
Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

author:Galvin Press
Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied
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Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

Beijing, 1996. In an ordinary civil affairs bureau, 26-year-old Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei received the red certificate that carried their future with only 9 yuan in hand.

No extravagant weddings, no expensive diamond rings, not even a decent new house to afford. Their newlywed home was a semi-basement of only 9 square meters, damp and dark, but full of two fiery hearts.

In this way, the young couple began a seven-year basement life. Who would have thought that this seemingly shabby marriage would evolve into the most enviable love legend in the entertainment industry in the future? At that time, how could they have predicted the brilliant life in the future? What kind of emotional power does this ordinary beginning contain that makes them stick to their original intentions in Vanity Fair? Let's walk into the story of Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei and uncover the moving secret behind this 9 yuan marriage.

Ren Chengwei's childhood was spent in an ordinary worker's family in Heilongjiang. Both parents work in a machinery factory, and although they are not rich, the family lives in a warm and harmonious manner.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

However, the impermanence of fate quietly came when Ren Chengwei was 12 years old. A sudden accident took his father's life, and the originally peaceful family fell into trouble in an instant.

After losing her father, Ren Chengwei's mother shouldered the burden of raising four children alone. The family's financial situation is deteriorating, and Ren Chengwei rarely even has the opportunity to wear new clothes.

Every time the season changes, he always wears the old clothes of his eldest brother and second brother, with excessively long sleeves and wide trouser legs. But every time he looked down at these ill-fitting clothes, his eyes flashed not with resentment, but with perseverance.

These difficult experiences planted the seeds in his heart to change his fate.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

In 1989, Ren Chengwei was admitted to the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy with excellent results. Standing in front of the door of his dream school, his eyes sparkled with hope.

However, the poverty of the family is everywhere. During his college years, he often faced food shortages and sometimes even starvation.

It was at this moment that fate gave him a precious gift - he met Huang Lei. This girl from a cadre family, regardless of the disparity in family background, fell in love with this poor but resilient young man without hesitation.

Whenever Ren Chengwei was hungry, Huang Lei could always cleverly find various reasons to give him a meal ticket. Under her careful care, Ren Chengwei finally stopped starving.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

Looking at Huang Lei's gentle eyes, a warm current surged in Ren Chengwei's heart. He knew he had met the most important person in his life. Although the road ahead is still difficult, with this sincere love, he feels as if he has the whole world.

In 1993, with a vision for the future, Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei graduated together. They decided to leave the familiar Shanghai and embark on a journey north to pursue their dreams.

In the face of unknown challenges, Ren Chengwei was both excited and apprehensive. He knows that in Beijing, a city where opportunities and challenges coexist, more difficult tests await him.

However, with Huang Lei by his side, Ren Chengwei felt incomparable courage and strength. He firmly believes that as long as they go hand in hand, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

With this belief, the young lovers embarked on the train to their dreams and began their years of struggle in Beijing.

Beijing in 1993 was both hopeful and full of thorns for the newcomers Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei. With their love for acting, they set foot on this land full of opportunities and challenges.

However, reality soon hit the young couple in the face.

Ren Chengwei's dream of acting has encountered an unprecedented setback in Beijing. Due to his tall stature, he repeatedly hit a wall when looking for an acting partner. Directors always shake their heads and say, "You're too tall to find a partner."

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

In this way, Ren Chengwei can only wander in the role of a dragon, and it is difficult to find a breakthrough opportunity.

After each failed audition, Ren would wander the streets of Beijing in frustration. His eyes were full of loss, and he kept asking himself if he should give up on this seemingly unattainable dream.

However, whenever he returned to the small semi-basement, Huang Lei always greeted him with a smile. She said gently, "Don't be discouraged, I'm sure you'll succeed."

These simple words were like a shot in the arm, which rekindled Ren Chengwei's hope.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

The hardships of life did not shake their feelings. In 1996, both were 26 years old, reaching marriageable age. One day, Huang Lei plucked up her courage and took the initiative to ask Ren Chengwei for marriage.

Facing Huang Lei's expectant eyes, Ren Chengwei felt both happy and guilty. He said embarrassedly: "I really want to marry you, but I only have 500 yuan in my account, and I can't have a decent wedding at all."

Huang Lei smiled softly: "I don't need a grand wedding, and I don't need a bride price, as long as I have a certificate." Hearing this, Ren Chengwei's eyes moistened.

He held Huang Lei's hand tightly, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must let this empathetic girl live a happy life.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

In this way, they exchanged 9 yuan for a marriage letter and began their married life with joys and sorrows. Their newlywed home was a semi-basement of only 9 square meters, damp and dark, but full of loving warmth.

The burden of life rests on the couple's shoulders. Ren Chengwei's monthly salary is only 276 yuan, and he barely has to help his mother and younger brother in his hometown.

And Huang Lei silently took on the burden of supporting her family without complaint. She went relatively well in her career and became the main breadwinner of the family.

