
I accompanied my daughter to her boyfriend's house to propose marriage, and when I saw the Buddhist beads in the hands of my future mother-in-law, I suddenly raised an objection

author:The Inkman

This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.

I'm Uncle Liu, 56 years old, and I've been a middle school history teacher for more than 30 years.

I know that history is the voice of life, and I have always done my best to convey this voice to my students.

My wife, Aunt Zhao, 48 years old, is a librarian who spends her days with books, and her hard-working and kind personality makes her very popular among friends and colleagues.

Our daughter, Liu Fang, 25, has shown a talent for painting since she was a child, and now she has become a talented young painter, freelancing, and her paintings are often featured in exhibitions large and small.

Three years ago, Liu Fang introduced her boyfriend Zhou Jie to us.

I accompanied my daughter to her boyfriend's house to propose marriage, and when I saw the Buddhist beads in the hands of my future mother-in-law, I suddenly raised an objection

Zhou Jie, 28 years old, is a hard-working software engineer who was quickly recognized by us for his promising career development and sincere and frank personality.

Time is like flowing water, three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the love between Liu Fang and Zhou Jie has become more and more precipitated and mellow, and finally one day, Liu Fang said to us with an imperceptible happy smile on her face that she wanted to enter the palace of marriage with Zhou Jie.

After receiving Liu Fang's good news, Aunt Zhao and I were overjoyed.

After some careful consideration, we decided to go to Zhou Jie's home to officially propose.

Aunt Zhao carefully selected intimate gifts and dowry gifts, and our family of three drove to Zhou Jie's house full of anticipation and joy.

Zhou Jie's house is located in an antique courtyard house, surrounded by tall locust trees and bluestone paths, giving people the feeling of stepping back in time.

Our arrival was warmly greeted by Zhou Jie.

He was dressed in a neat shirt and greeted us with a smile on his face.

After a while, Zhou Jie's parents also came out quickly to say hello.

Zhou's father, a 60-year-old worker, the years have left traces on his face, but the perseverance from the inside out is awe-inspiring.

Mother Zhou, 57 years old, is the kind of gentle and virtuous traditional housewife, and her smile is full of maternal tenderness.

Aunt Zhao and I changed into slippers, walked into the courtyard, and sat in the well-arranged living room, I couldn't help but look at this home.

There are several ink paintings hanging on the surrounding walls, revealing the cultural taste of the owner.

We had a great conversation and discussed our children's wedding plans for the future.

Zhou's parents seemed very happy and excited, and nodded in agreement from time to time.

Aunt Zhao carefully presented the dowry and gifts to the Zhou family's parents.

They received the gifts, and after some excited thanks, the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

At this moment, my heart is filled with deep emotion.

Seeing my daughter about to start her own family life and thinking of her happy smile, I know that it will all be worth it.

On this warm and peaceful afternoon, we established the intimate relationship between the two families in the future, and looked forward to the happy life of Liu Fang and Zhou Jie in the future.

On that sunny afternoon, we sat in the living room of Zhou Jie's house, and the air was filled with joy and warmth.

I just took a sip of tea, and my eyes inadvertently swept over Zhou's mother's wrist, and the string of Buddhist beads seemed to have some kind of magical power, which made my heart tighten.

I accompanied my daughter to her boyfriend's house to propose marriage, and when I saw the Buddhist beads in the hands of my future mother-in-law, I suddenly raised an objection

Isn't that the same string of beads that a mysterious monk gave me many years ago?

That time, it was an academic expedition to Mount Emei, Sichuan, and our group met the mysterious monk on the mountainside, who said that the string of Buddhist beads could keep me safe, and finally gave it to me with a smile.

For many years, that string of Buddhist beads has been placed in the Buddhist shrine of my house, how could it appear in Zhou's mother's hand?

Just as the wedding ceremony began, Liu Fang and Zhou Jie stood in front of us holding hands and smiling like flowers.

Zhou's father and Zhou's mother wore traditional costumes and stood solemnly to preside over the ceremony.

However, my heart has been entangled in the string of Buddhist beads on Zhou's mother's wrist.

The doubts in my heart were like a shadow over the festive atmosphere, and I couldn't relax.

My mood is very complicated, but fortunately, I don't show too much abnormality on the outside.

I tried to focus on the ceremony, but every time Zhou's mother made a move, the string of Buddhist beads swayed into my eyes, and I couldn't help but pull me back into the shadows.

Finally, as the ceremony drew to a close, and everyone was immersed in this rare happiness, I couldn't help it, and my impulsive emotions were like a storm, suddenly transcending the boundaries of reason.

