
Zhang Weitang's prose: Yangshan Film

author:Fool's Tales
Zhang Weitang's prose: Yangshan Film

1. Hanyu Memorial Park

The name has been famous for thousands of years because of hardships, ups and downs, and hardships.

Liufang Baishi is willing to dedicate and benefit future generations, and is highly respected.

In 803 A.D., the spring breeze passed through the old plum pass, and luck befell Guyang Mountain.

The splendid Central Plains culture illuminates the dim Yangshan Ancient Road, the sages and sages are favored by the classics, and the studious and knowledge-seeking style has become a style, poems, couplets, calligraphy, stone carvings, and Jingyu culture "sneaks into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently." ”

Advanced farming technology has revitalized the paddy fields and dry land in the mountainous areas, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, hard work has become the wind, rice is abundant, melons and fruits are fragrant, fish and shrimp are full of ponds, six animals are thriving, "yellow hair hangs down, and enjoy themselves" and "not enough for outsiders".

The luck of Yangshan is the blessing of the people. Generations of officials and people, grateful to Dade. Hanwen Ancestral Hall, Hanyu Park, Hanyu Memorial Hall; Reading desk, thousand rock table, typing rock; Qin and Han Ancient Road, Beishan Ancient Temple, Yangcheng Wen Pagoda; The numerous inscriptions, statues, and stone carvings on Xianling Mountain make it difficult to express deep nostalgia and endless respect.

Hanyu Park, which has a quiet environment, is located on the bank of the Lianjiang River.

Looking for the footprints of Han Yu, exploring the history of northern Guangdong, understanding the situation of Yangshan in the Tang Dynasty, and tasting the literary style and poetry of the year, you will find that a writer can change an ancient city.

Looking at the four big characters of "Kite Flying and Fish Leaping", looking up at the eight statues of "Tang and Song Dynasty Families", and then looking at the famous sentences on the four sides of the flower bed: "The decline of the eight generations of Wenqi", "The drowning of the world", "The anger of the loyal prisoner master" and "The commander of the three armies", you will concentrate and ponder and linger.

Reading the poems on the rock wall, looking at the white and flawless "Han Yu", thinking of recognized writers, thinkers, philosophers, politicians, and educators, you will feel that Han Yu and his ideological doctrines, the way of officials, educational concepts, calligraphy achievements and "Shi Shuo", "Miscellaneous Sayings", "Ma Shuo", "Dragon Shuo", "Original Destruction", "Further Study Solution", "On the Table of Buddha's Bones", etc., are just like the Nanling Immortal Pine, the Lianjiang River, and the eternal water.

2. Qinglian Ancient Wharf

The water of the North River flows southward. Lianjiang converges and goes straight to Guangzhou.

In that era of water transportation, Lianjiang was the lifeline of Yangshan and the main artery of the economy. Commodity circulation, cargo transportation, personnel travel, ships shuttling back and forth, and the wharf has become a prosperous place.

The place where the Seven Arches River and Qinglian Water flow into the Lianjiang River is the Qinglian Ancient Town. Waterway post road, extending in all directions; Three rivers and six banks, uniquely blessed. Ancient streets, ancient alleys, ancient turrets, ancient trees, ancient temples, ancient wharves, the important place for cargo distribution in those years, the hub of water and land transportation, and the port of commercial transportation.

Walking along the riverside, you feel like you've stepped into a world of ancient tranquility. There is no hustle and bustle, no strife, no drifting dust and the smell of e-liquid, only the gentle willow branches, the gurgling sound of running water and the light footsteps of people. On one side, the clear river reflects the blue sky with white clouds; On the other side, the smooth granite is built into a step carved with vicissitudes. Nearby, the old banyan tree guards the continuous ancient wharf, leaving many beautiful and moving legends; From a distance, the majestic green mountains have built a natural barrier, creating a smooth wind and rain in Qinglian Ancient Town for thousands of years.

Walking in the old street, I feel that every door and brick and tile are showing off the prosperity of the past. The Wangjiang Tower, built near the water, connects six open ancient wharves, making the long-standing river fresh food fragrant and famous in Guangzhou. The Shangshu Temple with blue tile brick wall and double phoenix dancing top stands solemnly, and the door couplet indicates: "Shangshu morality is passed down to the lineage, and the spirit of the general is carried forward for generations to enlighten future generations." The Guangzhou Guild Hall, which is full of the charm of the years, after a hundred years of wind and rain, can still hold its head high, arcades, patios, partial rooms, and main halls, showing mottled pictures everywhere and hanging old explanations, which not only clarifies the historical origin of Guangzhou-Foshan merchants and Yangshan Qinglian, but also tells people the close relationship between the two places in the context of rural revitalization.

A three-storey brick and wood structure of the old building dragged the tired body to stand at the corner of the river, although the gate is locked, has been abandoned, but the gray wall vaguely seen "Guangdong Provincial Shipping Department Qinglian Passenger Station" is particularly attractive, visitors all stop to take a closer look. Standing on the "Hydrological Observation Deck", you can see the magnificence of the confluence of the three rivers, the verdant green mountains and green trees, and the majesty of the former site of the "Port Station" decades ago.

