
Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

author:Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review
Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

Text: Pity

Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

There is such a figure in the Peking Opera industry, who is known as "China's No. 1 Old Student".

On the stage, he has a "golden partner", because the two are too tacit, they are mistaken for husband and wife by many audiences.

In fact, he has been married to his wife outside the circle for more than 30 years.

This person is Yu Kuizhi.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

Some netizens sighed: Yu Kuizhi and his beloved wife are true love.

It doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, no matter if you leave your hometown, even if your living habits are difficult to be similar, you still work together and help each other.

Yu Kuizhi has achieved a real double of virtue and art!

So, why did Yu Kuizhi, a leader in the Peking Opera industry, marry Liang Yiwei from Hong Kong?

What is the connection between him and Lee Seung So?

After being married for many years, why does his mother-in-law treat him as her own?

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

The "Golden Partner" of Peking Opera

Speaking of Yu Kuizhi and Li Shengsu, their masterpiece "Shiro Visits His Mother" must be no stranger.

The golden duo is also loved by the audience.

There are even many people who still mistakenly think that the two are husband and wife.

The two have been working together for more than 20 years, and they have naturally cultivated a lot of tacit understanding during this period.

Yu Kuizhi responded: "We are like relatives. ”

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

When Li Shengsu talked about Yu Kuizhi, what he talked about the most was his work attitude.

Yu Kuizhi is also a veritable workaholic.

The work tasks of the two should reach 100 games a year, and Lee Shengsu said: "Don't come to our group if you don't have a good body." ”

To be an artist is to integrate art into your life.

Yu Kuizhi also said: "We can get to where we are today because of our love for Peking Opera. ”

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

In the face of netizens' scandal about the distorted relationship between Yu Kuizhi and Li Shengsu, Yu Kuizhi directly announced the family photo on social platforms to go back and forth.

And his wife Liang Yiwei also said that she never cared, as long as she did her job well.

Be conscientious in your career, and start in love.

Yu Kuizhi has set an example for the chaos in today's entertainment industry, which is a model of both virtue and art.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

As Yu Kuizhi said, he and Li Shengsu are also more like relatives.

Yu Kuizhi made a small mistake of being a road idiot, and Li Shengsu also knew it well.

Li Shengsu once broke the news in an interview: "Every time he gets in and out of the elevator, he turns and never finds the north." ”

Once when Yu Kuizhi came home from work, as soon as he got in the car, he greeted his family and prepared dinner, and went back immediately.

As a result, I didn't look at the road carefully, and walked away while listening to Peking Opera and practicing music.

When I came back to my senses, I had already arrived at Daxing.

In the end, I realized that I had gone the wrong way because I saw the toll booth.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

So why didn't a big artist like Yu Kuizhi choose to be with a golden partner like Li Shengsu, but found Liang Yiwei who was far away in Hong Kong?

Why did Liang Yiwei give up her identity as the daughter of a rich family and come to Beijing to accompany Yu Kuizhi?

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

The love of "playing the piano to the cow".

To talk about the love between Yu Kuizhi and Liang Yiwei, it is most appropriate to summarize it with the word "playing the piano to the cow".

Between the two people, there is only one thing in common: "belonging to the ox".

The rest of the personality hobbies are very different.

It's hard to imagine how a Peking Opera actor from Shenyang in the north could marry a young lady from Hong Kong.

What's even more shocking is that the two can fall in love, or Yu Kuizhi who Liang Yiwei chases.

It sounds like their love is to the extent that modern idol dramas dare not write like this.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

If you use an animal to describe the two, Yu Kuizhi is more like a "cow", because he is diligent and diligent in his work.

That Liang Yiwei is more like a "cat", loving freedom and a little lazy.

Yu Kuizhi said that when he was not at home, Liang Yiwei often did not fold the quilt.

Because he grew up in the collective, Yu Kuizhi has a lot of rules for daily life, but Liang Yiwei doesn't care.

The two have also been running in for a long time because of their living habits.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

You can't eat it together in terms of diet.

Liang Yiwei, who grew up in Hong Kong and studied in Canada, is used to eating Western food.

But Yu Kuizhi is an authentic Northeasterner, and he loves to eat pasta since he was a child.

None of the dishes that the two love to eat can coincide, so that they can accompany each other for more than 30 years, it seems that love is really a preservative.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

The first meeting between Liang Yiwei and Yu Kuizhi coincided with the delegation of the Ministry of Culture to perform at the Starlight Cinema in Hong Kong.

Because she likes Peking Opera, Liang Yiwei has become a loyal fan of Yu Kuizhi.

That day, Liang Yiwei came to the dressing room with a bouquet of lilies in her hand.

I was worried about how to meet Yu Kuizhi, but I didn't expect the dean to come out to do something.

So Liang Yiwei asked the dean, took herself into the backstage, and saw Yu Kuizhi who had removed his makeup.

Because the makeup of Peking Opera is very heavy, Liang Yiwei didn't recognize it for a while, and almost sent the wrong flower.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

When Yu Kuizhi saw Liang Yiwei with a red face and a flower, he couldn't help but feel a little turbulent in his heart.

At that time, my intuition told me that maybe this girl was interesting to me.

So the two left each other's contact information.

After having a phone number, Yu Kuizhi invited Liang Yiwei to come to Beijing for a walk.

But because I live in a single dormitory divided by my workplace, it is not convenient to receive them.

So he also booked a guest house for Liang Yiwei.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

Because Yu Kuizhi doesn't understand Cantonese, and Liang Yiwei can't understand Mandarin, the two made a lot of jokes when they met and dated.

