
Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination


I didn't expect that what detonated this summer would be a variety show in which the "old sisters" who didn't even have a star participated.

They are not celebrities, but they are not stingy to be called the "top stream of the Internet" by netizens this summer;

They are not young, but they are frequently out of the circle among this generation of young people.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

When Yu Xiuhua, who is even more intimidating than Lin Gengxin in "The Story of Rose",

met Wanyan Huide, who insisted that "women want iPhones (to keep to themselves)",

The joy of summer is worth it all the time!

"Enemy Friend" VS "Best Friend"

Life needs brave wall breakers

In the wave of the entertainment industry, there is another show that has attracted a lot of attention.

It is the all-female variety show "I Love Me, It's Great".

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(The first meeting between the two on the show)

With its unique perspective and the real interaction between the guests, this show has become the focus of recent conversations.

And the straightforward performance of the guests in front of the camera shook their faces and bombarded them, which allowed the audience to see the real and warm exchanges between different women.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Wanyan Huide's "out of the circle" speech in the early live broadcast)

The show is to let the four aunts travel together, and the first to appear are Yu Xiuhua and Wanyan Huide, who do not deal with each other.

The love and killing between the two aunts made netizens call out what kind of genius brain hole can bring these two together.

One is a poet who became famous by writing "Sleep with You Through Most of China".

One is a psychological counseling blogger who said "women want iphones (to keep to themselves)" and became popular.

With the addition of Su Minhe, a 60-year-old aunt who traveled around China by car, and Deng Jing, who recorded her realization of "100 last wishes in life" with a video after being diagnosed with terminal breast cancer, the beautiful and warm moments between female friends became more and more prominent.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

("Loulan language" ridiculed by netizens)

When they met for the first time, Yu Xiuhua and Wanyan's very different personalities rubbed some small contradictions.

When the show first aired, Yu Xiuhua posted several small essays on Weibo to complain.

"When Yan Huide used his mobile phone to shoot me and asked me to compose poems, I already wanted to curse."

"I ordered one more dish at Peking University, and she actually memorized the poem: Sweat drops and grass go down to the soil, and every grain is hard, at that time I had 10,000 grass and mud horses in my heart!"

"For this show, I used the limit of my patience!"

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Wanyan Huide's live broadcast screen)

The reason was that Wanyan Huide wanted to go to Peking University to see his mentor when he was a student, but he didn't make an appointment in advance.

The two walked in the rain for a long time and tried all kinds of ways to contact them, but the teacher politely refused on the grounds of a business trip.

At lunchtime, Yu Xiuhua bluntly said that Yan Huide was to prove his Peking University degree, "You don't need to toss so much, just show your graduation certificate from Peking University." ”

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Yu Xiuhua posted a number of Weibo posts to express her dissatisfaction, and it was frequently searched)

stepped directly on Yu Xiuhua's thunder point, when she asked Yan Huide about marriage, one didn't want to say, and the other had to ask, and ended up unhappy.

Not everyone is willing to talk about their private affairs in front of the camera.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Yu Xiuhua imitated Yan Huide's "Loulan language")

Wan Yan Huide is the person who wants to leave a little secret space of his own in the "perspective" of the Internet.

So when Yu Xiuhua said, "Why didn't you get married?" ”

Wanyan Huide subconsciously avoided sexually saying: "Why do you say that I am not married, this is my privacy." ”

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination
Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(The two disagreed in the show, and Yu Xiuhua left the table angrily)

Yu Xiuhua sighed helplessly: "The whole network knows it, I just ask, is it private to get married or not?" ”

Wan Yan was also unhappy after hearing this, and directly said, "My God, that must be privacy, first, you are not my friend, and second, you are not my colleague, so I don't want to answer." ”

In Yu Xiuhua's view, treating marriage as privacy is an arrogant mentality.

(Interview screen in the program)

They are all cute women with personalities who dare to freely express their preferences, but one is stubborn and genuine, and the other is paranoid and sensitive.

