
When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance
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When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

In 1998, in front of a special iron cage in Wuxi Film and Television City, 26-year-old Ding Haifeng stood restless. The air was filled with a strong smell of wild beasts, sending chills down his spine.

The famous director Zhang Jizhong replied calmly: "Don't worry, we have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance for you." "

Without any protective measures, only a paper insurance policy as a life guarantee, Ding Haifeng is about to face this uncertain shooting. This is the classic scene of "Wu Song fighting the tiger" in "Water Margin", and it will also become an important turning point in Ding Haifeng's acting career.

Next, let's uncover the mystery behind this thrilling shoot.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

In 1995, the streets of Changchun were filled with a bleak cold wind. Ding Haifeng, who just graduated from Jilin University of the Arts, is walking alone at the crossroads of life. The hardships of life and the uncertainty of the future made this young man almost give up his dream of being an actor.

Just when he was considering changing careers, the god of fate quietly descended.

One day, Ding Haifeng received a mysterious phone call from Beijing. On the other end of the phone, it was an invitation from the crew of CCTV's "Water Margin", hoping that he could audition for the role of Wu Song.

This news was like a bolt of lightning, which instantly lit up Ding Haifeng's gloomy life.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

With apprehension and anticipation, Ding Haifeng stepped on the train to Beijing. However, when he arrived at the audition, the sight in front of him instantly made his confidence drop to the bottom.

The number of candidates for the cast was so large that the entire garden was crowded. Faced with many competitors, Ding Haifeng couldn't help but feel nervous and flustered.

What's worse is that Ding Haifeng has never been exposed to costume dramas. When the assistant director handed him a small note with lines written on it, he was almost overwhelmed. From trying on the costume to putting on the heavy costume, the whole process was like a dream.

However, Ding Haifeng did not give up. He threw himself into the preparation of the role with amazing perseverance. I practiced martial arts hard every day, and I would borrow weapons to practice at night.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

In order to reflect Wu Song's bold personality, he even began to practice booze, from not drinking to being able to get drunk like mud.

Ding Haifeng's efforts impressed the chief director Zhang Shaolin. Although some people questioned his lack of "chivalrous temperament", Zhang Shaolin took a fancy to the young man's fighting spirit and potential.

In the end, among the many competitors, Ding Haifeng stood out and successfully won the role of Wu Song.

From an obscure art school graduate to a household name "Wu Song", Ding Haifeng's life trajectory has taken a dramatic turn. This role not only changed his life, but also brought him unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

However, the real test has just begun, and a life-and-death battle with the real tiger awaits him.

After obtaining the role of Wu Song, Ding Haifeng knew that he had a great responsibility. He was determined to interpret this heroic image to the extreme, and he made unimaginable efforts to achieve this.

The first is the training of alcohol consumption. Wu Song is known for his astonishing amount of alcohol in the original book, but Ding Haifeng himself barely drinks at all. In order to truly interpret the drunken state, he made up his mind to practice alcohol from scratch.

Ding Haifeng bought a lot of beer and forced himself to drink until he got drunk every day. At first, he often had a splitting headache due to his lack of alcohol, but he gritted his teeth and persevered, and finally practiced the skill of "a thousand cups without getting drunk".

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

Every time he borrowed wine to enter the play, he tried to capture the feeling of pride and ambition, making his performance closer to Wu Song in the original work.

The second is the shaping of body shape. Although Ding Haifeng is burly, he is not from martial arts, and his muscle lines are not obvious. In order to shape Wu Song's strong physique, he underwent almost crazy physical training.

In addition to rigorous strength training, he also consumes a lot of protein every day. It is said that Ding Haifeng eats 20 eggs a day to increase muscle mass. This kind of almost masochistic training made his body shape change rapidly, and gradually had the muscular body that Wu Song should have.

Martial arts training is Ding Haifeng's top priority. He spends a lot of time every day practicing the use of a variety of weapons, from clubs to knives and guns. The training during the day was not enough, and at night he would borrow weapons from the props team and practice repeatedly in the small garden near the crew.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

From the most basic standing posture and footwork to complex martial arts movements, Ding Haifeng has meticulously studied them. He hopes that through these efforts, he can present the most powerful image of Wu Song in front of the camera.

During this arduous preparation period, Ding Haifeng was almost isolated from the outside world and devoted himself to the role. He constantly figured out Wu Song's psychology and thought about how to show the hero's pride and righteousness.

Every look, every movement, he strives for perfection. Sometimes the other actors of the crew saw him alone in the corner practicing a move repeatedly, even forgetting the passage of time.

Ding Haifeng's professionalism touched the entire crew. However, the real test is yet to come. When he learns that he is going to fight a real tiger, fear inevitably arises in his heart.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

But for the sake of this role, in order to present the most realistic "Wu Song fights the tiger", he chose to face the challenge.

Ding Haifeng's dedication is not only to play Wu Song well, but also to pursue art. This spirit also laid a solid foundation for the following thrilling shooting.

Every drop of sweat, every practice, will be tested in a duel with a real tiger. Ding Haifeng is ready to meet the challenges of life and death.

