
25 military schools enrolled 955 students in the Sichuan college entrance examination, with the highest physical test score of 648 points, and the admission score was higher

author:YiRon teaches you how to fill in the volunteers

There are 27 colleges and universities in the mainland that have enrollment plans for the general college entrance examination, of which 25 are in Sichuan, and a total of 955 students have been enrolled, a decrease of 17 from 972 last year. Specifically, 884 male students in science (92.6 per cent) were allocated, followed by 46 female students in science, 20 male students in liberal arts, and 5 female students in liberal arts.

Among the 25 military academies, the National University of Defense Technology topped the list with 129 students, accounting for 13.5% of the total number, a decrease of 5 from last year's number, including 111 male students and 4 female students in science, 11 male students and 3 female students in liberal arts, etc.; In addition, there are 104 students from the Air Force Engineering University, 102 from the Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, 90 from the Rocket Force Engineering University, 67 from the Armed Police Academy, and 64 from the Army Engineering University. The three military academies with the least enrollment plan are 6 students from the Armed Police Coast Guard Academy, 8 students from the Army Border and Coastal Defense College, and 10 students from the Naval Submarine Academy. The Army Medical University in Chongqing recruits 29 men in science and 5 men in liberal arts, and the Army Service College recruits 24 men in science and 4 men in liberal arts.

25 military schools enrolled 955 students in the Sichuan college entrance examination, with the highest physical test score of 648 points, and the admission score was higher

In 2024, the military academy physical examination and interview score line for enrollment in Sichuan will be delineated, and the score of male students in science will be between 539-588 points, and the provincial ranking will be between 83,000 and 34,000, and there will be 9 military schools with a physical test score of 539 points, among which the Armed Police Police College in Chengdu is also among them, and the highest physical test score is 588 points of the Army Military Medical University, and the 587 points of the Army Service College are also relatively high, and due to the large enrollment scale, the physical test score of male science students in the National University of Defense Technology is only 578 points.

What is the distance between the physical test score and the actual minimum score for admission? Let's take a look at the admissions in 2023. Taking male students in science as an example, last year, the National Defense Technology University scored 609 points and recorded 639 points, the Army Medical University scored 596 points and recorded 609 points, the Army Service College scored 528 points and recorded 572 points, the Air Force Engineering University scored 530 points and recorded 598 points, the Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University scored 538 points and recorded 612 points, and the Armed Police Academy scored 520 points and recorded 583 points, and so on, and the actual minimum score increased by 13 points to 74 points compared with the physical test score. It can be seen that candidates who enter the physical test, in addition to passing the physical test and political examination, their personal college entrance examination scores need to be at least 30 points on the physical test line to have a certain guarantee.

25 military schools enrolled 955 students in the Sichuan college entrance examination, with the highest physical test score of 648 points, and the admission score was higher

Military schools recruit fewer girls, and most of the high-scoring girls are still swarming into this enrollment channel, and the physical test scores of science girls this year are between 539-648 points. The provincial ranking is between 83,000 and 4989, the lowest score appears in the Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, and the highest score appears in the National University of Defense Technology, for Sichuan science girls, it is still worth it to enter the 985 University of Defense Technology with the top 5000 in the province, but there are many other top 985 universities to choose from.

The number of liberal arts students enrolled in the military academy is not large, this year's Sichuan Liberal Arts Military Academy physical test line, male students are 529-544 points, female students are between 575-591 points, the provincial ranking is between 20,400 male students and 12,700 male students, female students are between 4,379 and 2,054, the lowest physical test score is the Armed Police Coast Guard Academy, and the highest is basically understood by the National University of Defense Technology.

25 military schools enrolled 955 students in the Sichuan college entrance examination, with the highest physical test score of 648 points, and the admission score was higher

The college entrance examination candidates and parents who apply for the military school know that the score difference between the first choice to fill in the military school and the second choice is huge, and in 2024, the lowest score difference between the two volunteers is 0, which is okay, and the highest is 58 points, that is, the physical test score of the second choice candidate of the Naval Submarine Academy has increased from 539 points to 597 points in the first choice, and the Rocket Force Engineering University has also increased from 539 points to 591 points, so when applying for the military school, The choice of first and second choice is also very important.

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