
Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

author:Lao Gao said history

Tang Xuanzong Li Longji, an emperor who left a strong mark in Chinese history. His reign is known as the "Kaiyuan Dynasty" and brought unprecedented prosperity to the Tang Dynasty. However, there is also a little-known warmth in this eloquent monarch. In his life, there is an incident that has caused a lot of speculation and discussion among later generations: he actually posthumously crowned all his brothers emperor or crown prince. This move is unique in the entire history of China.

What was the reason for Tang Xuanzong to make such a decision? Is it a simple brotherhood, or is it an ulterior motive? What are the stories of these posthumously sealed brothers? Do their lives really deserve such a lofty title? And behind these posthumous seals, what kind of political considerations and human brilliance are hidden?

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

Among the Tang Xuanzong brothers, each has a unique personality and experience, and together they form a complex and vivid family picture.

Li Chengji, as the eldest brother, should have been the most qualified candidate to inherit the throne. However, fate gave him an unexpected script. When Tang Ruizong Li Dan ascended the throne for the first time, Li Chengqi, who was only 5 years old, was made the crown prince. Who would have thought that just six years later, Wu Zetian's birth completely changed the situation. Li Dan was forced to abdicate, and Li Chengqi also fell from the crown prince to the emperor's grandson.

Such ups and downs are undoubtedly a huge blow to a child. However, Li Chengqi has shown extraordinary maturity and wisdom. When Tang Zhongzong Li Xian ascended the throne and wanted to crown him as King Cai, Li Chengqi resolutely refused and chose to retain the title of King of Shouchun County. This move not only showed his self-knowledge, but also showed his keen insight into the situation.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

The turning point in Li Chengqi's life came when Tang Ruizong ascended the throne for the second time. As the eldest son, he had the most legitimate reason to inherit the throne. However, he took the initiative to withdraw from the battle for the storage position and gave the opportunity to his third brother Li Longji. This decision not only changed his own fate, but also profoundly affected the historical trend of the entire Tang Dynasty.

Li Chengyi, as the second son, seems to be the most inconspicuous among the brothers. However, his bloodline is quite noble, and his mother was born in the famous Hedong Liu clan. The trajectory of Li Chengyi's life is quite dramatic. His maternal grandfather, Liu Zheng, was killed in connection with the case of Queen Wang, and his family became slaves. Li Chengyi's mother also entered the palace as a palace maid, but she was favored by Li Dan by mistake and gave birth to him.

Although Li Chengyi is not as prominent as his other brothers, his statement at the critical moment has played a crucial role. When Li Longji faced the battle for the storage position, Li Chengyi followed Li Chengqi and clearly expressed his support for the third brother. This move not only consolidated Li Longji's position, but also won himself the posthumous title of "Prince Huizhuang".

Li Longfan is the most talented of the brothers. He was not only proficient in music, especially pipa playing, but also an excellent collector of paintings and calligraphy. Li Longfan's mansion has been crowded with literati and artists all year round, such as Wang Wei, Du Fu and other famous artists have been frequent visitors. However, it was this wide circle of contacts that embroiled him in a political turmoil.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

At that time, Li Longfan's friend Pei Xuji aroused the suspicion of the imperial court because of his research on the study of the science of Weiwei. Although some people took the opportunity to slander Li Longfan, he showed a detached attitude, neither explained nor admitted his mistakes, and proved his innocence with his actions. This calm attitude not only won the trust of Tang Xuanzong, but also showed his mind and bearing.

Li Longye is the most cautious of the brothers. His mother, Concubine Wang De, died young, and he was raised by his aunt, Concubine Wang Xian. Perhaps it was this experience that shaped Li Longye's cautious character. He not only abides by his duty, but also takes his aunt to the house to be carefully supported, showing a rare filial piety.

However, even Li Longye, who was so cautious, was once involved in a political turmoil because of a gaffe by his brother-in-law Wei Bin. Although this incident eventually subsided, it also reflected the complicated political environment of the Tang Xuanzong period.

These four brothers have their own characteristics and opportunities. Their stories not only reflect the complex relationship between the Tang Dynasty royal family, but also show the political situation and human nature of that era. Tang Xuanzong's posthumous title to them may be the affirmation and praise of these brothers' respective contributions.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

Tang Xuanzong's pursuit of his brothers seems to be just a manifestation of family affection on the surface, but in fact it contains profound political considerations. This move not only consolidated the imperial power and pacified the clan, but also established the image of a loyal monarch and laid a solid foundation for the reign of Tang Xuanzong.

