
"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it
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"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

In China, when the name Kang Hui is mentioned, the image of a calm and precise CCTV anchor immediately comes to mind. Over the years, he has won the love of the audience with his professionalism and affinity, and has become the "Dinghai Shen Needle" of the news network.

However, in an unexpected show, the anchor, who has always been known for his composure, exudes a rare vulnerable side.

"If I could do it all over again, I would have children." Kang Hui's words were like a stone thrown into the surface of a calm lake, causing ripples. At that moment, the reluctance and remorse that flashed in his eyes, and the choking implied in his voice, caught the audience off guard.

Kang Hui's confession unveiled the little-known side behind his glamorous beauty, and also opened a window for us to discuss life choices. Let's follow Kang Hui's mental journey and think about this widely resonant life problem.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

In the eyes of the public, Kang Hui and his wife have always been an enviable model couple. Their interaction in front of the camera is warm and loving, and their private conversations are full of sweetness, which is often ridiculed by netizens as "sprinkling dog food online".

However, behind this seemingly perfect marriage, there is an important life choice hidden - they decide to become a Dink.

Kang Hui once did not shy away from expressing his determination to adhere to the concept of Dink. In his opinion, living without children allows them to better focus on their careers and relationships with each other.

This decision was particularly bold and avant-garde in the social environment of the time. After all, in the traditional Chinese concept, the idea of "there are three unfilial pieties, and no queen is great" is deeply rooted.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

However, as times have changed, society has gradually become more accepting of the Dink phenomenon, no longer seeing it as an outlier, but as a way of life that can be understood and respected.

The choice of Kang Hui and his wife seems to have become a strong evidence for the view that "Dink's marriage is equally happy". Their story opened the eyes of many to another possibility and also provided a positive reference for those considering Dink.

On social media, many netizens expressed their envy of their lifestyle, believing that the burden of not having children can allow the couple to have more time to enjoy their world and pursue personal development.

However, life is never smooth sailing. Even if it seems like a perfect choice, it may make people regret it one day in the future. Behind Kang Hui and his wife's decision, there may be many considerations: work pressure, life rhythm, personal pursuits, etc.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

As a CCTV anchor, Kang Hui's working hours are irregular and stressful, and not having children may allow them to better cope with professional challenges.

But over time, especially in the face of a major life event such as the death of a parent, they may begin to revisit this decision. Kang Hui's regret in the show is a true portrayal of this complex state of mind.

The story of Mr. and Mrs. Kang Hui teaches us that every choice in life has its costs and gains. Dink life may bring more freedom and room to develop, but it can also make people feel lonely and regretful at certain moments.

Whether you choose to have children or Dink, you need to think carefully, because it's not just about the decision now, it's about life planning for the next few decades.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Kang Hui and his wife's Dink decision was by no means a whim, but the result of careful consideration. In making this choice, they have to weigh their personal ideals and family responsibilities, and face the pressures of changing social circumstances and traditional attitudes.

In recent years, there has been a dramatic shift in attitudes towards fertility in Chinese society. Different from the previous generation's concept of "more children and more blessings", modern society is facing many challenges such as declining fertility rates, rising cost of raising children, and increasing work pressure.

These factors undoubtedly influenced the decision-making of Kang Hui and his wife. As a public figure, Kang Hui may be more keenly aware of this social change, believing that in the current environment, not having children can better enable them to pursue their careers and personal development.

However, this decision was not without resistance. Kang Hui's parents, as representatives of traditional concepts, although they acquiesced to their choice on the surface, may still have expectations deep down.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Behind this acquiescence is the compromise of the elders to the new era, and it is also the blessing of the happiness of the children. Kang Hui may have noticed this subtle psychology of his parents, but at that time, they still chose to stick to their decision.

Occupational factors may also have played an important role in the Kang Hui's considerations. As a CCTV anchor, especially the host of the news network, Kang Hui bears an important social responsibility.

His working hours are variable, he is often on call, and he is under a lot of pressure. Not having children may allow them to better cope with the challenges of their jobs and keep their career momentum going.

But they may be underestimating the power of time and the changing needs at various stages of the life cycle.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

In addition, Kang Hui and his wife may also have considered the issue of their personal quality of life. Not having children means they have more time and energy to devote to their hobbies, and they have more freedom to organize their lives and enjoy their world.

This lifestyle is quite attractive to many modern people.

However, as time went on, especially in the face of major life events such as the death of his parents, Kang Hui began to re-examine this decision. He may realize that fertility is not just a personal choice, but also a matter of family continuity and life succession.

This shift in perception led to a strong remorse that he later expressed.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Kang Hui's experience tells us that there are complex considerations and games behind Dink's decision. It involves many aspects such as personal ideals, family responsibilities, social expectations, career development, etc.

