
In order to make good clothes, the tailor makes a bet with the customer, but is shocked by the identity of the customer

author:I love noodle fish

Let's say, this matter has to start with a small water town in our Nagadar. There was a tailor in that place who was a thief of good craftsmanship, and he was called Lao Li Tou. Lao Litou's craftsmanship is not blowing, the clothes he makes, and when he wears it, it is called a good one. But his temper is also as stubborn as a donkey, he has to follow his own rules, if the guest wants to add something fancy, he has to see if it is suitable, if it is not suitable, he will not do how much money is given.

One day, a well-dressed guest came to the town and said he wanted to make a new dress. Lao Li took a look, this guest was extraordinary, and at first glance he was not an ordinary person. The guest opened his mouth and said: "Old Li, I want to make the best clothes, but you have to promise me a condition." As soon as Lao Li heard this, he beat the drum in his heart, what are the conditions? The guest smiled slightly, and said, "I will make a bet with you, if you can make this garment within the time I have appointed to my satisfaction, I will give you double the price; If not, I'll have to take it from you, a tailor. "Lao Li Tou heard it, hey, isn't this here to find fault? But as soon as his stubborn temper came up, he was not afraid of anything, and he agreed as soon as he patted his thigh: "Okay, bet on it, you say, what conditions?" ”

The guest pointed to the clear river outside the town and said, "Look at the fish swimming in the river, I want you to stare at the fish every day, and nothing else, until you can see my shape in the swimming of the fish, and then start making clothes." Lao Li was stunned, what is this? But he could see a determination in the eyes of his guests. Lao Li Tou thought to himself, I don't believe in this evil, so he sat by the river every day, staring intently at the fish in the river.

In order to make good clothes, the tailor makes a bet with the customer, but is shocked by the identity of the customer

At first, he couldn't see anything, so he thought that the fish were swimming around, nothing special. But after a few days, hey, weird, he really saw something in the swimming of the fish. The fish flicked its tail, and he seemed to see the broad shoulders of the guest; The fish leaped, and he seemed to see the long legs of the guest. The more Lao Li Tou looked at it, the more fascinated he became, and the more fascinated he became, the more he felt that this thing was weird. He thought to himself, what is the origin of this guest? Why such a strange request?

One day, Lao Li Tou was watching intently, and suddenly, an old man passed by and stopped to look at the fish. Lao Li Tou chatted with the old man for a few words, and found that the old man was also a fish lover, so the two chatted. The old man said, "The fish in this river are very spiritual, and they can see people's minds. When Lao Li heard this, he chuckled in his heart, can this fish really see through my thoughts? He hurriedly asked the old man, "Then what do you say, what can I see from this fish?" The old man smiled and said, "I don't know what you can see." However, I have to warn you, there are some things, don't take it too seriously, otherwise, it's easy to get into trouble. As soon as Lao Li heard this, his heart was like drinking Lao Baigan in the Northeast, and he was confused. He hurriedly thanked the old man, turned around and went to look at his fish again. But that night, he lay on the kang, tossing and turning, but he couldn't sleep, and he always felt unsteady in his heart. As soon as it was dawn the next day, Lao Li Tou got up and went straight to the river to see the fish. But this time, as soon as he arrived at the river, he found that there was not a single fish left in the river, and all of them were gone. He looked around, but he didn't see anything unusual. Just then, there was a rush of footsteps, and as soon as he turned around, hey, it was the guest who had bet that day. The guest looked panicked and said to Lao Li Tou: "Lao Li Tou, you have to do me a favor!" Something is wrong with my clothes! When Lao Li heard this, he "chuckled" in his heart, thinking that there was really something wrong with this clothes? He hurriedly asked the guest to tell him what was going on. The guest said, "When I put on this dress, I feel entangled in something, and I can't move!" When Lao Li heard this, he had a number in his heart. He asked the guests to take off their clothes and see, oh my God, the clothes were embroidered with fish patterns, and those fish were alive and vivid, as if they were swimming in water! Lao Li Tou saw this scene and understood it in his heart. He asked his guest, "Did you not make this garment as I asked?" When the guest heard this, his face turned green, and he said, "I...... I really didn't do what you asked...... I...... I want to get my clothes done quickly......" When Lao Li heard this, he understood in his heart. He sighed and said, "Alas...... This is a problem......"

