
Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

author:Entertainment has a circle


The real husband and wife teamed up again to compete in the arena

The couple Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun have attracted much attention because of their tacit cooperation in the entertainment industry. This time, they will appear together in the program "Battle to the Peak", which has aroused great expectations from netizens.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

The cooperation between the two on the stage of "Flying in the Sky" amazed four people and left a deep impression on the audience. This time they joined hands again, and netizens said: "They really don't treat us as outsiders!" ”

The cooperation between the two in the entertainment industry is not just a gimmick of "real couple", their talent and tacit understanding are also well known.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

On the stage of "Flying in the Sky", Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun's performances were full of dramatic tension and visual impact, bringing great visual enjoyment to the audience. That cooperation left a deep impression on the hearts of the audience, and many people shouted: "The real couple is the one who falls into the bull!" This time they teamed up again in "Battle to the Peak", and netizens speculated about what kind of surprises and shocks they would bring.

The sweet interaction between husband and wife, netizens collectively screamed


Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun's married life has always been a hot topic among netizens. Their tacit cooperation on the stage and sweet interaction in life make people sigh: "This couple is so sweet!" ”

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

After the performance of "Flying in the Sky", Qi Wei jokingly said to Lee Seung-hyun: "It's not floating, is it?" Lee Seung-hyun hurriedly responded: "No, no, no, I still have to live when I go home." This kind of humorous and authentic interaction made the audience feel their true feelings, and it also made their fans love the couple even more.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

The interaction between the two in the show has often become a hot topic of laughter and discussion among netizens. Netizens said: "It's really sweet, the two of them are talented and beautiful, it's really a match made in heaven!" ”

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Someone else joked: "I took this couple first, who understands the lethality!" The sweet interaction between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun not only made the audience feel their love, but also made their fans feel a happy power.

Dream linkage, double A couple is coming


Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun are not only a loving couple in life, but also show strong strength and tacit understanding in their careers. Their cooperation in "Flying in the Sky" allowed the audience to see their talent and charm, and this time they will appear together again in "Battle to the Peak", which is full of expectations.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Netizens said: "This double-A couple is really a strong team, looking forward to their performance in the show!" ”

"Battle to the Peak" is a highly competitive variety show, and the addition of Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun has undoubtedly added more highlights to the show.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Their tacit cooperation and strong strength make people wonder what kind of surprise performances they will bring in the show. Netizens left messages: "Real couples just don't need microphones, I can get them automatically!" Complete sexual tension max! "Looking forward to their great performances on the show.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

The charm of the cooperation between husband and wife, the audience is full of expectations

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun cooperate not only because they are husband and wife, but also because of their tacit understanding and talent on stage. Their performance in "Flying in the Sky" allowed the audience to see their strength, and this time they appeared together again in "Battle to the Peak", which made people look forward to their performance.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Netizens said: "Who understands the lethality of real couples!" When you join forces, you just stand side by side and have full aura, and you really win at the starting line when you really get to the field! ”

The cooperation between the two is not only manifested on the stage, but their interaction in daily life has often become a hot topic among netizens.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

The sweet interaction between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun makes people feel their true feelings, and their performance in the show is even more exciting. Netizens left messages one after another: "The battle is at its peak and quickly broadcast, show me the real husband and wife teaming up!" "Looking forward to their great performances on the show.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Looking forward to the broadcast of the show, netizens are constantly hotly discussed

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun teamed up again, which makes people look forward to the program of "Battle to the Peak". Netizens said: "This couple is really a strong team, looking forward to their performance in the show!" ”

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

"Battle to the Peak" is a highly competitive variety show, and the addition of Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun has undoubtedly added more highlights to the show. Their tacit cooperation and strong strength make people wonder what kind of surprise performances they will bring in the show.

Netizens left messages: "Real couples just don't need microphones, I can get them automatically!" Complete sexual tension max! "Looking forward to their great performances on the show.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun cooperate not only because they are husband and wife, but also because of their tacit understanding and talent on stage. Their performance in "Flying in the Sky" allowed the audience to see their strength, and this time they appeared together again in "Battle to the Peak", which made people look forward to their performance.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Controversial ending: Are real couples really invincible?

The collaboration between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun is highly anticipated, but some people question whether they are really as invincible as netizens say. Some people believe that the performance of the husband and wife team in the show may be affected by emotional factors, causing them to not perform at their best.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

Some people also believe that the cooperation between husband and wife may cause aesthetic fatigue to the audience, after all, their tacit understanding and interaction have been vividly shown in many collaborations.

Despite these doubts, I have to admit that the re-teaming of Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun still attracted the attention of a large number of audiences.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

How well they performed on the show, the audience is looking forward to seeing their great performances. Perhaps, it is this expectation and questioning that makes their cooperation more compelling. I hope they can once again show their talent and tacit understanding in "Battle to the Peak", and bring more surprises and touches to the audience.

Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun returned hand in hand, and "Battle to the Peak" set off another boom in husband and wife!

In the comment area, what do you think of the cooperation between Qi Wei and Lee Seung-hyun? Are you also looking forward to their performance in "Battle to the Top"? Or do you have a different opinion? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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