Compared with Wanyan, Yu Xiuhua undoubtedly has a strong heart that surpasses many people.

So she disdains the gossip and abuse on the Internet, and dismisses the three indiscriminate and opinion leaders in front of her.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(The two walked in Peking University in the rain)

Many admire Yu Xiuhua's freedom and courage not to bow down to any authority and vicious speech.

But Wanyan is not, behind her aggressive appearance, it is to wrap the soft heart in her bottom.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Wan Yan Huide talked about the reason for his reluctance to discuss marriage in an interview)

"Getting married" or "not getting married" may never be "a question", but it is a topic that all traditional Chinese cannot avoid.

Just like those young post-90s generations, they can't wait to lift the table when they hear their elders mention marriage, they are not arrogant and rude.

Rather-it's my choice, it's none of your business~

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Seeing each other's other side in getting along)

As they get along along the way, the two learn more about each other's pasts.

Yu Xiuhua used her straightforwardness and gentleness to make Wan Yan, who had once wrapped herself in thorns, gradually let down her guard against strangers.

When the barriers between people are broken, prejudice disappears, and two soft hearts can begin to accept each other.

They exist

It interprets the meaning of women's independence

The third guest of the show is Su Min, an aunt who started driving around China in order to escape her husband's domestic violence and unhappy marriage.

She was born in Qamdo, Tibet, a beautiful and distant place.

However, fate didn't let her stay there for long, and on the eve of the college entrance examination, she and her family moved back to Henan.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(The addition of Su Min eased the atmosphere of the show)

Since then, her life has begun a profound dialogue with her family and society.

Her marriage to her husband was not based on love, but was hastily married after being introduced.

This marriage did not bring her warmth and love, but instead plunged her into endless pain and struggle.

Her husband's sarcasm, ridicule and oppression made her feel suffocated in the family. She had tried to communicate with her husband, but all she got was more indifference and disregard.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

In order to get rid of this suffocation, Su Min began to seek financial independence.

Although the work is hard, Su Min has found her value in her work with her own hard work and tenacity.

What really awakened Su Min was the inspiration of the self-driving travel blogger. She began to yearn for a free, uninhibited way of life.

In September 2020, she resolutely embarked on the road of road tripping.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

She drove her own car through most of China.

She recorded these beautiful moments with her own lens and shared them with more people through self-media.

She used her experience to tell the world that women too can have freedom, independence and the right to pursue their dreams.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(The "Four Sisters" go on a trip together to try new things)

In the show, in order to accompany Deng Jing, who is struggling with cancer, to realize her dream, everyone went to massage her feet, go to beauty travel photography, go to Hangweiya "Flying Sky", go to the beach, go to watch the sunrise, and set off fireworks......

Deng Jing's family was poor when she was a child, and she didn't get much love from adults.

When she grows up and has the ability, she wants to take care of the people around her and care about them.

Although she is a patient in the show, she is always the one who takes the initiative to take care of the needs and emotions of others.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Deng Jing was interviewed by Dong Yuhui)

They are not "perfect women" in the eyes of the world, but they all show people the charm and value of travel with courage and perseverance.

They use "running away" again and again to prove that they don't have to be anyone's wife, she is herself.

No matter how old you are, as long as you have dreams and courage, you can pursue your own poems and distant places.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Take a photo at the beach)

Although they have different experiences and backgrounds, the authenticity, independence and courage shown in the show are the qualities that many young people are pursuing today.

They dare to pursue their dreams and beliefs, dare to challenge traditional ideas and social pressures, and dare to face difficulties and setbacks.

Through their actions and stories, they show us that women can also have unlimited possibilities and power.

Love is an ability

Not an instinct

The three female guests invited by the show have all faced or are facing marital problems to a greater or lesser extent.

There is a saying: the authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear.