In 1996, they ushered in the crystallization of love - their first daughter. However, due to the poor living environment, when the child was half a year old, Huang Lei had to send her daughter back to her hometown to be taken care of by her parents.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

Whenever she thinks of her daughter who is far away, Huang Lei's eyes always flash with tears, but she has never complained to Ren Chengwei.

In this way, they supported each other in a difficult environment and survived the difficult years for 7 years. Despite the hardships of life, their love grew deeper during this time.

Ren Chengwei often sighed: "It was Huang Lei who gave me the strength to persevere." This experience has become the most precious treasure of their marriage.

2001 was a turning point in Ren Chengwei's life. The TV series "Snow Without a Trace" starring him caused a sensation as soon as it was broadcast. Years of honing and waiting, finally got a perfect presentation in this work.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

Ren Chengwei's resolute face, deep eyes, and delicate acting skills instantly captured the hearts of the audience.

When he saw himself appear on the TV screen for the first time, Ren Chengwei was so excited that he couldn't speak. He turned his head to look at Huang Lei beside him, and found that his wife's eyes were shining with tears of pride.

At that moment, all the bitterness and waiting became worth it. Huang Lei gently held his hand and whispered, "I knew you would definitely succeed."

With the hit of "Snow Without a Trace", Ren Chengwei became a high-profile star overnight. The former predicament seems to have disappeared overnight, and all kinds of invitations have come one after another.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

He has starred in many excellent works such as "The Long March", "The Line of Life and Death", and "Love on the Edge of Life and Death". Every time he received a new role, Ren Chengwei poured all his efforts into it, as if he wanted to release all the energy that had accumulated in the past at one time.

The take-off of the business has led to a significant improvement in the quality of life. However, in the face of sudden success, Ren Chengwei has always remained calm and humble. He knows that his success is inseparable from Huang Lei's silent dedication and support over the years.

Every time he received the award, he would silently say in his heart: "Thank you, my love."

In interviews, Ren Chengwei often mentioned: "It was Huang Lei who accompanied me through the most difficult days. Now that I've finally achieved something, how can I fail her? This emotion not only touched Huang Lei, but also touched countless audiences.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

Success came quickly and violently, but the relationship between Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei became deeper and deeper. The hardships they experienced together have become their most precious memories and the most solid foundation for their marriage.

With the take-off of their careers, the quality of life of Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei has also improved significantly. In 2003, they finally said goodbye to the cramped and damp semi-basement and bought a spacious and bright new home.

When they pushed open the door of their new home for the first time, Ren Chengwei hugged Huang Lei tightly, tears flashing in his eyes. At this moment, they seemed to see the hard years of the past seven years flashing before their eyes.

In order to allow her husband to devote herself to her career, Huang Lei made a decision that surprised many people - to give up her acting career and devote herself to family life.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

She keeps her home in order, so that Ren Chengwei can feel warm and comfortable every time she comes home. Huang Lei often said: "You are working hard outside, and I am responsible for letting you return to a warm harbor."

By this time, their eldest daughter was 7 years old and was starting elementary school. Finally, they were able to take their daughter to their side and take care of them. Ren Chengwei often finds time to accompany his daughter to practice the piano, and when he sees his daughter playing the piano seriously, his face is always filled with a happy smile.

Soon after, they welcomed a second child, a lovely little daughter, adding even more joy to the family.

Despite his busy schedule, Ren Chengwei always puts his family first. Whenever work is over, he always can't wait to get home. The moment he opened the door and saw the bright smiling faces of his wife and children, he felt that all the fatigue had vanished.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

In his spare time, Ren Chengwei likes to do housework with his family and accompany his children to study. He often sighed: "This is the most precious life." For Ren Chengwei, being able to spend time with his beloved wife and lovely daughters is the greatest happiness.

What was once a 9-square-metre home is now not only expanded in space, but also emotionally rich and warm. Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei used their stories to explain a truth: true happiness does not lie in external conditions, but in cherishing and giving to each other.

When asked how to resist temptation, Ren Chengwei always said earnestly: "There are indeed many temptations in the entertainment industry, but I always remember that I am a married man."

Any small negligence can cause irreparable damage to the family. So, I have to be vigilant at all times.

Actor Ren Chengwei: Spent 9 yuan to marry Huang Lei, and after becoming popular, he regarded her as a treasure, and his two daughters were very satisfied

In the face of speculation and doubts from the outside world, Ren Chengwei has always firmly said: "In my most difficult time, it was my wife who was always by my side. The relationship between us is indestructible and we will always be together.

This steadfast love not only touched the people around him, but also became a good story in the entertainment industry.

The story of Ren Chengwei and Huang Lei tells us that sincere love and a loyal marriage do not lie in fame, fortune and status, but in mutual trust and cherishment. As Ren Chengwei often said: "No matter how poor you are, you don't sell your dog, and no matter how rich you are, you won't give up your wife."

This may be the true meaning of their long marriage.

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