
After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

author:The boy said the classics
After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?
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After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

In 2007, a "missing person notice" by Jiang Kun, a leader in the cross talk industry, caused an uproar on major media platforms. This highly respected artist is actually looking for the biological parents of his adopted son Jiang He.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion, some people praised Jiang Kun's tolerance and generosity, and some people questioned whether Jiang He was ungrateful.

However, what few people know is that in the late autumn of 24 years ago, Jiang He, who was only 6 years old, made a naïve promise: "When you are old, I will take good care of you."

Now, time flies, and Jiang He has started a family. Has this seemingly childlike promise been fulfilled in the long river of years? A deep family relationship that transcends blood ties is slowly unfolding in front of our eyes.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

In a welfare home in Beijing, there was a thin boy named Xie Tan. His hair was dry and yellow, and he was short in stature, like a timid kitten. Because he suffers from congenital asthma, Xie Tan has passed by the opportunity to be adopted many times.

Whenever he saw the other children leaving the orphanage with a smile on their faces, he felt both envious and helpless.

One day in 1998, the god of fate favored this lonely boy. Jiang Kun, a famous cross talk artist, led the volunteers to the welfare home to hold a "warmth" activity.

After the event, volunteers can bring a child home for a week. Xie Tan plucked up his courage and hugged Jiang Kun's legs tightly with his thin arms. At this moment, it seemed that there was a providence in the dark, and the two hearts were close to each other.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

In Jiang Kun's house, Xie Tan seemed to be in a dream. Clean and tidy clothes, delicious meals, and fun toys made him feel like he had never had an experience in the welfare home.

Jiang Kun patiently played with him and taught him to speak, and Xie Tan's eyes flashed with happiness.

Seven days passed in a flash, and Xie Tan knew that he was about to return to the welfare home. As the parting was imminent, the precocious child plucked up the courage and said, "Please let me stay, I am willing to call you father, and when you are old, I will take good care of you."

Jiang Kun was deeply touched by these words, and he decided to adopt Xie Tan and named him Jiang He.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

However, the road to adoption has not been easy. Jiang Kun's wife, Li Jingmin, did not approve at first, and the atmosphere at home was tense for a while. But Jiang He, with his ingenuity and hard work, gradually won the love of his adoptive mother.

He took the initiative to help with housework, took care of Li Jingmin considerately, and interpreted gratitude with his actions.

Jiang He's asthma attacks are frequent, and whenever this happens, Li Jingmin will stay by his bedside all night. Seeing that his adoptive mother, who used to be cold to him, cared so much about him, Jiang He's heart was full of emotion, he hugged Li Jingmin tightly and called out "Mom" sincerely.

At this moment, the relationship between the adoptive mother and son is even deeper.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

Under the careful care of Jiang Kun and his wife, Jiang He's physical condition gradually improved, and his personality became cheerful and lively. He began to be coquettish and playful like an ordinary child, enjoying his hard-won childhood.

Jiang Kun and his wife looked at the changes in Jiang He, and their hearts were full of relief, and they felt the happiness and responsibility of being parents.

From Xie Tan to Jiang He, this once lonely boy found his own home. Although they are not related by blood, Jiang Kun and his wife love him more than their own.

This experience not only changed the trajectory of Jiang He's life, but also made Jiang Kun and his wife realize another meaning of life.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

As he grew older, Jiang He's personality gradually changed. The boy who used to be cautious and submissive became more and more confident and even a little willful under the care of his parents.

He began to be less cautious than before, because he knew that no matter what happened, there would always be parents behind him to support him.

In 2002, Jiang He ushered in an important turning point in his life. He was sent to study at the Shenyang National Art School and began to live independently. When he first entered the school, Jiang He attracted attention because of his identity as the "son of Jiang Kun".

The classmates around him vied with him, and he was a little flustered because of it. In order to prove his strength and value, Jiang He began to spend a lot of money, frequently invited guests to dinner, and even lent money to classmates but never pursued it.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

Gradually, Jiang He began to make friends with some people in society, believing that only in this way could he demonstrate his value as the son of a star. As a result, his studies began to slip, which made Jiang Kun deeply worried.

In order to accompany and discipline his son, Jiang Kun decided to go to Shenyang.

However, Jiang He felt that his father's arrival restricted his freedom. He often sneaks out to have fun, and secretly comforts himself: "When they really need me, I will do my best to take care of them."

This mentality allows him to enjoy life with a hint of guilt at the same time.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

Late one night, Jiang He once again delayed his return. An anxious Jiang Kun went out to look for it, and not far from the school, he saw a shocking scene: Jiang Ha was in a fierce conflict with a tall boy, and he was obviously at a disadvantage.

Jiang Kun rushed forward without hesitation and protected his son with his body. At this moment, the wooden stick in the opponent's hand hit Jiang Kun's shoulder heavily. The intense pain made Jiang Kun's face distort instantly, but he still hugged Jiang He tightly.

This scene deeply shocked Jiang He. For the first time, he truly felt his father's love for him, and tears welled up uncontrollably in his eyes. Since then, Jiang He seems to have changed as a person.