Yu Xiuhua, a poetess who dares to love and hate, and dare to be angry and outspoken, although she is open from time to time in her daily life, as she understands each other more deeply during the trip, she also gives her a lot of pertinent experience as a partner.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Yu Xiuhua talked to everyone about her views on love)

When everyone was immersed in the night view of Arayamiri, and Su Min, who had no communication with her ex-husband, broke down and cried because she couldn't get a divorce, Yu Xiuhua, who had not spoken on the side, firmly encouraged her:

"Teacher Su Min, there is no inseparable marriage";

"Just like when I divorced my ex-husband, Lao Tzu died and was not buried with him."

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Yu Xiuhua encourages Su Min)

Wanyan Huide was born in Wanyan Village, Pingliangjingchuan, Gansu Province, a poor village built on loess.

When she was a child, her biological father died of illness, and in order to live, her mother had no choice but to take her to remarry someone else.

In the local traditional concept, the daughter is the mother's oil bottle, Wanyan grew up in such discussions, and she was determined to change her fate through her own efforts.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Wan Yan recalls his childhood experience in the documentary)

When she was young, her hometown was very poor, and her mother and stepfather wanted her to drop out of school early and get married.

At that time, the bride price for local marriage was generally about 800 yuan, but her stepfather asked for 20,000 yuan.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Wanyan Huide's Peking University graduation certificate)

The matchmaker introduced her to someone who either had leg problems or eye problems, and the stepfather didn't care about these defects because the other party had money.

"You (marry) it, if you have a conscience, you give your mother a little money, and if you don't have a conscience, you live your good life."

Wan Yan Huide, who didn't want to get married, chose to escape from his hometown in his early twenties, went to study in other places alone, and was admitted to Peking University through his own efforts.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Four sisters set off fireworks at the beach)

In the program "I Love Me, It's Great", looking at Deng Jing, who is so strong and optimistic with terminal cancer, Yu Xiuhua also wrote a poem to this strong woman.

"Soon after, I met a woman

With terminal cancer, she wants to fulfill 100 wishes while she is alive

Ah, 100 wishes are enough to be happy

I often watch her videos, she is laughing, and I can't help crying

The flames are always rising, and so are the ashes"

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

Yu Xiuhua's life experience can also be described as colorful.

From her marriage to Yin Shiping at the age of 19, to her first part-time job in 2012, and then to becoming the vice chairman of the Zhongxiang Writers Association in Hubei Province, her every step is full of stories.

It wasn't until she became popular in 2014 with the poem "Crossing Most of China to Sleep with You" in the WeChat circle of friends.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

Some times, it's because of her bold and extreme remarks, some it's because of her courage to be fearful, and more often, it's because of her concept of love.

"Love is an ability, not an instinct," she said. ”

Although her marriage to her ex-husband left many dim impressions on her youth, she never stopped her desire for love and the pace of pursuing love along the way.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Yu Xiuhua's first husband)

In 2022, she accepted the confession of Yang Chuce, a beekeeper who dropped out of junior high school but loves poetry.

For Yu Xiuhua, this relationship may have come as a little unexpected. She said: "A 46-year-old woman, what accident can't be accepted? ”

But Yu Xiuhua did not usher in the love she was expecting, and the two soon broke up.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Yu Xiuhua's ex-husband)

Some people say that Yu Xiuhua is too hungry for love.

Yu Xiuhua's circle of friends are all men, journalists, artists and poets, she likes cultural people, and she calls them "boyfriends".

But he laughed at himself: "Because of his ugly appearance, he created the myth of pure friendship between men and women." ”

experienced two unhappy marriages, and the show would laugh and joke: "If I look for a man, I must be young post-90s."

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

But she will also say:

I understand love through different people

Find another way into this world

So the requirements for this person are demanding:

There are too many people on the planet, but none of them look right.

Three women in one play, this middle-aged and elderly version of the "enemy honey" Shura field combination

(Yu Xiuhua's documentary footage)

Through their attitude to life in the show, we can see that rebellion and uninhibition are just appearances, and they show us more the power of middle-aged women.

It doesn't matter how old you are, no matter where you are, no matter what you're bothered by.

Come out and you'll see that the world is big.

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