
Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

author:Science on the past and the present
Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?
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Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

Behind the bright stars, the friendship in the entertainment industry is often as fragile as duckweed. Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua, who were once affectionately called "Sword Fairy Brothers" by fans, now seem to be drifting apart.

They once worked together to create classics in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", and promised to cooperate again for five years, which moved countless audiences. However, as time passed, when Huo Jianhua's career fell into a trough, Hu Ge chose to remain silent.

Has this once enviable brotherhood dissipated in the storm of Vanity Fair? Let's uncover the truth behind this and explore the true face of friendship in the entertainment industry.

"The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is not only a classic TV series, but also the starting point of the friendship between Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua. In this drama, the two played Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian respectively, and their superb acting skills and tacit cooperation left a deep impression on the audience.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

During the filming, Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua soon became good friends who talked about everything. During breaks on set, they can often be seen sitting together, sometimes chatting about life and sometimes discussing roles.

The relationship between the two is so harmonious that they can understand it with a single look, and this tacit understanding is not only reflected in front of the camera, but also continues in real life.

With the popularity of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", the friendship between Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua has gradually become known to the public. They often show their intimate relationship in various public settings, which is the envy of fans.

At an awards ceremony, Hu Ge looked for Huo Jianhua for the first time after winning the award, and the picture of the two looking at each other and smiling was captured by the media and became a classic moment of friendship.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

The friendship between the two is not only at the work level, but also in private they often get together. Sometimes it's a simple meal, sometimes it's a trip together. These precious moments have deepened their feelings.

In an interview, Huo Jianhua once said with a smile: "Being with Hu Ge, it feels like having a brother."

When their careers were thriving, Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua made a "five-year contract". They promised to work together again in five years, no matter what the future holds.

This agreement is not only a promise to each other, but also a long-awaited expectation for fans.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

However, the situation in the entertainment industry is changing, and no one can predict what the future will bring. The two who were in high spirits at that time may have thought that they would one day face today's situation.

Will that passionate five-year covenant still be fulfilled as scheduled? Can friendship stand the test of time and reality? These are these questions, perhaps only time will tell.

2019 has become a turning point in Huo Jianhua's career development. He was once glamorous, but he began to face unprecedented professional challenges.

, a powerful actor who once dominated the entertainment industry, seems to have suddenly lost the favor of the audience.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

Looking back on Huo Jianhua's acting career, he has conquered countless audiences with his excellent appearance and superb acting skills. From the wine sword fairy in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" to the king of honor in "Langya Bang", Huo Jianhua has created one impressive character after another.

However, as time went on, the audience began to feel a little aesthetic fatigue with his performance.

The quality of Huo Jianhua's works began to deteriorate. The new drama that was once expected by the audience is now frequently met with bad reviews. In a highly anticipated costume drama, Huo Jianhua's performance was criticized by the audience for being "the same" and lacking breakthroughs.

Such an evaluation is undoubtedly a blow to Huo Jianhua, who has always pursued perfection.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

In a private interview, Huo Jianhua rarely revealed his inner confusion. "I could feel the audience's anticipation, but I couldn't seem to find a way to break through," he said.

This sentence expresses his helplessness and confusion when facing a career bottleneck.

With the decline in the reputation of his works, Huo Jianhua's popularity also began to decline sharply. In the past, every new work of his people sparked heated discussions, and the topic of him could be heard on the streets.

And now, his new drama is rarely interested. On social media, his super talk has gradually become cold, and fan interaction has gradually decreased.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

Faced with such a predicament, Huo Jianhua chose to temporarily withdraw from the public eye. He has cut back on his public appearances and seems to want to take the opportunity to re-examine his career.

In one of the few public occasions, he was once full of confidence, but there was a trace of fatigue and confusion in his eyes.

Such a situation can't help but remind people of his "five-year appointment" with Hu Ge back then. The two who were in high spirits at that time probably never thought they would encounter such a predicament.

If it was at the peak of their careers, maybe they would really be able to work together again. But now, that promise seems to have turned into an unattainable dream.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

Huo Jianhua's experience may be a microcosm of the cruel reality of the entertainment industry. In this fast-changing industry, yesterday's superstars can be forgotten in the blink of an eye.

In the face of such a predicament, Huo Jianhua needs not only his own efforts, but also the support of his friends.