First of all, posthumously crowning his brother as emperor and crown prince was a means for Tang Xuanzong to consolidate imperial power. In the Tang Dynasty, the issue of imperial succession has always been a sensitive and complex topic. When Tang Gaozu Li Yuan established the Tang Dynasty, he promised the inheritance system of "brother to brother", which to a certain extent led to the later dispute over the throne. By posthumously sealing his brothers, Tang Xuanzong was actually reasserting his legitimacy.

Taking Li Chengqi as an example, as the eldest son, he had the most legitimate reason to inherit the throne. Tang Xuanzong posthumously named him "Emperor Jean", on the one hand, it was a reward for his grace to give up, and on the other hand, it was also to announce to the world: the throne was given to him by Li Chengqi on his own initiative, and his accession to the throne was justified. This move not only silenced possible doubts, but also added a legitimacy to his rule.

Secondly, posthumously sealing brothers is an important measure to appease the clan. The clan system in the Tang Dynasty was very complex, with a large number of clan members, and how to deal with the relationship with the clan has always been a difficult problem for successive emperors. Tang Xuanzong sent a clear signal to the entire clan by posthumously sealing his brothers: as long as he is loyal to the emperor, he can get the respect and status he deserves.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

The implications of this move are far-reaching. Take Li Longfan as an example, although he was involved in political turmoil, he was finally posthumously named "Prince Huiwen". This is not only a compliment to Li Longfan himself, but also a demonstration of Tang Xuanzong's tolerance and benevolence to the entire clan. This practice will undoubtedly strengthen the clan's loyalty to the emperor and reduce discontent within the clan.

Moreover, posthumously sealing brothers is also a way for Tang Xuanzong to establish the image of a loyal monarch. In traditional Chinese culture, "filial piety" is an extremely important concept, and the emperor, as a role model for the world, should lead by example. Tang Xuanzong showed his respect and gratitude to his family by posthumously sealing his brothers, which would undoubtedly win the favor and recognition of his subjects.

Take Li Chengyi as an example, although he was the most inconspicuous among his brothers, Tang Xuanzong still posthumously named him the "Prince of Huizhuang". This move not only reflects Tang Xuanzong's benevolence, but also conveys a message to the world: even brothers with low status can be respected as they deserve. This practice will undoubtedly strengthen the subject's sense of identification with the emperor and increase their loyalty.

In addition, there is a hidden political intention of chasing brothers, which is to set an example for their own children and grandchildren. In this way, Tang Xuanzong conveyed a clear message to his children and grandchildren: brotherly harmony and mutual support are the demeanor of the royal family. This would not only help maintain the unity of the royal family, but also reduce possible future battles for the throne.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

However, the move to chase the brothers is not without its risks. Some ministers may question whether such a massive posthumous campaign would weaken the emperor's authority. In response to this possible questioning, Tang Xuanzong took a series of ingenious measures.

For example, when posthumously crowning Li Chengqi as "Emperor Rang", Tang Xuanzong deliberately emphasized the word "let", which was not only an affirmation of Li Chengqi's grace to give way, but also implied that the throne would eventually be inherited by himself. At the same time, the posthumous titles of other brothers are all "princes" rather than "emperors", which also reflects Tang Xuanzong's exquisite consideration of political balance.

In general, Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers was a clever political operation. It not only reflects the political wisdom of Tang Xuanzong, but also reflects the complex political ecology of the Tang Dynasty. This move not only satisfies emotional needs, but also achieves political goals, which can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone. It was this kind of political foresight and skill that laid a solid foundation for Tang Xuanzong to create the "prosperous era of the new century".

Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers is not only a political consideration, but also a true portrayal of deep brotherhood. The roots of this affection can be traced back to the difficult years they went through together, as well as the cherished memories of supporting each other in the struggle for power.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

Li Longji's friendship with his brothers began in their childhood. During Wu Zetian's reign, the Li clan suffered an unprecedented blow. Li Longji and his brothers, as children of the royal family, had to live incognito and live the life of ordinary people. This experience undoubtedly left a deep impression on them at a young age.

