
In 1985, I deliberately wore my old work clothes to visit my girlfriend back home, and my girlfriend's reaction chilled me

author:The Inkman

This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.

In the spring of 1980, I carried a simple bag on my back and embarked on a fate-changing journey with a convoy of recruitment vehicles from the countryside to the city.

That day, my father silently prepared for me the precious meat buns and apples that I had eaten in the past few years, and it was my last meal away from home.

I couldn't help but cry as I ate, and silently vowed in my heart that no matter what the cost, I would lift my family out of poverty.

I am the second-to-last child in my family, with an older brother and sister, who have always suffered from poverty in silence.

In 1985, I deliberately wore my old work clothes to visit my girlfriend back home, and my girlfriend's reaction chilled me

I remember that when my sister was working in the fields, she used to wear old clothes left by my brother, which had more patches than the original cloth.

Every time this happens, my heart hurts so badly that I swear that I will let them live a good life no matter what.

When the recruitment truck slowly drove out of the village, I couldn't help but look back at the river that had accompanied me throughout my childhood, and silently thought to myself: "When I come back, it will definitely not be like this anymore." ”

After arriving at the factory in the city, I began my part-time job.

The work is extremely hard, and every day is busy from the beginning of dawn until nightfall.

My back hurts and my hands are full of calluses, but I never complained.

Because I know it's all about making myself stronger, for that better future.

As time went on, I got better and better in the factory.

Once working overtime overnight, everyone was exhausted, but I gritted my teeth and persevered, which won me the approval of the foreman.

On that day, the foreman announced to us that there would be a special skills test and that the best ones would have the opportunity to be recommended to study at a technical school.

I know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, an opportunity for me to change my destiny and even the destiny of my family.

In order to embrace this opportunity, I went the extra mile to use all available time and resources, even during my lunch break, to revise and not miss any opportunity to improve my skills.

Finally, in that skills test, I went beyond my limits and received a special commendation from the foreman, which not only gave me the opportunity to study at a technical school, but more importantly, allowed me to see a door to the future slowly open.

I know this is just the beginning and there is still a long way to go, but I am full of hope.

Whenever I think of the expectant eyes of my family, I am even more determined to follow this path.

I was drenched in hot sweat and unknown challenges by the cold molten iron, but I knew that only in this way could I bring real warmth to my family.

During those difficult days, whenever I found a glimmer of peace in the deafening sound of machines in the factory, I would always find time to write to Wang Xiaoli.

In those letters, I described my life in the factory as much as I could, and every time I made progress, I wanted to convey to her my determination and efforts through ink.

I remember one time, I took advantage of my lunch break to use my pen to depict my vision for the future under the small tree next to the factory, hoping to give Wang Xiaoli a confidence.

However, Wang Xiaoli's reply always made me feel a glimmer of worry, and her words were full of uncertainty and worry about the future.

I remember one day, I finished a long day of work and got a long letter from her.

In the letter, she said: "I know that you are working hard, but the future is too small, and in the dead of night, I begin to fear the poverty and the unknown we will face. ”

Reading and reading, I realized that Wang Xiaoli's hesitation is not that she doesn't love, but that she is really afraid to meet the uncertainty of the future with our current situation.

It made my heart flutter a thousand times, but it also strengthened my determination.

I know that for the sake of our future, I can't just rest on my laurels for the sake of what I have achieved so far.

I decided that I wanted to become a highly skilled worker so that Wang Xiaoli could see a stable future.

So, I went to the foreman, and in between work, I expressed my determination and plan to him.

I said, "Foreman, I want to reach a higher level of technology through my own efforts, not only for myself, but also for the people I care about the most to have a stable future." ”

When the foreman heard this, he patted me on the shoulder, he didn't say much, but his affirmative gaze revealed his support for me.

Since then, I've worked harder.

No matter how difficult the task, I will try to do it better than the requirements.

I remember one time, in order to complete an urgent task, I worked for nearly twelve hours in a row.

When everyone else was exhausted, I still persevered, because I knew that every extra effort was my commitment to Wang Xiaoli.

In 1985, I deliberately wore my old work clothes to visit my girlfriend back home, and my girlfriend's reaction chilled me

I hope that through my unremitting struggle, she can gradually see that even if the reality is full of challenges, as long as we are steadfast, it is possible to usher in our own stability and happiness.

During that time, I used up almost all of my downtime to improve my skills, reading technology books repeatedly at the small table in the dorm room at night, and even my favorite time to play basketball was omitted.

Whenever I think of the nights when Wang Xiaoli may have lost sleep because of worry, I tell myself to persevere, no matter how tired I am.

As the days passed, I could feel that every bit of my hard work was slowly turning into results.

Although the future is still full of uncertainties, I believe that as long as I continue to make unremitting efforts, one day, I will be able to bring a stable blue sky to Wang Xiaoli and our common future.

In 1985, at that unforgettable turning point, I was promoted from an ordinary worker to a team leader.

Although my heart is full of joy, I want to test Wang Xiaoli's sincerity.

I decided to deliberately go home to visit my family in my old work clothes without telling her the good news.

I wanted to see how she would react if she thought I was still just an ordinary worker.

On the day I returned to my hometown, the weather was unusually sunny, and the bus bumped on the dirt road at the head of the village for nearly half an hour, and I walked on the path leading to Wang Xiaoli's house, with mixed feelings.

Arriving at her door, taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

The moment Wang Xiaoli opened the door, I saw that her eyes were first surprised, followed by imperceptible disappointment.

I tentatively said that the promotion had not yet been implemented, and I wanted to see her first reaction.

Wang Xiaoli was obviously a little disappointed, but she still tried to squeeze out a smile and told me: "It's okay, the important thing is that you came back safely." ”

Later, we sat at the old wooden table at her house, drank a light cup of tea, and began a deep conversation.

On that day, she confessed that her love and hopes for the future were based on my ability to provide her with a stable life.

"If you've been just a regular worker, I'm not sure if you'll be able to wait forever," she said. ”

At that moment, a chill rose from the bottom of my heart, and I felt a sense of loss and being used that I had never felt before.

Despite all the reluctance, I decided to leave.

I understood what she really thought - my social status and economic conditions seemed to be more important than the feelings between us.

Although I lost a long-cultivated relationship when I returned to my hometown, I also gained a clearer understanding of my future.

In 1985, I deliberately wore my old work clothes to visit my girlfriend back home, and my girlfriend's reaction chilled me

Standing outside Wang Xiaoli's house, I told myself that true love should not be afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and not waver due to material changes.

After returning to work in the city, I was not discouraged by the experience of returning to my hometown, but was more determined to move forward.

I know that I want to live for myself, work hard for my own ideals and future, and no longer be bound by any form of material conditionality.

At that time, although I was wearing a work uniform, I had a firmer determination and a clear direction in my heart than ever before.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.