When Huo Jianhua was in a career dilemma, people couldn't help but turn their attention to his friend Hu Ge. However, unexpectedly, the once inseparable "Sword Fairy Brothers" are like strangers at this time.

Hu Ge's reaction, or lack thereof, surprised many. He has neither reached out to help, nor publicly expressed his support, as expected by the outside world.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

Instead, Hu Ge chose a silence that bordered on indifference.

Looking back on the past, Huo Jianhua has frequently appeared on Hu Ge's social media. The group photos and interactions between the two always spark heated discussions among fans and become a model of friendship in the entertainment industry.

However, as Huo Jianhua's career declined, these interactions seemed to be put on hold. On Hu Ge's Weibo, there is no longer a single word about Huo Jianhua.

At a public event, a reporter tried to ask Hu Ge what he thought of Huo Jianhua's recent situation. Faced with this sensitive topic, Hu Ge only responded lightly: "Everyone has their own path in life.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

This seemingly neutral sentence reveals a sense of alienation that is hard to ignore.

Hu Ge's attitude sparked widespread public discussion. Some people believe that as a friend for many years, Hu Ge should have reached out to Huo Jianhua when he needed help the most.

Hu Ge chose to stand by and watch. This behavior has disappointed some and questioned the authenticity of their friendship.

On the other hand, some people defended Hu Ge, believing that in the highly competitive entertainment industry, everyone has their own considerations. Hu Ge may just be following the unspoken rules of the industry and taking responsibility for his own career.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

In any case, Hu Ge's cold reaction undoubtedly cast a shadow on this former "Jinlan friendship". The "five-year covenant" that was once talked about by fans seems to be out of reach at the moment.

Does this change in attitude mean that their friendship has come to an end? Or is this just a common consideration of interests in the entertainment industry? Hu Ge's true thoughts in his heart, I'm afraid only he knows.

But it is undeniable that this indifferent attitude makes people doubt the friendship in the entertainment industry.

In this vanity fair, will friendship stand the test of time and reality? The story of Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua may give us a vivid lesson about the warmth and coldness of people in the entertainment industry.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

Hu Ge's cold reaction to Huo Jianhua's predicament may reveal the cruel side of the entertainment industry. Behind this glamorous world, there is a law of survival that is extremely competitive.

The entertainment industry is like a giant merry-go-round, you may be at the top today, and you may fall to the bottom tomorrow. In such an environment, everyone is thinking about their own careers, and few people are truly selfless in helping others.

As a senior agent once sighed: "In the entertainment industry, there are no permanent friends, only eternal interests." Although this sentence is chilling, it speaks to the essence of this circle.

In such an environment, Hu Ge's choice seems less surprising. He may just be following the rules of survival in the industry and thinking about his own career.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

After all, in this fast-changing circle, one careless person can be eliminated from the competition.

This reality also makes us reflect: In the entertainment industry, does sincere friendship still exist? Or is all relationships based on interests? The answer to this question may not be simple.

The cold reality of the entertainment industry may be the root cause of the changes in the relationship between Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua. The high-spirited "Sword Fairy Brothers" back then are now fighting separately. This may be the true portrayal of Vanity Fair: when interests and friendships conflict, most people choose the former.

Although this reality is cruel, it may be the unspoken rules that allow the entertainment industry to operate. In this world full of temptations and pitfalls, everyone is planning for their own future, and the old friendships sometimes have to be sacrificed for reality.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

In fact, the answer may not be black and white. In this special environment, friendship and interests are often intertwined and difficult to completely separate. When both were at the peak of their careers, their friendship might indeed be built on genuine affection.

When one partner hits a low point, the relationship faces a severe test.

To a certain extent, Hu Ge's choice is in line with the rules of the entertainment industry. In an industry dominated by economic interests, it is often seen as unwise to maintain a relationship that may not lead to reciprocity.

Perhaps, the friendship in the entertainment industry is like a double-sided coin, and emotions and interests are two inseparable sides. In good times, what we see is its glamorous side; And in the face of adversity, the harsh reality is exposed.

Hu Ge, a former good brother, why didn't Huo Jianhua pull him when he had no resources?

The story of Hu Ge and Huo Jianhua reveals the complexity of friendship in the entertainment industry. It reminds us that perhaps it is important to understand the rules of operation of this particular circle with a more inclusive mindset when judging these seemingly indifferent behaviors.

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