During these difficult times, the mutual help and support between the brothers became their greatest comfort. According to the Book of the Old Tang Dynasty, Li Longji at that time often went out with his brother Li Chengqi to forage for food, and sometimes even had to beg. In the process, the two brothers took care of each other and went through the most difficult period of their lives together. This experience of sharing hardships has undoubtedly deepened the relationship between them.

After Li Longji ascended the throne, he posthumously named Li Chengqi as "Emperor Jean", which is not only a reward for his grace to give up, but also a profound commemoration of this common experience. The word "let" in this title is not only a praise for Li Chengqi's high style and bright festival, but also an affirmation of the mutual support between brothers.

Although Li Chengyi was the most inconspicuous of his brothers, he played a key role in Li Longji's ascension to the throne. At that time, Li Longji faced a grim political situation and needed the support of his family. Although Li Chengyi's status was not high, he did not hesitate to stand by Li Longji's side and provided important support for his ascension to the throne.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

After Li Longji ascended the throne, he posthumously named Li Chengyi as the "Prince of Huizhuang", and the word "Hui" in this title is a praise for his generous and benevolent character. This is not only a personal praise for Li Chengyi, but also an affirmation of the selfless dedication between the brothers.

As the most talented of the brothers, Li Longfan played an important role in the early days of Li Longji's ascension to the throne. He not only gave Li Longji a lot of advice in government affairs, but also used his extensive contacts to win support for Li Longji. However, it was this wide circle of contacts that embroiled him in a political turmoil.

At that time, Li Longfan's friend Pei Xuji aroused the suspicion of the imperial court because of his research on the study of the science of Weiwei. Although some people took the opportunity to slander Li Longfan, Li Longji did not believe slander. On the contrary, he gave Li Longfan full trust and support, and finally calmed down the turmoil. This incident not only shows Li Longji's trust in his brother, but also shows the mutual understanding and support between the brothers.

Li Longji posthumously named Li Longfan as "Prince Huiwen", and the word "Wen" in this title is an affirmation of his literary style. This is not only a recognition of Li Longfan's talent, but also a kind of praise for the mutual appreciation and support between brothers.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

Although Li Longye has a cautious personality, he also provided important support to Li Longji at critical moments. In the early days of Lee Long-ki's ascension to the throne, the situation between the DPRK and China was complicated, and Lee Long-ye, with his prudence and wisdom, helped Lee Long-ji avoid many political traps. Although Li Longye was later involved in a political turmoil because of the gaffe of his brother-in-law Wei Bin, Li Longji still gave him full trust and support.

Li Longji posthumously named Li Longye as "filial piety to the emperor", and the word "filial piety" in this title is not only an affirmation of his adherence to his duty and filial piety to his elders, but also a kind of praise for mutual respect and support between brothers.

In addition to these positive interactions, there have also been disputes and misunderstandings between the brothers. For example, in the early days of Li Longji's ascension to the throne, some people slandered Li Chengqi that he was disobedient. Faced with this situation, Li Longji did not believe slander, but personally had a long talk with Li Chengqi to eliminate the misunderstanding. This attitude of being honest with each other and resolving contradictions is another manifestation of deep brotherly love.

Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers is not only an affirmation of their contributions during their lifetimes, but also an eternal commemoration of this brotherhood. This kind of posthumous sealing transcends life and death, transcends time and space, and sublimates the emotions between brothers to a new height. It is not only a respect for the deceased, but also an encouragement to the living, and an inspiration to future generations.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

This kind of brotherhood is extremely rare in Chinese history. In the game of power, examples of fratricidal cannibalism abound, but there are very few examples like Tang Xuanzong who can always maintain brotherly harmony. The preciousness of this friendship lies not only in its rarity, but also in its ability to remain pure and sincere in the face of the harsh political reality.

Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers not only had a far-reaching impact at that time, but also left a deep imprint on the political, cultural and social fields of later generations. This move not only shaped the image of the benevolent monarch of Tang Xuanzong, but also provided an important reference for later generations to deal with the internal relations of the imperial family.

In the political field, Tang Xuanzong's posthumous act had a significant impact on the system of succession to the throne. At the beginning of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan promised a succession system of "brother to brother", which to a certain extent led to the later dispute over the throne. By posthumously crowning his brother Li Chengqi as "making the emperor", Tang Xuanzong was actually reaffirming the legitimacy of the "primogeniture inheritance system". This move provided an important reference for the imperial succession system in later generations.

