
Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

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Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another
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Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

On April 1, 2013, there was a heartbreaking news from Beijing Hospital: Chen Zhaodi, a meritorious player of the Chinese women's volleyball team, passed away at the age of 60. This famous volleyball player, known as the "one-armed general", was one of the core members of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the era of "five consecutive championships".

Her passing away is not only a great loss to the Chinese sports world, but also touches the hearts of countless volleyball fans.

Chen Zhaodi's life is closely linked to volleyball, from athlete to coach to sports administrator, she has always contributed to the cause of sports in China.

Not only did she create brilliance on the field, but she also played an important role behind the scenes after retiring, including successfully coordinating important events such as Wang Zhizhi's return to China.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

As the bad news spread, Lang Ping, Sun Jinfang and other former comrades-in-arms rushed to say goodbye. Chen Zhaodi's story is far more than that, her legendary life and contributions to Chinese sports are worthy of our in-depth review.

Chen Zhaodi was born in an ordinary family, and although her parents were tall, they did not engage in sports-related careers. The young Chen Zhaodi inherited the excellent genes of her parents and showed extraordinary athletic talent.

However, her parents always put their studies first, and Chen Zhaodi lived up to her expectations and maintained excellent grades in high school.

The twist of fate happened in an ordinary physical education class. Chen Zhaodi's outstanding performance attracted the attention of the coaches of the Beijing Institute of Sport. The coach keenly spotted Chen's potential and invited her to join the volleyball training team.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

Chen Zhaodi was thrilled with this opportunity, and asked her parents for advice that night. After careful consideration, Chen Zhaodi's parents supported their daughter's choice.

In this way, she bid farewell to her hometown and embarked on the road of studying at Beijing Institute of Sport.

Chen Zhaodi, who has just joined the Institute of Physical Education, is facing unprecedented challenges. Despite her talent, she had to put in more effort than others due to the lack of systematic training.

In the past three years, Chen Zhaodi has always maintained an attitude of hard training, and finally stood out among students of the same age, attracting the attention of many provincial teams.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

However, in the face of many tempting invitations, Chen Zhaodi made an unexpected decision - she chose to join the army and join the Bayi team. This choice stems from her dream of joining the army since she was a child, and at the same time, the Bayi team, as the top volleyball team in China, can also allow her to continue to pursue her volleyball career.

In the two years of the Bayi team, Chen Zhaodi has shown amazing potential and strength. Whether it's the hard work of training or the versatility of her technique, she is the best in the team.

She excelled in both the offensive and defensive aspects of the game and quickly became an indispensable part of the team.

With her outstanding performance in the domestic arena, Chen Zhaodi won the favor of the national team head coach Yuan Weimin. In 1976, she was selected for the Chinese women's volleyball team as she wished, starting her brilliant career.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

In the national team, Chen Zhaodi continued to maintain the habit of training hard and constantly improved his technical level. Her tenacity quickly earned her the respect of her teammates and coaches, and laid the foundation for her to become the heart of the team.

From an ordinary student to the main player of the national team, Chen Zhaodi's growth road is full of sweat and perseverance. Her experience not only shows her personal efforts, but also shows the determination and courage of young people in that era to pursue their dreams.

After entering the national team, Chen Zhaodi grew rapidly under the careful guidance of head coach Yuan Weimin. With her tenacity and excellent technique, she quickly became the core player of the team.

With the rise of a group of outstanding players such as Chen Zhaodi, the overall strength of the Chinese women's volleyball team has been continuously improved, and it has gradually emerged on the international stage.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

In 1978, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the silver medal for the first time in the Asian Games, which encouraged the whole team. The following year, they won the Asian Championships, beating the mighty Japanese team.

These results have given them more confidence and experience, which has laid the foundation for future success.

1981 was an important turning point in the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team. Under the leadership of Chen Zhaodi, the Chinese women's volleyball team showed amazing strength in the World Cup.