He stopped squandering money and began to concentrate on his studies and train hard.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

In 2003, Jiang He won the first prize in the National Children's Acrobatics Competition, drawing a successful end to his efforts. This award is not only a recognition of his talent, but also a testimony to the transformation of his character.

This experience made Jiang He realize the love of his parents again, and also made him understand the importance of responsibility and self-discipline. He began to reflect on his actions and strive to be a son worthy of the pride of his parents.

From rebellion to maturity, Jiang He's growth process was tortuous, but he finally found the right direction in life.

In 2004, Jiang He ushered in an important moment in his life. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he and his father Jiang Kun appeared together, bringing a wonderful performance to the national audience.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

Jiang Kun conquered the audience with his superb cross talk art, while Jiang He amazed the audience with his superb acrobatic skills.

When Jiang Kun proudly introduced to the audience: "This is my son - River Boy!" The audience burst into long-lasting applause. At that moment, Jiang He felt unprecedented pride and happiness, and he knew that he had finally lived up to his father's expectations.

Two years later, Jiang He's career ushered in another breakthrough. In 2006, he starred in the film "I Am the Champion", which truly showed the hard life of a acrobat.

At the premiere, Jiang He said emotionally: "Without my father's careful cultivation, there would be no Jiang He today." This sentence is not only a gratitude to my father, but also a summary of my own growth process.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

From stage to screen, Jiang He gradually showed his talent and potential. These experiences made him deeply realize that success is not accidental, but comes from the nurturing of his parents and his own unremitting efforts.

He began to cherish the hard-won opportunity even more, constantly pursued progress in his career, and strived to become an excellent artist.

In 2007, a sudden turmoil broke the peace of the Jiang family. Jiang Kun was caught up in the "three customs" controversy with Guo Degang, and his reputation was seriously damaged.

Some people accused Jiang Kunjiang of exhausting his talents, while Guo Degang took the opportunity to become famous. This controversy made Jiang Kun exhausted, as if he had aged a lot overnight.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

Jiang He saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He deeply felt that his father had given him over the years, but he was unable to repay it. It was during this difficult period that Jiang He began to have questions about his origins.

His longing to understand his roots, a longing that is intertwined with gratitude to his adoptive parents, fills him with contradictions and confusion.

Considerate of his son's feelings, Jiang Kun made a surprising decision. He posted a "missing person notice" on major media platforms, hoping to help Jiang He find his long-lost biological parents.

This decision once again sparked heated discussions in society, with some admiring Jiang Kun's broad-mindedness, while others questioned Jiang He's motives, believing him to be ungrateful.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

The search for relatives has not been easy. An endless stream of people came to Jiang's house, claiming to be Jiang He's biological parents. They told about the hardships they had to do back then, and expressed their satisfaction with Jiang He's achievements today.

However, after DNA testing, these hopes have come to naught. Each disappointment made Jiang He's mood even more complicated, and he was looking forward to finding his roots, but he was also deeply grateful to his adoptive parents for their nurturing grace over the years.

In the face of all kinds of discussions from the outside world, Jiang Kun has always firmly supported his son. "It is my responsibility to help him find his parents, and I just hope that he will not have any regrets in his future life," he said.

This selfless love deeply touched Jiang He.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

After a long search, Jiang He still failed to find his biological parents. However, this experience gave him a new appreciation for who he was. He understands that true family affection does not lie in blood, but in the love and companionship between each other.

Jiang He said to his adoptive parents: "No matter whether you can find your blood relatives or not, you will always be my beloved parents, and this place will always be my warm home." These words are not only a gratitude to the adoptive parents, but also a frank acceptance of their identity.

Although this journey to find his roots did not find the expected answer, it made Jiang He cherish the existing family relationship even more. He realized that the meaning of life is not about where you come from, but about how to cherish the people and things in front of you.

This realization has become the most valuable wealth in Jiang He's life.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Jiang He has started a family. Not only did he have a wife of his own, but he also had lovely children. As a father, Jiang He deeply understands the difficulty of raising children, which makes him even more grateful for the efforts of his adoptive parents over the years.

Every festival, Jiang He will take the whole family back to Jiang Kun's house. He carefully selected gifts for his parents and sister, and spent time with them chatting, eating, and spending time together.

Jiang He's wife also established a deep relationship with Jiang Kun and his wife, just like Jiang He was regarded as his own son back then, and now Jiang He's wife is also regarded as a pearl in the palm of her hand.

When his adoptive mother Li Jingmin was unwell, Jiang He always took care of her. He often massages her to relieve pain, buy the medicine she needs, and take care of her daily life with all his might.

After 24 years, has the orphan who said that he was going to provide for Jiang Kun to the end of his life fulfilled his promise?

Jiang He often said: "In the past, you took care of me, but now I take care of you." This is not only the fulfillment of the promise of the year, but also the gratitude from the heart.

Although Jiang He failed to find his biological parents, he already had the most precious family affection. Jiang He's story tells us that true family affection does not lie in blood, but in mutual love and responsibility.

No matter how rough life is, as long as you are accompanied by love, you can find your own happiness. Jiang He interpreted the true meaning of "the grace of nurturing" with practical actions, and also inherited the spirit of great love of Jiang Kun's family.

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