For example, in the Song Dynasty, Taizu Zhao Kuangyin ascended the throne after the "Chenqiao Mutiny", and in order to avoid sibling strife, he adopted a similar approach to Tang Xuanzong. Zhao Kuangyin posthumously named his brother Zhao Dezhao as "Emperor Xiande", which is not only a respect for his brother, but also a declaration of the legitimacy of his succession to the world. This practice stabilized the political situation in the early Song Dynasty to a certain extent and laid the foundation for the long-term stability of the Song Dynasty.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

In the field of culture, Tang Xuanzong's posthumous act had a profound impact on the etiquette system of later generations. As a special etiquette, posthumous sealing has been further developed and perfected after Tang Xuanzong. For example, in the Song Dynasty, the posthumous feudal system was further systematized and extended not only to members of the royal family, but also to meritorious and famous ministers.

During the reign of Song Renzong, Fan Zhongyan, the famous minister, was posthumously awarded the title of "Duke of Chu" after his death. This is not only an affirmation of Fan Zhongyan's personal achievements, but also a tribute to his spirit of "worrying about the world first, and enjoying the joy of the world after the world". To a certain extent, the expansion of this posthumous system has promoted the improvement of the social atmosphere and encouraged more officials to serve the country and the people.

In the social field, Tang Xuanzong's posthumous act had a profound impact on family ethics. In traditional Chinese culture, the family is the basic unit of society, and the brotherly relationship is an important foundation for family harmony. Tang Xuanzong set a model of brotherhood and brotherhood to the whole society by posthumously sealing his brothers.

This influence continued into the Ming and Qing dynasties. For example, although Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, came from a humble background, he attached great importance to family ethics. After the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, he not only posthumously crowned his parents and ancestors, but also gave high-level posthumous titles to his brothers and sisters. This practice not only reflects Zhu Yuanzhang's importance to the family, but also establishes a good atmosphere of respecting elders and harmonious brothers in the whole society.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

Tang Xuanzong's posthumous move also had a profound impact on the literary creation of later generations. After the Tang Dynasty, a large number of literary works with the theme of brotherhood emerged. For example, in the Song Dynasty writer Su Shi's "Jiangchengzi Mizhou Hunting", the sentence "Reading the articles of the two dynasties, now they are all strangers" profoundly expresses the longing for his brother Su Ting. This kind of literary creation with the theme of brotherhood was inspired to a certain extent by the deeds of Tang Xuanzong who posthumously sealed his brothers.

In addition, Tang Xuanzong's posthumous move also had an important impact on the historiography of later generations. As a special historical phenomenon, it provides important materials for the study of imperial psychology, political strategies and social customs. For example, the Qing Dynasty scholar Qian Daxin made a detailed study of the deeds of Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty in "Twenty-two Historical Examinations", which provided an important reference for later generations to study the politics and culture of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Xuanzong's influence even extended to the religious realm. During the Tang Dynasty, both Buddhism and Taoism were greatly developed. Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers to a certain extent reflects the integration of Confucian "filial piety" and Buddhism. This convergence provided new ideas for the development of religions in later generations.

For example, when explaining "filial piety", the Song Dynasty scholar Cheng Yi cited the Buddhist concept of "compassion", arguing that true filial piety should come from the heart, not from external constraints. The development of this kind of thinking can be traced back to a certain extent to the tradition of the integration of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism during the Xuanzong period of the Tang Dynasty.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

In general, Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers is not only a historical event, but also a cultural phenomenon with far-reaching influence. It has influenced the political system, cultural traditions, social ethics and academic research of later generations, and has become a unique and important node in the long history of China.

Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers seems to be a manifestation of family friendship on the surface, but a deeper exploration of the historical background and political motives reveals a more complex historical truth behind this move.

First of all, the act of chasing the seal itself is a political tool. In ancient China, posthumous titles were not only a compliment to the deceased, but also a way for those in power to consolidate their rule. By posthumously sealing his brothers, Tang Xuanzong was actually reorganizing and establishing his political lineage and strengthening the legitimacy of his rule.

