
Da Zhang Wei concert 1300 yuan ticket can't see the screen? Organizer: Find a ticket company

author:Shenzhen News Network

"I spent more than 1,300 yuan to buy a concert ticket, but I couldn't even see the home screen." Recently, some netizens reported to the special news reporter that they spent a high price to buy tickets for the Da Zhang Wei Shenzhen concert on June 22, but after entering, they found that the location was remote, not only difficult to see the singer, but also the stage and the main screen, hoping that the official could give some compensation. The co-organizer of the concert said that after the performance, it should be handled by the ticketing company. As of press time, the ticketing platform has not responded.

Da Zhang Wei concert 1300 yuan ticket can't see the screen? Organizer: Find a ticket company

Seat view of Fan Ms. Xu. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

The view of the performance was obstructed, and the on-site staff could not coordinate

On June 22, singer Da Zhang Wei held a solo concert at Shenzhen Spring Cocoon Gymnasium, with ticket prices ranging from 233 yuan to 1831 yuan. According to the promotional poster, the concert is "Shenzhen Station Douyin Special Field". Ms. Luo told reporters that when the tickets were opened on May 27, she saw the relevant publicity and guessed that the concert would be broadcast live on Douyin, but in order to feel the atmosphere of the scene, she snapped up a ticket of 1,314 yuan on the ticket planet, "The order shows that I am (after the ticket is issued) 3 seconds after the payment is successful."

Da Zhang Wei concert 1300 yuan ticket can't see the screen? Organizer: Find a ticket company

Ms. Luo successfully purchased the ticket 3 seconds after the ticket was opened. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

What Ms. Luo didn't expect was that the tickets she grabbed at the first time were very remote. According to Ms. Luo, when she entered, she found that her seat was on the side of the stage, almost in a straight line with the stage, and most of the stage was obscured by side screens and shelves. During the performance, not only is it difficult to see the singers performing, but even the stage and the main screen in the center of the stage are not visible during the whole process. Due to the difference between the broadcast content on the main screen and the side screen, it missed some live performances.

Ms. Xu, who spent 1,314 yuan on a ticket for the same performance at Maoyan, also encountered a similar situation, because the view was obstructed, which led to a poor viewing experience, "Sometimes other audience members laugh or interact with the singer, I don't even know what happened." ”

Da Zhang Wei concert 1300 yuan ticket can't see the screen? Organizer: Find a ticket company

Ms. Law's seat is on the right-hand side of the railing, almost in a straight line with the stage. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

Ms. Luo said that after discovering the seating problem at the entrance, she immediately approached the on-site staff for help, but the reply she received was that "I can't coordinate immediately, I can only wait for the opening to see if there are any vacant seats". Ms. Luo also found that seven or eight audience members in her area approached the staff for seating problems, but in the end they could not solve the problem. Ms. Xu said that when she asked the on-site staff for help, she was told to go outside the venue to ask other staff members. Since the show had already started at the time, it was not out of the venue again.

"I spent more than 1,300 yuan to watch a concert, but I couldn't even see the home screen. The viewing experience is not as good as the previous position of 480 yuan. Ms. Luo said angrily that the seat clearly did not match the ticket price.

The ticketing staff informed the audience that the seats were reasonable and refused to compensate

Regarding the problem of obstruction of the view of the audience, Ms. Luo and Ms. Xu hope that the official will respond and provide some compensation, and no more such seats will be sold in future performance tickets, or marked in advance.

After the performance, Ms. Luo and Ms. Xu complained through the ticketing platform, Beijing Consumers Association, 12315 platform, 12345 hotline and other channels, but they have not been resolved so far.

"Maoyan customer service called back three times, and the statement was the same: I didn't receive a notice of compensation from my superiors, I didn't coordinate it on the spot, and there was no compensation afterwards." Ms. Xu said. The reporter learned from the complaint handling details provided by Ms. Xu that Beijing Maoyan Culture Media Co., Ltd. said that "consumers have been contacted, and the refund and compensation under the rules are limited by the rules and are not communicated, and the refund and compensation are normal saleable areas, and the users do not recognize them, and the settlement fails."

Da Zhang Wei concert 1300 yuan ticket can't see the screen? Organizer: Find a ticket company

Ms. Xu received the result of the ticketing company. (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

Ms. Luo also received a reply from the customer service of Ticket Planet, who said that the seat was an area agreed by the organizer to sell, the location was reasonable and there was no obstruction, and the audience had already watched the performance, so there was no way to provide any compensation.

In this regard, the reporter contacted the staff of Maoyan and Ticket Planet on July 1, but as of press time, the ticketing platform has not responded.

Organizer: All tickets are handled by the ticketing company

On July 1, the reporter contacted Beijing Savage Growth Music Culture Communication Co., Ltd., the co-organizer of the Shenzhen concert of Da Zhang Wei, and the relevant person in charge said that there were special staff at the concert site to dock the suspected occlusion, and no relevant complaints were received. The organizer does not directly connect with the audience, and all ticketing is handled by the ticketing company, "If there is a situation on the spot, the organizer will generally deal with it on the spot, and then all the conditions will go to the ticketing company." ”

Regarding the experience of Ms. Luo and Ms. Xu, the staff of the Beijing Consumers Association told reporters that the consumer association mainly plays a mediating role and has no regulatory power over enterprises. If the company refuses to compensate and the mediation fails, then the consumer association has no other way. The staff member suggested that consumers can consult the 12348 legal advice hotline and protect their rights through legal channels.

In this regard, Ms. Luo said that there was previous attention to the "pillar ticket" case of Liang Jingru's Shanghai concert, and it took up to one year from rights protection to sentencing, which was too high to accept. Ms. Xu said that she did not rule out protecting her legitimate rights and interests through legal means.

[Source: Read Special News]

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