
Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

author:Junma Basketball 8

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself!

After Guo Shiqiang took over the coaching whip from Djordjevic, he finally ushered in his official debut as a coach of the national team again. Because of the loss to the semi-professional team Macau Black Bears in Kunshan before leaving for Australia, coaches and players have been pushed to the forefront of public opinion, so against the powerful Australian men's basketball team preparing for the Olympic Games, not only the fans did not have any hope, but the players and coaches also knew what the result would be.

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

As everyone expected, the Chinese men's basketball team retreated in front of the Australian men's basketball team that played the main team, leading the Australian men's basketball team by 7 points in a single quarter with a high score of 32 points in the first quarter, to only 16 points in the middle two quarters of the offensive weakness, and then to a slight improvement in the final quarter to score 23 points, and finally lost to the opponent by 20 points.

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

In all fairness, such a mismatch deserves the word "glory" despite defeat. Because we are a new coach, the squad is also dominated by young players, but under the leadership of Guo Shiqiang, there are big changes. First of all, everyone dares to fight, and the attitude and enthusiasm of the game must be affirmed; Secondly, Guo Shiqiang has a unique vision, and the reuse of Liao Sanning, who regards Allen Guo as an idol, has received miraculous results.

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

In the first game against the Australian men's basketball team, Liao Sanning not only scored a game-high 26 points efficiently, but also scored when the team's offense was stagnant, and he had a super individual who broke the scoring drought, which is too similar to Liao basketball star Guo Allen, so now it is said that Liao Sanning is likely to become Allen's successor in the national team in the future.

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

Maybe, because Liao Sanning not only has solid basic skills, but also has a tough style of play, and has the momentum to not admit defeat. If he continues to benchmark against Guo Allen, be strict with himself, and continue to improve his scoring skills, he should become the main player of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

Talking about defenders, Lin Wei, a defender of the Nanjing Tongxi team with a very large traffic, was selected for this national team, which once made the head coach Guo Shiqiang criticized, saying that there are not a few old-school coaches who are conservative and stubborn.

Some people also said that Lin Wei was laid off because he talked back to Guo Shiqiang, and some people spread it even more evilly, saying that Lin Wei was expelled from the national team because of a fight with Guo Shiqiang. I don't quite believe such revelations, but no matter what caused Lin Wei to leave the national team, I think Guo Shiqiang didn't use him, in the final analysis, his skills are not up to the standard of being selected for the national team.

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

Because Lin Wei's teammate Wang Lanyan in Nanjing Tongxi team was selected, and his performance in the first game against the lineup Australia was also quite good. Even if you don't compare Liao Sanning, why Guo Shiqiang Wang Lanyan doesn't use Lin Wei shows that the former is stronger than the latter, because if you want to occupy a place in the national team, you must fight for strength, not traffic.

Guo Shiqiang's national team debut was still honorable! The reuse of Guo Allen's successor has miraculous results, and Lin Wei is ashamed of himself

I think Lin Wei's current technique is still too simple, and he can't play the No. 1 position, so he can only play the No. 2 position, but his defensive enthusiasm is not enough. It's just that Guo Shiqiang is a coach who pays a lot of attention to defense, so it's normal for Lin Wei to be eliminated. When he becomes an excellent two-way guard, he will be qualified to contribute to the Chinese men's basketball team, and now he can only be ashamed of himself, this is my opinion. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message to communicate!


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