The Dragon Boat Cultural Square is at the foot of the Qinglian Bridge, and the wide water wharf enlivens the atmosphere of water town culture, creating a leisurely tour of modern life, and more importantly, it carries the history of Lingnan commercial port and retains the nostalgia of people in mountainous areas. The Cantonese opera and opera staged in turn in the Guangzhou Guild Hall have come to the Dragon Boat Square, and the passionate dancing and singing of the aunts every night are also in the Dragon Boat Square, and the endless stories of Qinglian and the beautiful life by the water under the high mountains are also in the Dragon Boat Square.

Water town, water as wealth. In the mountains, eat in the mountains. Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.

3. Beautiful scenery of the cave crown

There is a cave crown village in Libu Town, the twenty-mile gallery is full of clouds, the Feiliu Waterfall shines with silver flowers, the pine and the cliff are Han Yu's spirit, and the strange rocks are craggy like the wind and clouds.

The great writer Han Yu's "Tongguan Gorge" and "Second Tongguan Gorge" tell the world that "there is no mind about Lingbei". Waving the gorge wall and sending affection to the landscape, Pan Yuanyin and Xu Qi teamed up to carve the heroic words that people will win the day. Looking at the green forest and saluting the blue sky, the granite steps chiseled out by the villagers' hands lead directly to a beautiful and happy life.

Guanyin Rock, also known as Lengran Cave, Emperor Chongzhen could not predict Li Yibai's strong feelings, empowerment and promotion, and compose new songs. The cave is standing tall, if you go up to the platform, look at the east on the stage, the blue wave sail shadow, enter the eye. The cave is deep and secluded, and the incense is swirling, which is really a blessed land.

The stone carvings on both sides of the strait are beautiful. One place, one scene, one story, one mountain, one water, one picture. Emperor Qianlong may not have expected that so many people would read the three big characters of "Tongguanxia" every day.

Wonderful stone carvings abound; Good mountains and rivers, every day is the same. If Tao Yuan knew about this place, he would definitely look left and right and linger. If Yu Qiuyu comes, he will also get in touch with each other and forget about his boredom.

In addition to the natural landscapes that abound, there is also an inspiring cultural wonder – the Spring Cow Dance. The hard-working villagers, with their faces turned to the loess with their backs to the sky, "ploughing the fields and raising the cows", from generation to generation, respecting the ploughing cattle, singing and dancing to promote peace and tranquility. The spring cow dance performance, singing and dancing, is wonderful and breathtaking. As an intangible cultural heritage item, the spring cow dance is the crystallization of the wisdom of the working people and an outstanding representative of folk art. To study Hakka culture, farming culture, and northern Guangdong culture, we must understand the "Spring Dancing Cow".

Goodbye, Libu, Tongguan Gorge, Guanyin Rock, Lengran Cave, Yuntao Cliff, auspicious, six animals are prosperous, as always.

Fourth, the red lower flat

For today's happy life, how many people throw their heads and spill their blood.

For the sake of the peace of future generations, how many people do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

For the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, how many people have ascended to heaven.

In the northern mountainous area of Yangshan, there is a red name: Xiaping. Here, the mountains and rivers are beautiful; Here, the people are outstanding; Here, the scenery is picturesque; Here, let your dreams fly.

However, Xiaping is Xiaping, which was once bloody and bloody; once endured humiliation and burden; once fierce and fierce; I used to carry a lot of weight.

Now, Xiaping holds his head high and smiles proudly.

Come on, first take a look at the former site of the Yangshan People's Armed Uprising Pledge Point, and relive the heroic words of the year; Look at the Yangshan People's Armed Uprising Monument and feel the surging passion of the ancestors; Look at the Yangshan Revolutionary Struggle History Exhibition Hall and remember the great achievements of the heroes.

Then, stroll through the former site of the first rural party branch in Yangshan and appreciate the meaning of the party's command gun; Walk into the Yangshan People's Armed Uprising Militia Training Site and experience the greatness of soldiers and civilians as the foundation of victory; Come to the red culture lecture hall and accept the edification of not forgetting the original intention and remembering the mission.

Then, through Tianxin Road, walk to Niuyan Cave, step on the ancient post road, explore the deep water well of the outer cave, comprehend the spirit of Han Yu, the world is clear, and all the selfish distractions and stains in life disappear.

Come, here is the soup of corn; There are native shiitake mushrooms; There are chestnuts with a strong fragrance; There is sweet and delicious yuba; There are wild Ganoderma lucidum in the forest; There is Huai Mountain, which nourishes yin and nourishes the kidneys; There are also flying yellow chickens.

In fact, what is even more touching is the indomitable style of the people of Xiaping; the hard-working spirit of the people of Xiaping; the feelings of common prosperity of the people of Xiaping; The people of Xiaping are open-minded.

Come on, the first peak of Guangdong is nearby; Guangdong Gorge is close at hand; The natural peak pass is not far away. Sit on the fish and bamboo rafts, along the banks of the Shanying River, join hands with the millennium ginkgo, look for the beautiful Kangqiao, and build a happy future together.

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