They went unbeaten in seven consecutive matches and shocked the volleyball world by winning the World Cup. This is the first time that the Chinese women's volleyball team has won the championship trophy of a world-class competition, marking a new level of Chinese volleyball.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

When Chen Zhaodi recalled that time, her eyes flashed with pride: "At that moment, we felt the expectation and support of the whole country. We are fighting not only for ourselves, but also for the honor of the motherland.

This belief in winning glory for the country has become the driving force that supports them to keep moving forward.

In the 1982 World Championships, the Chinese women's volleyball team made persistent efforts. In the group stage, they swept all strong opponents with a score of 3:0 and advanced to the final with their heads held high. In the pinnacle duel with the host Peruvian team, the Chinese women's volleyball team once again defeated the opponent with an absolute advantage of 3:0 and successfully lifted the trophy of the world championship.

This is the first time that the Chinese women's volleyball team has stood on the highest podium in this international competition, which has attracted the attention of the world.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

However, this victory carried a hint of bitterness for Chen Zhaodi. Her form has been greatly affected by the recurrence of an old injury, which has become a major regret in her career.

Despite this, Chen Zhaodi still persevered until the last moment. At the award ceremony, she endured the pain in her body and lifted the trophy with her teammates.

At that moment, there was both the joy of victory and the reluctance to leave the arena in her eyes.

After the World Championships, Chen Zhaodi had to make a difficult decision - to leave the national team and bid farewell to her beloved volleyball career. The decision left her heartbroken, but she knew she had to make way for the young players for the sake of the team's future.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

Although Chen Zhaodi's career ended early due to injury, the glorious history of "five consecutive championships" she participated in has become the eternal pride of Chinese volleyball. The golden years she and her teammates have forged together have not only rewritten the pattern of world volleyball, but also become a valuable spiritual wealth to inspire future generations.

Chen Zhaodi's name is therefore forever engraved on the historical monument of Chinese volleyball.

After retiring, Chen Zhaodi did not stay away from her beloved volleyball career. In 1983, she was elected as a deputy to the Sixth National People's Congress, a new identity that opened a new chapter in her service to the country.

Subsequently, she immediately devoted herself to the management of the Bayi women's volleyball team and served as the deputy political commissar. Soon after, she took over as the coach of the Bayi women's volleyball team and continued to cultivate outstanding talents for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

In her coaching role, Chen Zhaodi imparted her rich game experience and deep understanding of volleyball to young players. She is strict with her teammates, but also cares about them as if they were her own children.

Under her leadership, the Bayi women's volleyball team has repeatedly achieved good results in domestic competitions, and her coaching ability has been highly recognized by relevant departments.

In 1986, Chen Zhaodi's talent was reaffirmed, and she was appointed as the head coach of the national youth women's volleyball team. This important position gives her the opportunity to reserve more outstanding talents for the national team and contribute to the future development of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

However, fate played a cruel joke on Chen Zhaodi. Just as she was confidently preparing to continue fighting for the women's volleyball career, she was diagnosed with rectal cancer.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

Faced with this bad news, Chen Zhaodi did not flinch, but chose active treatment. She often encourages herself: "I have won so many opponents on the court, and I will definitely beat the disease this time."

After long-term treatment and recuperation, in 1993, Chen Zhaodi's body finally recovered. After regaining her health, she couldn't wait to return to work and began to work in the Culture and Sports Bureau of the General Political Department.

In the face of the new working environment and challenges, Chen Zhaodi showed the same tenacious spirit as on the court. She quickly adapted to her new role and demonstrated excellent abilities in her work, earning praise from her colleagues.

With her outstanding work performance, Chen Zhaodi was gradually promoted and eventually became the director of the Culture and Sports Bureau of the General Political Department, responsible for leading the army's sports work. In this important post, she actively promoted the national fitness movement, held various forms of sports activities and competitions in the army many times, and made important contributions to improving the physical fitness of soldiers.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

Although she has left the arena, Chen Zhaodi's attention to the Chinese women's volleyball team has never decreased. Whenever the Chinese women's volleyball team achieves good results, she always sends warm congratulations as soon as possible.