Everyone needs to carefully weigh the immediate needs and the long-term impact when making such a decision.

At the same time, Kang Hui's story also reminds us that life is an ever-changing process. Firm choices made at a young age may be shaken by more experience.

This does not mean that the decision was wrong, but rather that people's ideas and needs change over time. Therefore, we need to be flexible when making major life decisions, and always be open and reflective.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Time flies, and when Kang Hui stands in front of his parents' sickbed, the once firm Dink's determination begins to waver. Faced with the fragility of life, he suddenly realizes the permanent regret that his choice may bring.

In the last moments of his parents' lives, Kang Hui keenly captured the unspoken expectations in their eyes. It is the desire to hold a grandson, and the hope for the continuation of the family.

Although the parents never expressed dissatisfaction with Kang Hui's Dink decision, the regret in their hearts was so obvious that Kang Hui felt a strong sense of guilt.

This kind of emotion was truly revealed in a show that Kang Hui participated in. He confessed: "If I could do it all over again, I would definitely choose to have children!" There are so many mixed emotions in this sentence: regret, regret, self-blame, and longing for a loved one who has passed away.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Kang Hui's voice trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of complex emotions. At this moment, he is no longer the glamorous anchor, but an ordinary son, a middle-aged man who has a new understanding of the meaning of life.

Kang Hui's reflection not only stems from the regret of failing to meet the wishes of his parents, but also from a new understanding of the meaning of life inheritance. He may realize that children are not only a burden, but also an extension of life, the hope of the family, and the comfort of life in old age.

The sense of loss may have been even stronger when he saw his friends around him enjoying the family fun.

This regret also reflects changes in values at different stages of life. The choices you make for career and freedom when you are young may have different views when faced with birth, old age, sickness and death.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Kang Hui's experience tells us that every decision in life may bring unexpected results, and when it comes to childbearing, there is often no regret medicine to take.

Kang Hui's confession also sparked widespread resonance and discussion among the public. Many people are beginning to reflect on their life choices and think about the balance between family and career. His story reminds us of the need to consider the long-term implications of making major life decisions, in-depth communication with family members, and the need to take responsibility for our own choices.

However, Kang Hui's regret does not mean that Dink is the wrong choice. Everyone's life circumstances and values are different, and it's important to be thoughtful and open and reflective at different stages of life.

Kang Hui's experience provides us with a valuable perspective on profound issues such as fertility, family, and the value of life.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Kang Hui's experience sheds light on the underlying challenges in Dink's life and gives us a glimpse into the complex aspects of this lifestyle. First of all, marriage is not just about two people, it is about the interests and expectations of both families.

Even a public figure like Kang Hui is difficult to completely shake off the influence of his family and the pressure of traditional ideas.

In Chinese society, the concept of "raising children to prevent old age" is deeply rooted. Although modern society has gradually become more accepting of Dink, the Dink community may still feel invisible pressure when faced with the expectations of their parents.

Kang Hui's guilt and regret in his parents' later years is a true portrayal of this conflict between social expectations and personal choices.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Second, the Dink community needs to face the trials of later life. When the friends around them start to enjoy the family, the Dinks may feel a little lonely.

Especially when you are sick or need care, the lack of support from your children can make life even harder. Kang Hui may have begun to think about these questions, which is one of the reasons why he expressed regret.

Kang Hui's story also reflects that different stages of life will have different needs and perceptions. Choices made for career and freedom at a young age may be perceived differently as you get older.

This kind of change is human, but when it comes to fertility, there is often no regret medicine to take. Kang Hui's experience reminds us that when making major life decisions, we need to consider the long-term implications.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

In the face of these challenges, the Dinks need more courage and wisdom. They need to build strong social networks and plan for their later years, while keeping an open mind to life's changes and possible regrets.

In addition, they may need more social support systems to compensate for the lack of family structure.

However, it's also important to recognize that life in Dink isn't all challenges. It may lead to more freedom and development, allowing people to focus more on their careers and personal interests.

Kang Hui and his wife's sweet life over the years is a case in point. The key is that everyone is aware of the possible consequences of their choices and is accountable for them.

"If I can do it all over again, I must have children", Kang Hui, who was resolute after marriage, now regrets it

Kang Hui's experience reminds us that choosing Dink is not an easy decision. It requires consideration of long-term implications, in-depth communication with family members, and more importantly, responsibility for one's own choices.

At the same time, we must respect everyone's choices and understand the considerations and concerns behind each decision. Whether it is choosing to have children or dink, it should be understood and supported by society.

Kang Hui's story opens a window for us to think about and triggers an in-depth discussion about fertility choices.

There are no standard answers to these questions, but they deserve to be explored in depth by everyone. It is important that both the choice to have children and to dink should be respected. We are responsible for our own choices while remaining open and reflective.

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