
looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

author:Entertainment Coke Cat
The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article

National first-class actor Yu Kuizhi,

can be called the master of the opera industry.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

He not only won various awards, but also participated in many performances in Taiwan;

He used Peking Opera as a bridge to connect the close relationship between the mainland and the treasure island.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

However, Ding Kuizhi, who has achieved such an achievement, is poor behind the scenes to support 3 families, and even he himself ate instant noodles for 7 days during the performance......

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

is obviously a "drama master", why is his life so difficult?

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

The scenery is infinite and the drama is titane

Yu Kuizhi seems to have been born for opera, because he was exposed to opera when he was 10 years old, and this contact is a lifetime.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

At the age of 13, he was already able to play the leading role in modern Peking opera, and he could still attract full applause.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

As he grew older, his skills also deepened explosively, until he became completely famous, his obsession and research on opera did not stop, and the inheritance of the quintessence of the country is really vividly reflected in this master.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Although he has a very good reputation at home and abroad, he has also won many awards.

However, the most admirable thing is that he has used Peking Opera as a bridge more than once to build friendship with Taiwanese compatriots.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

As early as 1993, our country paid special attention to using opera to communicate with compatriots on the other side of the strait.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

In 2023, Yu Kuizhi, who is a handful of years, will land on the treasure island again.

This is the 24th time he has performed on this stage, and he has always been able to impress his compatriots on the other side of the channel.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

When Yu Kuizhi took the stage for the first time, he was also invited to Zhang Xueliang's house as a guest.

This is not only to connect the friendship between the two sides of the strait, but also to complete the baton in history, and even many campuses in Taiwan Province are singing the opera brought by this master.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Not only has he been to our treasure island, but even thousands of miles away in Europe have had his footprints, in order to spread the opera overseas, he actually ate instant noodles for 7 days in a row during the most difficult time!

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Not only did it bring us surprises in opera, but even the pop songs, Yu Kuizhi left a strong mark!

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

In 2015, he also brought a surprise to everyone at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, it turned out that he took off his python robe for his appearance on stage this time, but sang the pop song "Run" with a playful tone.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

When the titan of the opera industry collided with pop songs, the audience really experienced the unique charm from the opera.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Life is not easy, strong contrast

Unlimited prosperity in a career often does not mean a happy family.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

The difficulties that Yu Kuizhi's family endured back then were really unimaginable to ordinary people, and the pain he accepted was also very difficult for ordinary people to accept.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Yu Kuizhi's wife is Liang Yiwei, although they have been in love for so many years, but the two of them faced 3 difficult families at the same time.

The three families are his own family and the family of his own parents and father-in-law.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

In 1992, Yu Kuizhi tied the knot with his wife Liang Yiwei, but after marriage, they did not go directly to a worry-free life, but they faced the sluggish Peking Opera market at that time.

If you want to get ahead in such an environment, it is really difficult to go to the west!

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

To add insult to injury, he felt that the following things were:

At that time, Liang Yiwei did not have a stable job, and she helped Yu Kuizhi to organize her home more often.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

But the accommodation environment at that time was just a dilapidated and small building, although the husband and wife did not abandon each other, but they always lived in it, or a little crowded.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

At that time, many peers chose to find another way, but Yu Kuizhi chose to stick to his position, but the price he paid was a hungry and full life.

With the unremitting development of Yu Kuizhi's career, his unit assigned him a comfortable house in 1996, and this house finally ended his deplorable life.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

However, Liang Yiwei's mother suffered from eye disease soon after, because her eyesight was seriously affected, she was naturally inseparable from the care of others, and his father was also very old, so he was naturally unable to give all-round care.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

So Liang Yiwei returned to her hometown at this time, but the treatment and daily expenses were a huge expense.

Liang Yiwei naturally couldn't take out so much money at once, and this economic pressure naturally needed to be borne by Yu Kuizhi.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

But Yu Kuizhi is an artist after all, and he can't fill this economic void in an instant.

So he worked as hard as he could to relieve such a big pressure, and for this reason, he almost drained all of Yu Kuizhi's savings at that time.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

However, the final result was very lucky, Liang Yiwei's mother's illness finally improved under careful care.

However, there are unforeseen circumstances, but Yu Kuizhi's parents were suddenly found to have a cerebral infarction in 2004.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Fortunately, Kuizhi's sister found out about her illness in time and sent her father to the hospital for treatment in time.

And Yu Kuizhi was almost in a mess in the face of such a situation, after all, his father had such a big thing, and as a son, he couldn't be filial piety in time.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Fortunately, his father's life was not in danger, and when he rushed home, he didn't stay long before his mother asked him to relax and hurry back to his work.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Since these three families all have different degrees of difficulty, but Yu Kuizhi only has one, he can't cut himself into 3 parts, so he can only go back and forth between the 3 families in his spare time.

From this point of view, behind the "superficial scenery" of the drama giant, there is a poverty that is difficult to face.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Yu Kuizhi's current situation

Opera belongs to the "Wen" in the first and second martial arts, so many years have passed, how is Yu Kuizhi doing now?

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

It turns out that this old gentleman is 62 years old this year, but he still continues to struggle in the circle, which is really admirable.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Just this year, he was still active on the stage of gathering together, and in February this year, Yu Kuizhi landed on Henan Satellite TV's Spring Festival Gala, and used the Peking Opera "Three Shops" to rub off a fierce spark with Henan's traditional Henan Opera.

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

And the next day, his figure appeared on the stage of the Liaoshi Spring Festival Gala, and I saw him sing the well-known "China in the Lights" in the way of Peking Opera, which was really eye-opening!

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him


The plum and snow are three points white, but the snow loses the plum and a piece of fragrance!

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Yu Kuizhi's opera, we can't say 100% that it is the best existence in the circle.

But we can be sure that he has made outstanding contributions to the inheritance of Peking Opera, and in life he is not only a good husband to his wife but also a good child to his elders!

looks high-spirited in front of people, and supports three families behind people, how sad Yu Kuizhi is behind him

Information sources:

[1] Baidu Encyclopedia: Yu Kuizhi

[2] Beijing News.2023-10-27.Taking Peking Opera as a bridge and connecting the two sides of the strait, Yu Kuizhi reviewed the stories of the National Peking Opera Company in front of and behind the scenes of its 30-year visit to Taiwan

[3] China News Network.2012-08-02.Yu Kuizhi has been practicing art for 40 years and has not changed his original intention, saying that Peking Opera must endure loneliness

[4] Beijing Satellite TV's talk show: "Panoramic Dialogue", Yu Kuizhi

[5] Jimu News.2018-11-14.Yu Kuizhi brought "The Imperial Flower" to Han: This is a test, because Wuhan opera fans are too knowledgeable!

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