Due to the different names of numbers, there was a time difference between the two of them, because they were still in the love period, Liang Yiwei waited for an hour without saying anything, and felt guilty that she had made a mistake in time.

In order to avoid similar situations from happening again, Yu Kuizhi and Liang Yiwei chose to communicate with pen and paper.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

If you ask Liang Yiwei why she likes Yu Kuizhi, it is naturally because of his artistic quality.

But why Yu Kuizhi likes Liang Yiwei, there may be many theories.

After the two got to know each other at first, Yu Kuizhi first felt that Liang Yiwei was knowledgeable and talented.

After all, she studied in a university in Canada, majoring in marketing, and her parents were intellectuals, but she was a real daughter.

When it comes to conversation, the natural vision is very deep.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

has been in love for many years, and there is bitterness everywhere

The two just started to fall in love, and because of the distance, Liang Yiwei's parents were also worried about their daughter's future.

Although Liang Yiwei's parents did not interfere too much, they were also concerned about Yu Kuizhi's future development.

In the face of love and career, Yu Kuizhi naturally will not easily give up his dedication to art over the years.

Then it means that one of the two will be sacrificed first.

Liang Yiwei is the one who is desperate.

resolutely quit his job in Hong Kong, bid farewell to his parents, and came to Beijing alone to accompany Yu Kuizhi development.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

Because the two were too far away and their relatives and friends were not around, the wedding was also held three times in three cities.

The first one was in Shenyang, because Yu Kuizhi grew up in the countryside, and the custom of the wedding made Liang Yiwei "dizzy".

"Peeling sugar", "lighting a cigarette", and "biting an apple" are not missing.

When he went to Hong Kong, he dizzed Yu Kuizhi again.

Wearing a suit and dress, I stood all night, I didn't understand the language, and I would just say hello.

The two got married in a daze.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

At the beginning, Yu Kuizhi's economic conditions were not good, and his salary was barely enough for two people.

After marriage, the two can only squeeze in the bachelor dormitory of Kuizhi.

A tube building of more than ten square meters can be lived in for three or four years.

It wasn't until the unit was divided into houses that Yu Kuizhi and Liang Yiwei moved to their real homes.

It was at this time that I had a plan to have a child.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

was originally the daughter of the family, and she had the experience of studying abroad, so she naturally saw this world of flowers.

But Liang Yiwei gave up her career for love and Yu Kuizhi, came to Beijing to share a dormitory with him, and educated her son so well.

It can be seen that Liang Yiwei's dedication to this family.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

Yu Kuizhi also silently remembered his wife's dedication in his heart.

In 2002, her mother-in-law was suddenly diagnosed with a serious illness, and Liang Yiwei hurriedly rushed to Hong Kong to take care of her.

At that time, Yu Kuizhi was preparing for the Spring Festival Gala and was also very busy.

After receiving the call, she immediately asked Liang Yiwei about her situation, asked her not to worry, and after learning about the cost of the operation, she directly called the deposit.

After work, he rushed to Hong Kong to visit his mother-in-law.

This move moved the mother-in-law very much, and the mother-in-law took Liang Yiwei's hand and said, "I really found a good son-in-law, who is closer than my own son." ”

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

However, within two years, Yu Kuizhi's father's health was not as good as before, and Shenyang only relied on his sister to take care of him.

The good times didn't last long, and his mother fell again, Yu Kuizhi's work was too busy to take a break, so he could only compensate financially.

Occasionally, I take time to run back and forth between Shenyang and Hong Kong, in order to take care of the elderly at home.

The burden of the three families is all on Kui Zhi alone.

And the only thing Yu Kuizhi can do is to carry forward Peking Opera and be frugal all his life, just to support three families.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

The secret of long-lasting love

Yu Kuizhi and Liang Yiwei have been married for more than 30 years, and the most important thing is to respect and understand each other.

Even if people say that there is a big difference in the living habits of the two people, Liang Yiwei knows that this difference will not affect the relationship between the two people.

Once because of aesthetic habits, Liang Yiwei wanted Yu Kuizhi to change his hairstyle.

But they all failed, which can also be concluded that the secret of long-term stay is "tolerance".

Whenever the two have a conflict, they will not choose to quarrel at that time.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

Yu Kuizhi said that Liang Yiwei was very "grudgeful", although he didn't say it at the time, but after a while, he would tell him why he was unhappy last time.

Because Liang Yiwei believes that this is also an opportunity to think calmly.

After a while, when two people discuss calmly, it will be easier to listen to each other's point of view, which will also avoid quarrels.

Yu Kuizhi also said a key, that is, "Men must learn to apologize." ”

It has nothing to do with two people getting along, there is always one person who bows his head first.

I am willing to be the one who bows his head first.

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own


On the stage, he is a pillar and a leader in the Peking Opera industry.

In the family, he is the pillar of support, supporting three small families.

In the face of his career, he devoted his life to carrying forward Peking Opera.

In the face of love, he is consistent and never abandons his wife and children.

The four words of virtue and art Shuangxin, Yu Kuizhi deserves it!

Yu Kuizhi: When he was chased by his wife, he was misunderstood in his marriage, and his mother-in-law treated him as her own

Some references:

In and out of the play, Yu Kuizhi. Sina News. [2023-05-24].

Yu Kuizhi: Coming to Taiwan to perform is like going home. People's Daily Online. [2023-06-02].

Husband and wife interview 2002 Yu Kuizhi Liang Yiwei [Touched to] I am a good husband and wife with you Bilibili

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