Find out what happens next, and listen to the next breakdown. What secrets are hidden in the fish on this dress? How should Lao Li Tou solve this thorny problem? Let's talk about it next time. Lao Li Tou looked at the fish on his clothes, frowned, and said to the guest: "You are really in big trouble with your clothes." This fish is not embroidered casually, it has to be spiritual, it has to be able to swim, in order to protect the person who wears it. But now, these fish seem to be trapped and can't move, and this is a scourge. When the guest heard this, his face turned white, and he hurriedly asked, "Then what can I do?" Old Li Tou, you have to save me! Lao Li Tou sighed and said, "You have to take your time in this matter." I had to figure out why the fish was stuck in its clothes. You'll have to tell me everything you did about making clothes. When the guest heard this, he quickly told him how he had made the clothes. It turned out that in order to make the clothes quickly, he found a few embroidery girls and asked them to embroider the fish on the clothes according to their own ideas. No one expected that as soon as the clothes were sewn and there would be problems with putting them on. When Lao Li heard this, he immediately understood. He shook his head lightly and said, "You're really smart. Fish must be spiritual and able to swim freely in order to protect people. If you ask someone to embroider it at random, they will naturally appear bound and become a scourge. Hearing this, the guest immediately became anxious and hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do?" Old Li Tou, you have to help me come up with ideas! Lao Li pondered for a moment and replied, "This matter must be solved by someone who knows how to solve it." I'll have to find out if anyone can solve the fish's dilemma. So, Lao Li Tou began to ask around, looking for someone who could solve this problem. But how can the master be so easy to find? Lao Li Tou searched for a few days, but still found nothing. Just as he was frowning, he suddenly thought of the old man he met by the river. The old man seemed to be quite knowledgeable, and perhaps he knew how to solve the fish's predicament. So, Lao Li Tou hurriedly went to find the old man. When the old man heard this, he smiled and said, "I know a solution to this matter." However, it depends on whether you are willing to do it or not. As soon as Lao Li heard that there was a solution, he asked eagerly: "What way?" As long as I can solve this fish's dilemma, I am willing to do anything! The old man told him, "You have to do it yourself." You'll have to go out into the river and catch the fish and put them back in the river. In this way, the fish will be free, and naturally they will not be trapped in their clothes. Although Lao Li Tou felt that this method was a bit bizarre, he had no choice but to try. So, he went to the river to catch fish. However, the fish were not easy to catch, and Lao Li Tou worked in the river for several days before catching a few. However, it is also strange to say that since Lao Li Tou started catching fish, the fish on his clothes began to swim slowly. Although the swimmer is not flexible enough, it is much better than before. When Lao Li saw this scene, he was secretly happy in his heart. He continued to catch fish until he had put all the fish on his clothes back into the river. When the last fish is released back into the river, the fish in the clothes seem to have been reborn and begin to swim happily. They swim like live fish. When Lao Li saw this scene, his heart suddenly brightened. He immediately showed his clothes to his guests. The guests were also very surprised when they saw it. The fish on the clothes are really swimming as if they are alive! He put on his clothes and tried them on, and sure enough, he didn't feel any restraint anymore. The guests were very happy and expressed their gratitude to Lao Li Tou. Lao Li Tou also smiled and said, "This time this time this thorny problem has finally been solved." "Oh, I have to warn you, don't think about it yourself in the future, if you do it again, it won't be easy." When the guest heard Lao Litou's words, he was ashamed in his heart, and his head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and said yes repeatedly. Since then, he has never bothered Lao Li Tou again, and has become a frequent customer of Lao Li Tou's tailor shop, coming around every once in a while.

In order to make good clothes, the tailor makes a bet with the customer, but is shocked by the identity of the customer

What about Lao Litou, this incident made him believe in his skills and principles more, his rules are iron, and he doesn't easily add any bells and whistles to guests, unless he thinks it's really suitable. This matter is well known to everyone in the town, and everyone says that Lao Li Tou's craftsmanship is amazing, and even the strange fish can handle it. Because of this, Lao Litou's reputation was greatly enhanced, and the tailor shop business was very popular.