In 1998, the filming of "Water Margin" entered the most critical stage - "Wu Song Fights the Tiger". This classic scene is not only the highlight that the audience is looking forward to, but also the biggest challenge faced by the entire crew.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

Chief director Zhang Shaolin knows the importance of this scene. In order to present the most perfect effect, he led four assistant directors to go to all parts of the country for casting, and strive to ensure that each role is accurate.

At the same time, the production team is also racking their brains for the "Tiger Fighting" scene.

Initially, the crew considered using fake tigers, but the results were always unsatisfactory. At that time, the special effects technology was not mature and could not present a lifelike image of the tiger.

After much deliberation, the crew decided to take a risk. They invited a majestic tiger from Huai'an, and carefully built a special filming location in the film and television city.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

To ensure safety, photographers are even placed in suspended "iron cages" to shoot. However, the results of the first attempt were not ideal. Zhang Shaolin believes that due to safety factors, the interaction between humans and tigers seems stiff and lacks a sense of reality.

After careful consideration, the crew made a bold decision: let Ding Haifeng get close to the tiger. This decision took the entire crew breathless. The medical staff were on standby, the animal trainer was holding a tranquilizer gun, and everyone was sweating for Ding Haifeng's safety.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, the production director even bought 100,000 yuan of personal insurance for Ding Haifeng.

At the shooting scene, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme. Ding Haifeng had to fight the three-year-old adult tiger fiercely, and even rode it on the tiger's back. Every shot is fraught with danger, and the slightest mistake can lead to catastrophe.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

In many shootings, Ding Haifeng was knocked to the ground by tigers many times, leaving blood marks on his face, and his whole body was covered with the fishy smell of tigers. But for the perfect effect, he stood up again and again and continued shooting.

This professionalism not only won the respect of the crew, but also added real tension to the scene. After several days of arduous shooting, "Wu Song Fights Tiger" is finally perfectly presented.

This scene not only shows Wu Song's bravery and fearlessness, but also becomes a masterpiece of Ding Haifeng's acting career.

In addition to "Wu Song Fighting the Tiger", the other character creation of "Water Margin" is also wonderful. Zhang Shaolin has unique requirements and expectations for each role. For example, he hopes that Pan Jinlian played by Wang Siyi is not an image of a wicked woman in the traditional sense, but to show her psychological change process from an ignorant girl to a cold-blooded killer.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

Teacher Li Mingqi's "Wang Po" is even more lifelike, her shriveled lips and cunning eyes perfectly interpret the image of this little person in the market.

The success of "Water Margin" is not only the credit of a certain actor or a certain scene, but the result of the joint efforts of the entire crew. From casting to shooting, from props to costumes, every link embodies everyone's hard work.

This attitude of excellence has also become a microcosm of film and television production in the 90s, setting an example for later works.

The success of "Wu Song Fighting the Tiger" is not only Ding Haifeng's personal victory, but also the crystallization of the courage and wisdom of the entire "Water Margin" crew. Its legend will forever be engraved in the long history of the development of Chinese TV dramas.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

The success of "Water Margin" is not alone, it is the finale of the TV series adaptation of the four famous novels of the 90s, continuing the glorious tradition of this golden age.

In 1986, "Journey to the West" ushered in a new era. The crew adheres to the concept of "reality first" and uses physical objects rather than special effects as much as possible. For example, when filming the python demon, in addition to the head needs to be processed by computer special effects, the snake body uses a real python model.

This spirit of pursuing authenticity brings a very powerful visual experience to the audience.

1987's "Dream of Red Mansions" took excellence to the extreme. Director Wang Fulin devoted a whole year to studying the original work, and also hired a number of red scientists as consultants.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

The filming of the 36 episodes of the whole drama spanned three years, and the main creative team strived for perfection in every detail. All the leading actors have received professional training for half a year, learning ancient etiquette, calligraphy and painting, etc., just to better shape the role.

The film and television production team of this era adheres to the concept of art first, is not bound by capital, does not pursue traffic stars, and only presents the best works. Although these works may have some technical flaws from today's perspective, their achievements in artistic pursuit and spiritual core are still admirable today.

The spirit of this golden age also set a lofty benchmark for later film and television creation.

In 2021, time flies, and Ding Haifeng will play Wu Song again. 23 years have passed, and the heroism of the past is still the same, but the traces of time have quietly crept up on his face.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

This re-enactment is not only a reinterpretation of the role, but also a profound reflection on the changes in the entire film and television industry.

Today's film and television production, although the efficiency has improved, but the quality is difficult to guarantee. The concept of "traffic is king" dominates the market, and fast-food-style content fills the screen.

That pure pursuit of art for art's sake seems to have become a luxury.

However, we shouldn't just be nostalgic for the past. In this new era, we should think more about: how to create works with both artistic value and ideological depth in a fast-paced environment? This requires the concerted efforts and reflection of the entire industry.

When Ding Haifeng filmed Wu Song fighting the tiger: What if I am eaten? Zhang Jizhong: I have bought 100,000 yuan of insurance

It is expected that in the near future, we will be able to see the birth of new classics, recreate the glory of the past, and let the excellent cultural traditions bloom with new brilliance in the new era.

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