"Mother Zhou, I'm sorry, I want to ask, this string of Buddhist beads on your wrist ......" My voice trembled a little, and the whole room quieted down, and all eyes turned to me.

"Where did this bead come from? Why is it exactly the same as the beads I got so many years ago? ”

Mother Zhou was confused by my question, obviously not expecting such an episode at such a festive moment.

She looked at Father Zhou in a bit of a panic, and then at me and my family, looking a little at a loss.

Father Zhou was also surprised, obviously puzzled by my sudden questioning.

I stood up, my voice resolute, "If I can't give a convincing explanation, I'll have to reconsider this business." ”

As soon as my words came out, it was as if a bombshell had been dropped, and the atmosphere at the scene instantly froze, Liu Fang and Zhou Jie were stunned, Aunt Zhao looked at me nervously, and the parents of the Zhou family were stunned.

Mother Zhou hurriedly took off the Buddhist beads from her wrist and hurriedly began to explain, "This string of Buddhist beads was obtained by chance many years ago. Also in Mount Emei, a monk said that this would keep me safe, so he handed it to me. ”

During the whole explanation process, Zhou's mother seemed very nervous, she was afraid that this sudden questioning would ruin the good things of the two families.

I listened to Zhou's mother's explanation, and the shadow in my heart gradually dissipated.

It turned out that it was all just a coincidence.

I sighed deeply, feeling as if I had come out of a whirlpool.

The atmosphere around me also slowly eased, and I said sorry to Zhou's mother and Zhou's father, trying to calm my tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm restless for a while, and I've offended a lot, please forgive me."

Although the Zhou family's parents were still a little dazed, they gradually understood my worries.

Fortunately, things eventually turned out to be good, and the parents of both sides smiled heartily again and jointly blessed Liu Fang and Zhou Jie for the future.

Although there was a little hiccup, in the end, with everyone's understanding and tolerance, we returned to a happy and peaceful atmosphere.

Just after that suffocating silence, Mother Zhou slowly spoke, her voice trembling slightly, but with a hint of firmness, "Uncle Liu, this string of Buddhist beads is actually an heirloom of our Zhou family, and it was unfortunately stolen by a group of thieves when she was traveling more than ten years ago. ”

Father Zhou also hurriedly added, "Uncle Liu, don't worry, this Buddha bead is indeed no problem, it has a very important meaning for our family, and it is a pure family heirloom." ”

Zhou's mother's explanation was like a warm spring breeze, blowing away the haze in my heart.

It turned out that it was all just a thrilling coincidence.

I couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and at the same time, my heart gradually calmed down.

Thinking of the sudden questioning just now, it seemed like a lightning bolt in a dark cloud, which disturbed the entire festive atmosphere in an instant.

I took a deep breath, and the uneasiness and doubts in my heart gradually dissipated like catkins blown away by the spring breeze.

"Father Zhou, Mother Zhou, I'm really sorry for the momentary emotional impulse that caused such a misunderstanding."

I bowed my head and sincerely apologized to them.

I accompanied my daughter to her boyfriend's house to propose marriage, and when I saw the Buddhist beads in the hands of my future mother-in-law, I suddenly raised an objection

In a look of surprise and joy, the air gradually returned to calm, and the previous awkwardness and tension slowly dissipated.

Afterwards, I sat alone in the courtyard, quietly reflecting on this chain of events.

I realized that the fundamental reason why I had such a major suspicion about the Zhou family was because of the lack of sufficient communication and exchanges with my family.

This makes it too easy for me to misunderstand, and it is difficult for me to actively understand and trust others.

I am determined that I will correct this in the future.

After ending this unpleasant episode, it brought me closer to the Zhou family.

In order to avoid similar situations in the future, I began to take the initiative to communicate and communicate more with my family, so that everyone can feel the warmth and safety of home.

A few months later, Liu Fang and Zhou Jie's wedding was held as scheduled, and I felt unprecedented satisfaction and joy when I looked at the happy smiles on the faces of the two newlyweds on the stage.

On this day, the weather was exceptionally good, and the sun was warm and bright.

Our family's relationship has become more intimate because of this small turmoil, and we look forward to the newlyweds being able to love each other, grow old together, and start their new lives.

The atmosphere of the wedding reached a climax with laughter and laughter, and the surrounding relatives and friends blessed them.

We face every new challenge in life as a stronger family.

And I also secretly made a wish in my heart, hoping that each of us can cherish the happiness in front of us, and no longer be estranged by misunderstanding and suspicion.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.

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