No matter how busy the work is, as long as it comes to the publicity activities of the women's volleyball team, Chen Zhaodi will personally participate in it and continue to support this sport she loves in her own way.

Chen Zhaodi's second life shows her versatility and proves that athletes can still make important contributions to the country's sports after retirement. Her experience has become a role model for many retired athletes, inspiring them to continue to shine in the new phase of their lives.

In 2006, Chen Zhaodi completed an important task in her career - coordinating Wang Zhizhi's return to China. This incident not only demonstrated her outstanding diplomatic skills, but also made an important contribution to the development of China's basketball industry.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

At that time, Wang Zhizhi was unable to participate in the national team training camp many times, and the relationship with the Chinese Basketball Association was at an impasse. The Basketball Association even publicly stated that if Wang Zhizhi continued to refuse to return to China to participate in training, he would be severely punished.

This situation not only affected the preparation of the Chinese basketball team, but also caused dissatisfaction among the majority of fans.

In the face of this thorny situation, Chen Zhaodi showed superb diplomatic wisdom. She first had many in-depth communications with the Basketball Association, which won Wang Zhizhi enough time and room to maneuver.

Subsequently, she personally went out and contacted Wang Zhizhi's family, and successfully persuaded his parents to do ideological work for Wang Zhizhi with her.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

In the exchange with Wang Zhizhi, Chen Zhaodi said earnestly: "Zhizhi, the motherland needs you, and the fans are also looking forward to your return." Your talent should bloom where you are needed most.

Her sincerity touched Wang Zhizhi and eventually led to his return to China.

In order to dispel Wang Zhizhi's concerns, Chen Zhaodi firmly promised that as long as he can return as scheduled, the General Administration of Sports will never make things difficult. In the face of the domestic media, Chen Zhaodi always maintained restraint and did not make any accusations against Wang Zhizhi, but said good things for him many times, creating a relatively relaxed public opinion environment for him.

This successful coordination not only defused a potential sports crisis, but also injected new vitality into China's basketball industry. After Wang Zhizhi returned to China, he led the national team to win the gold medal in the Doha Asian Games in 2006, and then led the Bayi men's basketball team to defeat the Shanghai team with a score of 4:1 and successfully defended the CBA championship, proving his worth again.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

In addition to coordinating Wang Zhizhi's return to China, Chen Zhaodi has been paying close attention to the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team. She often attends women's volleyball games and events to cheer on young players.

She once said with emotion: "Seeing these young people fighting the court, it is like seeing themselves back then." I believe that as long as they persevere, the Chinese women's volleyball team will be able to regain its glory.

Although Chen Zhaodi's behind-the-scenes contributions are not as dazzling as her brilliance on the field, they have also played an important role in the development of China's sports industry. She used her wisdom and experience to resolve the crisis at a critical moment and promote the development of China's sports industry.

These contributions also demonstrate her outstanding ability as a sports administrator and her deep affection for China's sports industry.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

On April 1, 2013, Chen Zhaodi died of illness at the age of 60. The departure of the former women's volleyball hero and "one-armed general" has caused a strong response in the sports world.

Lang Ping, Sun Jinfang and other former teammates rushed to hear the news and bid farewell to this best friend with tears in their eyes.

Chen Zhaodi has spent her life fighting for Chinese volleyball and sports. She not only created brilliance on the field, but also worked silently behind the scenes after retiring, making great contributions to the development of China's sports industry.

Her story has become a symbol of Chinese sportsmanship, inspiring countless people to fight for their dreams.

Former women's volleyball champion Chen Zhaodi passed away: After helping Wang Zhizhi return to China, Lang Ping and Sun Jinfang cried one after another

Although Chen Zhaodi has left, her spirit still inspires the new generation of women's volleyball players to continue to fight. As Lang Ping said: "The spirit of Sister Zhao Di will always be with us, and her dedication and contribution will always be remembered."

Chen Zhaodi's legacy is not only her achievements on the field, but also the spirit of the women's volleyball team that she left to future generations to never give up and win glory for the country.

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