As for the mysterious garment and the strange fish, they have become legends in the town. As soon as this was mentioned, everyone was amazed, saying that Lao Li Tou was really a capable person. After Lao Li Tou handed over the miraculous clothes to the guests, the townspeople began to talk about it. Some say that Lao Li Tou has a relationship with the fish in the river and can ask them for help; Some people say that Lao Li Tou knows immortal arts and can turn stones into gold, and the clothes are proof of this. When Lao Li Tou heard these rumors, he just smiled and didn't say anything.

After the guest put on that magical garment, he was really like a fish in water, and everything went smoothly. He was originally a big businessman, but now his business is more prosperous and his wealth is rolling. He was grateful to Lao Li Tou, and he came to visit every New Year and festival with good wine and meat, and regarded Lao Li Tou as his nobleman. But Lao Li Tou is still the same old look, he is not impatient or impatient, he makes clothes when he makes clothes, and he drinks tea when he drinks tea. He knew in his heart that although this miraculous garment brought him fame and wealth, more importantly, it made him more convinced of his craft and principles.

In order to make good clothes, the tailor makes a bet with the customer, but is shocked by the identity of the customer

One day, the guest came again, carrying a heavy suitcase. He said to Lao Li Tou with a mysterious expression: "Lao Li Tou, I came this time to ask you to help me make another dress." But ah, this time the clothes are a little special, and they have to be made of heavenly clouds. When Lao Li Tou heard this, he almost didn't laugh out loud. He glared at the guest and said, "You guy, the more you talk about it, the more outrageous it becomes." How can the clouds of heaven make clothes? Are you a god to me? The guest smiled and said, "I knew you would say that." But yes, I'm serious this time. I've heard you have a way to make fish swim in your clothes, so the clouds should be fine, right? Lao Li shook his head and said, "You are really embarrassed for me." I can still figure out a way to fish, but this cloud, I'm really out of shape. As soon as the guest heard this, a disappointed expression appeared on his face. He sighed and said, "I know it's hard, but I really need one of these clothes." "Let's do this, if you can help me with this, I'll give you a tenfold price, what's the matter?" Lao Li scratched his head, pondered for a while, and said, "Ten times? Sounds quite exciting. However, I'll have to see what this cloud is before I can decide if I can take the job. When the guests heard this, they were happy. He quickly opened the box, and it contained clouds made of silk. These clouds are colorful and light as if they were real. Lao Li glanced at it, and his eyes were straight. He reached out and touched it, and the feeling was soft and slippery, no different from the clouds floating in the sky. His heart moved, and he said, "This cloud, we can try to do it." But first, I'll have to talk to them to see if they're willing to turn into clothes. When the guests heard this, they were so happy that they couldn't stop talking. He said, "That's a good feeling! You just talk to them, and I'll wait to hear the good news. So, Lao Li Tou began to chat with the clouds. He sat in the tailor's shop every day, talking to the clouds and telling them what he thought. The clouds seemed to be able to understand, and slowly began to change shape, as if in response to him. After a few days, Lao Li Tou felt that the time was ripe, so he took out the needle and thread and began to do it. Strange to say, those clouds were as obedient as ordinary cloth in his hands. Lao Li's head is divided by two by three, and the clothes are ready. He showed his clothes to the guests, and their eyes were straight. The embroidered cloud pattern on the clothes is as beautiful as the sky. When the guests put it on, it felt light and fluttering, as if they were about to fly. He was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and thanked Lao Li Tou repeatedly: "Lao Li Tou, you are really my great benefactor!" I love this outfit so much! Lao Li Tou looked at the happy appearance of the guests, and he was also happy. He said, "Are you satisfied this time?" However, this garment needs to be kept well so that it does not break. The guest nodded like garlic, then took his clothes and left happily. Since then, Lao Li has had an additional name - "Yunshang Lao Li". His tailor's shop has also become a famous attraction in the town, and many people come to visit him. Those cloud clothes have also become his signatures and are praised by people. Lao Li Tou still sits in the tailor's shop every day, making clothes, drinking tea, and occasionally chatting with the clouds. He felt that he had spoken to the gods in the sky, and his life was beautiful. And that's where the story comes in. Lao Li Tou used his wisdom and craftsmanship to create one miracle after another, which is amazing. We have also learned from this: as long as you put your heart into it, you can create miracles!