
Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

author:Entertainment in the world

Graphic/Entertainment is all over the world

Editing/Entertaining the World

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters


In April 2021, an unexpected event changed her life. Prior to this, Chen Rong had enjoyed a 24-year career as a professional host, and she may have thought that life had always been like a happy repetition. However, what happened made her fall from the peak of her career to the bottom, and her hosting career came to an abrupt end.

Step by step on the road of broadcasting

Chen Rong was born in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, in an ordinary working family. Her childhood was full of challenges and difficulties. Her parents were busy with work and often couldn't take care of her, so she grew up in a relative's home. Chen Rong's language development is much slower than that of other children of the same age, and by the time other children are able to speak fluently, she still speaks unclearly and can't speak clearly, which makes her parents very worried.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

Although Chen Rong is now cheerful and confident, when she was two or three years old, she often cried, and she could cry several times a day, although she couldn't speak clearly, but her crying was very loud. Her parents were so distressed by her frequent crying that they tried all kinds of treatments, but to no avail. As she grew older, Chen Rong's crying gradually decreased.

Who would have thought that this child, who couldn't speak clearly when he was a child and cried a lot, would become an outstanding host in the future and embark on a hot career path. After completing her primary and junior high school education in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Chen Rong received strong support from her parents and went to Beihong Middle School in Shanghai to continue her studies.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

At her high school alma mater, each outstanding host was highly appreciated and encouraged by the vice principal. Her talent is obvious, and she is regarded as a rare hosting talent. She hosted the "Beihong Spring" art festival in the school, and performed well, winning unanimous praise from teachers and classmates, and the audience applauded, which was also the beginning of her hosting career.

Although she comes from an inconspicuous small place in Ningbo, and her parents are ordinary dual-income workers, her hosting ability has gradually been recognized and improved in the school. But she often feels inferior, and she can't imagine that she can show herself on a bigger stage. At the time, she saw hosting as a hobby rather than a future career choice, preferring to find a job as stable as her parents. However, a turning point of fate came - the vice principal of her high school alma mater became a noble person in her life.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

Luckily, Chen Rong lived up to this expectation, and she performed well in the exams, especially passing three tests, one of which was praised by the examiners for her impromptu performance, which was considered to have the level of direct TV broadcasting. In the end, Chen Rong successfully entered the host major of Shanghai Theater Academy, and as a non-local student, she showed extraordinary talent and talent.

Extraordinary career and love

After Chen Rong entered the play, she immediately showed her concentration in learning. Instead of being distracted by the things around her, she is fully engaged in her studies. In professional classes, Chen Rong performed well, and her notebook was filled with dense notes after each class. If other students saw her notes, they would definitely sigh: "This is too hard." ”

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

Thanks to her efforts, in just one year, Chen Rong basically mastered half of the professional knowledge. Then, she began to practice her memorization ability, striving to achieve word for word. After the progress of the professional course and the memorization practice was about the same, Chen Rong began to actively participate in various hosting activities. As time passed, her hosting ability became more and more prominent.

Later, with the recommendation of the school, Chen Rong successfully entered Shanghai TV Station for an internship. Although she was only a sophomore, she was soon favored by the leaders and directly became the host of "Intellectual Surfing". Although the internship period is not long, it is enough to prove Chen Rong's talent. After graduating from university, she successfully joined the work of Shanghai TV station.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

However, various problems and lack of knowledge in her work forced Chen Rong to work hard. While working, she chose to return to her alma mater for graduate school. It wasn't until Chen Rong received her master's degree that she really devoted herself to hosting work. Chen Rong once said that she is not a workaholic, and her requirements for life are not high. Her ideal lifestyle is to be simple and free, to pursue a life without constraints and enjoy more space.

She hopes that her future partner will have the same philosophy of life. She firmly believes that fate is destined, and sometimes when fate comes, there is no need to force it, just wait for the opportunity. Chen Rong waited quietly, and finally in 2008, at the age of 32, she met someone who matched her. In that year, she suddenly announced her marriage. Her husband, also surnamed Chen, used to be a big fan of hers, and the fate of the two was introduced by someone they knew together.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

Mr. Chen is a returnee who is a calm person who has been engaged in professional investment work after returning to China. Finance used to be Chen Rong's intention in the college entrance examination, and now she is married to a man in the financial industry, which can be regarded as a dream come true for her. They got married in a low-key manner and started a happy little life. But soon after, Chen Rong gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses. In her spare time, she began the life of a real husband and children.

What is the status quo now?

Later, Chen Rong was transferred to Dragon TV with the opportunity of internship at the school, and began the first stage of her career. There, she successfully managed a number of programs, including "Intellectual Surfing", "Dance Forest Conference" and "Chinese TV Drama Quality Festival", which won unanimous praise from the audience and gradually increased her popularity at home and abroad.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

With the rapid development of her career, her status and prestige gradually climbed. In 2008, with her outstanding hosting skills, she won the highest honor in the hosting industry - the "Golden Microphone Award". Immediately afterwards, she also served as a tailor-made talk show "Chen Rong Blog", which marked that she was no longer a newcomer, but one of the first-line hosts of Dragon TV.

However, in 2021, she and five other Dragon TV hosts attended the 60th birthday banquet of a business tycoon. What was supposed to be a normal social event turned out to be a turning point in her career. According to the memories of the audience at the time, Chen Rong's performance at the banquet attracted widespread attention. She seemed to have let go of her former reserve and tried her best to please the host of the banquet and his son.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

She trumpeted her "special" relationship with her master's son, and praised the other party's achievements and demeanor again and again, and even revealed some intimacy in her words. This behavior quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and the public opinion field also boiled. Some people accuse Chen Rong of being a sycophant in order to cater to wealthy families, while others criticize her for undermining social justice. This incident sounded the alarm at the peak of her career, bringing her hosting career to an abrupt end and quietly disappearing from the audience's view.

Now that Chen Rong has returned to a peaceful life, she continues to pursue her dream as a media person as a behind-the-scenes person. Although she was replaced during her disappearance, the world did not stop spinning because of this. Her return is not to return to her role as host, which seems impossible at the moment.

Well-known host Chen Rong: After being hacked, she went back to her old club to work behind the scenes, married her returnee husband, and now has both children and daughters

After the turmoil, she took the consequences of her mistakes and became calmer. She reintegrated into her family, stopped running around for her busy hosting career, and started a new chapter in her life. Perhaps for her, this life is also a new kind of happiness.


Chen Rong, a well-known host, has been criticized for various negative events. In her personal life, she married a returnee husband and formed a happy family. Today, she not only has a successful career, but also enjoys a happy life with both children. Overall, all this not only shows her tenacity and courage, but also tells us that in the face of adversity, not giving up is the key to success. Through hard work and change, she not only reinvented her image, but also found a new beginning in life.