's rich game experience and stable play will provide an important guarantee for the Chinese women's volleyball team. The tacit cooperation and flexible scheduling of the two setters will make the Chinese women's volleyball team's offense more smooth and efficient.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

Fifth, the position of the free man: Wang Mengjie must hold on

Wang Mengjie is the best choice for the main free man and is irreplaceable.

The strength of the former World Cup best liberty is not in question at all.

With her excellent defensive ability and stable play, Wang Mengjie has become the anchor of the Chinese women's volleyball team's backline. In the game, Wang Mengjie needs to maintain a high degree of concentration and vigilance at all times, accurately judge the opponent's offensive intentions and lines, and provide stable defensive support for the team. At the same time, Wang Mengjie's cushion pass is a must, which can play a greater role in the offensive tandem and create more scoring opportunities for the team.

In-depth analysis of the main lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball Olympic Games: Wu Mengjie started and Zhu Ting was substituted to respond to big worries

Ni's defeat was a surprise.

With only one free person, the risk is not small!

What if Wang Mengjie is not in good condition or has a temporary injury?

Cai Bin, the head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team, should think about how to deal with it in advance.

The main Olympic lineup of the Chinese women's volleyball team not only maintains offensive firepower, but also takes into account the depth and stability of the lineup.

It is not a dream for the Chinese women's volleyball team to win the championship and stand on the highest podium! There is a good chance that this dream will become a reality!

Good luck to the Chinese women's volleyball team! Succeed!

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