
Asia's No. 1 point guard Guo Allen, has his national team career come to an end?

author:Lowercase stroll shrimp

After the men's basketball team's training camp this summer, in a series of warm-up games with the Macau Black Bears and the Australian team, the head coach of the men's basketball team, Guo Shiqiang, really did his best.

But in these four games, the performance of the men's basketball players was not good, and while the opponent played relatively easily, there were few players on their side who could stand up and score consecutive points and open up the situation, so that they did not win a warm-up game in the warm-up game, bringing more surprises to the fans.

Asia's No. 1 point guard Guo Allen, has his national team career come to an end?

Throughout all the warm-up games, whether it is a replacement lineup or a pause, including the running position and landing defense of the commanding players, Guo Shiqiang did show the basketball wisdom of the championship coach, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, there is no general in Shu, Liao Hua is a pioneer, and he cannot thoroughly implement his superb technical and tactical level throughout the game, which is what makes Guo Shiqiang's guidance feel embarrassed.

I think in that situation, what Guo Shiqiang misses most should be the No. 13 jersey that breaks through on the court as if entering no man's land, flies to the basket and scores as easily as chopping melons and vegetables, and assists accurately, quickly and timely.

Asia's No. 1 point guard Guo Allen, has his national team career come to an end?

Yes, he must be like us, miss Guo Allen very much, as the top guard player in China, we always think that Guo Allen will only help the team solve the problem in the predicament of falling behind by breaking through the layup and breaking through the ball, but suddenly, when Guo Allen left the court and stayed away from us for a long time, we found that only Guo Allen could solve the problem by breaking through the layup and breaking through the ball, and we still lack Guo Allen who can open the situation through personal ability.

Asia's No. 1 point guard Guo Allen, has his national team career come to an end?

Will Allen Guo still be able to return to the men's basketball team? No one knows, not even Allen Guo himself.

Not long ago, Liu Xingyu, the host of CCTV Sports Channel, rushed from Beijing to Shenyang, Liaoning Province, and conducted an in-depth interview with Guo Allen, during which Liu Xingyu asked: "In fact, you have experienced the time when the men's basketball team started from the trough, so have you ever thought about using your own strength to help the men's basketball team again in the future?" ”

Asia's No. 1 point guard Guo Allen, has his national team career come to an end?

Guo Allen was also uncertain about this and replied very frankly: "Maybe I don't have a chance...... Everything is from good to bad, from bad to good process, every prosperous era is from the wasteland, we can slowly work hard from the trough, through how many years and then become a prosperous age, now my idea is very simple, as long as I can stand on the court in a healthy way, I think this opportunity or what, everything is still possible, stay in the green mountains, and then there will be firewood. ”

Asia's No. 1 point guard Guo Allen, has his national team career come to an end?

It can be seen that Guo Allen, who has been plagued by injuries, is not very optimistic emotionally, but his love and dedication to basketball in his heart obviously have the willingness not to give up easily.

In fact, many things in this world are like this, as long as you don't give up and don't go with the flow, you can create more miracles, just like Nietzsche said, but anything that can't kill you will eventually make you stronger.

Come on, Allen Guo, you are the best and the best, you will always be the No. 1 point guard in Asia in our hearts!

Asia's No. 1 point guard Guo Allen, has his national team career come to an end?

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