
The enemy bombed in turn to conscript troops to save the emergency, and thousands of people protested in the streets, shouting that they would rather die than join the army

author:Weapons Review
Allah, the Houthis and other multi-channel armies are approaching step by step, and at a critical moment, internal strife broke out in Israel, and thousands of people poured into Jerusalem in the middle of the night to block the road in protest.

Recently, Israel has faced a flood of enemies with a large number of armed forces, and Netanyahu's government does not seem to be slowing down its military pace, but is actively preparing for a new conflict.

There is video and photographic evidence that Israeli heavy military equipment is being moved to the north. During his visit to the United States, Israeli Defense Minister Garnett threatened to "have the ability to bomb Lebanon back to the Paleolithic Age", although Garnett quickly realized that his remarks were too heated and made amends, emphasizing that he still hoped that the border conflict could be resolved. But the probability of a "big attack on Lebanon" has not diminished.

The enemy bombed in turn to conscript troops to save the emergency, and thousands of people protested in the streets, shouting that they would rather die than join the army

(Illustration: Clashes between Israel and Lebanon have led to frequent attacks in the north)

According to a report by, with the security alert issued by the Chinese Embassy in Lebanon in recent days, tensions in the international community have further escalated. Subsequently, countries such as the United States, Germany and Iran also issued safety alerts and asked their citizens to evacuate Lebanon.

Among them, Iran even issued a stern warning to Israel, revealing the danger signal that "once a conflict breaks out, the consequences will be a devastating war".

Experts said that the actual situation in Israel is already very bad, in addition to facing the collective attack of Allah in Lebanon, Yemeni Houthis and other armed forces, there is also a fierce conflict in the country due to a shortage of troops.

As we all know, Israel is a nation where all men are soldiers, and under this defense mechanism, both men and women are required to serve in the military as adults, 32 months for men and 24 months for women. Within this framework, however, there is a special group – ultra-Orthodox Jews who are exempt from military service.

It is for this reason that in the current tense situation, whether ultra-Orthodox Jews should serve in the military or not has become the most hotly debated topic in Israel right now.

The enemy bombed in turn to conscript troops to save the emergency, and thousands of people protested in the streets, shouting that they would rather die than join the army

(Illustration: Ultra-Orthodox Jews start demonstrations, throw objects at police, and set fires)

First of all, let's understand what exactly is an ultra-Orthodox Jew?

This group opposes the existence of Israel in the modern sense of the word, as they believe that, according to the Bible, the Jews were driven out of Palestine by the Roman Empire in 70 C.E. and began nearly 2,000 years of exile, which was entirely God's judgment on them, and that any artificial attempt to end this state of exile should be considered a betrayal.

So, when the Jews proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, the group insisted: since the Bible has prophesied all this, there is no need to force a change?

More recently, Netanyahu has sought to reverse the lack of troops by introducing a policy of conscripting ultra-Orthodox Jews of military age. Last week, the Supreme Court unanimously endorsed the proposal.

It's just that the decision was strongly opposed by ultra-Orthodox. Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews poured into the city of Jerusalem in protest, which even turned violent.

The Times of Israel reported that demonstrators were throwing stones, setting fires in the streets, and even attacking the vehicles of ultra-Orthodox officials, holding up signs that read "I'd rather die than join the army" and "never join the enemy" in a sign of strong opposition to the Israeli army's conscription ruling.

The enemy bombed in turn to conscript troops to save the emergency, and thousands of people protested in the streets, shouting that they would rather die than join the army

(Illustration: Ultra-Orthodox Jews hold up signs protesting conscription)

During this time, demonstrators also clashed violently with mounted police, which eventually resulted in several injuries. A policewoman was hit in the head by a thrown object and was taken to the hospital.

The Associated Press said in an article that this is mainly because at least 3,000 ultra-Orthodox students will need to enlist in the military from July 1 once the above ruling is implemented.

Therefore, if the violence continues, Netanyahu's ruling coalition is likely to suffer a huge blow, and there is no clear word on whether ultra-Orthodox officials will announce their departure from the government after that.

It is worth mentioning that this crisis did not erupt overnight.

Ben-Gurion, the founding father of the nation of Israel, made a pact with ultra-Orthodox in 1948 to provide ultra-Orthodox men with a way to avoid military service through religious study.

Initially, this arrangement involved only a small number of people, but over time, as the population grew and social attitudes changed, the original solution evolved into the focus of today's conflict.

Especially when this minority has risen to an influential 13.5 percent of the population and is up to 24 percent of the conscription-age population, their immunity from national security responsibilities has put Israel's political parties to the test.