Take Li Chengqi's posthumous seal as an example. Li Chengji was posthumously named "Emperor Jean", a title that seems to be a compliment to his abdication, but in fact it has a deeper political meaning. Through this posthumous seal, Tang Xuanzong not only affirmed Li Chengqi's abdication, but more importantly, he announced to the world that the throne was given to him by Li Chengqi on his own initiative, not by him through force or conspiracy. Such claims have helped to dispel doubts about the legitimacy of his accession to the throne.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

Li Longfan was posthumously named "Prince Huiwen", a title that also contained political intentions. Li Longfan was suspected of being involved in political turmoil during his lifetime, and Tang Xuanzong passed this posthumous title, which was not only an affirmation of his brother's talent, but also a show to the world: Li Longfan is innocent, and he has always been loyal to the royal family. This practice helped to quell possible grievances in the court and preserve the reputation of the imperial family.

Secondly, chasing the seal is also a means to balance the situation. In the early days of Tang Xuanzong's accession to the throne, the forces of the DPRK and China were complex, and the wrestling between all parties was fierce. By posthumously sealing his brothers, Tang Xuanzong was actually sending a signal to all forces: he valued family relations and respected the old ministers of the previous dynasty. This practice helped to appease officials associated with the previous dynasty and stabilize the situation.

For example, Li Longye was posthumously awarded the title of "Filial Piety to the Emperor", and the word "filial piety" in this title is not only an affirmation of Li Longye's personal morality, but also a political signal conveyed by Tang Xuanzong to the courtiers. He is telling everyone: as long as you are loyal to the royal family and abide by your duty, you will be respected and praised as you deserve. This practice helped to unite the centripetal force of the courtiers and maintain the stability of the regime.

Moreover, posthumous sealing is also a means of resolving family conflicts. During Tang Xuanzong's ascension to the throne, inevitably would cause harm to some of his brothers. By posthumously sealing the seal, he tried to heal these rifts and eliminate possible grievances among family members.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

For example, although Li Chengyi's status among his brothers is not high, Tang Xuanzong still posthumously named him "Prince Huizhuang". This is not only a personal compliment to Li Chengyi, but also a message conveyed by Tang Xuanzong to all family members: even if the status is not high, as long as you are loyal to the family, you will be respected as you deserve. This practice helps to maintain the unity of the family and prevent internal divisions.

In addition, posthumous sealing is also a means of shaping personal image. Through the posthumous sealing of his brothers, Tang Xuanzong showed the world his benevolence, affection and righteousness. This image helps to win the hearts and minds of the people and strengthens the legitimacy of the rule.

For example, Tang Xuanzong posthumously named Li Chengqi as "Emperor Jean", which is not only a praise for Li Chengqi, but also a demonstration of his character of gratitude to the world. This practice helped to shape the image of the benevolent monarch of Tang Xuanzong and win the support of the people.

However, the historical truth behind the posthumous closure is not always above board. Sometimes, posthumous seals can also be a means of covering up the truth of history. By glorifying the image of the deceased, the ruler can cover up some dishonorable historical facts.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful

For example, Li Longfan was posthumously awarded the title of "Prince Huiwen", a title that seems to be an affirmation of his talent. But in fact, Li Longfan was involved in political turmoil during his lifetime, and may even pose a threat to the rule of Tang Xuanzong. Through this posthumous sealing, Tang Xuanzong not only eliminated people's negative impression of Li Longfan, but also covered up the possible political contradictions between them.

Similarly, Li Chengyi was posthumously named "Prince Huizhuang", a title that seems to be a tribute to his generous and benevolent character. But in fact, Li Chengyi did not play much role in the process of Tang Xuanzong's accession to the throne. This kind of posthumous sealing may be Tang Xuanzong's attempt to balance the family relationship and appease those brothers who are at a disadvantage in the power struggle.

It is worth noting that the effect of posthumous sealing as a political means is not always ideal. Sometimes, excessive posthumous sealing can cause suspicion and dissatisfaction. For example, in his later years, Tang Xuanzong wantonly pursued the family members of his favorite concubine Yang Guifei, which caused dissatisfaction among the government and the opposition, and eventually became one of the fuses for the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion.

In general, Tang Xuanzong's posthumous sealing of his brothers seems to be a manifestation of family friendship on the surface, but in fact it is a complex political behavior. It is not only a means to consolidate the rule and balance the situation, but also a strategy to resolve contradictions and shape the image. Through this posthumous feud, Tang Xuanzong not only dealt with the relationship within the family, but also stabilized the court situation to a large extent, laying the foundation for his long-term rule.

Why did Tang Xuanzong posthumously crown all his brothers as emperors and princes? Three reasons, two tearful