
With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

author:Galvin Press
With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out
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With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

In 2014, the entertainment industry ushered in a news that shocked the industry: Wu Peici, who was once known as "Kobayashi Chiling", announced her retirement from her acting career. , a once beautiful actress, gave up her career in order to devote herself to childbirth.

However, what is embarrassing is that even after giving birth to 4 children for Ji Xiaobo in just 7 years, Wu Peici still failed to enter a wealthy family as she wished.

What is even more surprising is that since 2020, Wu Peici's social media accounts have suddenly gone silent, while at the same time, Ji Xiaobo has fallen into the quagmire of huge debts.

The once glamorous "Kobayashi Chiling" can now retreat? This question can't help but be reminiscent of the fate of Xi Mihua, the "gambling king" of Macau, who has a similar experience to Ji Xiaobo.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

Wu Peici's starting point in life is not prominent. Born into a family of ordinary workers, her parents were laid-off workers, and her childhood seemed destined to be ordinary. However, the wheel of fortune quietly turns when she transfers to Huagang Art School, bringing a dramatic turn to the trajectory of her life.

Huagang Art School is the cradle of Taiwan's performing arts industry, cultivating many shining stars such as Wang Xinling and Lin Zhiying. Wu Peici showed amazing potential as soon as she entered the school, and her light even made the big S of the same school feel unprecedented pressure.

With her unique temperament and outstanding appearance, Wu Peici quickly attracted the attention of advertisers, began to get involved in advertising shooting, and gradually emerged in the entertainment industry.

However, Wu Peici's personality has caused her a lot of trouble. She is known for her outspokenness, but this trait often makes her appear sharp. Once, she did not shy away from saying in front of a blind masseuse, "I was treated in the hands of a blind man."

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

This kind of brainless remarks made her ostracized in school, and she gradually became a "problem girl".

Despite this, Wu Peici's talent should not be underestimated. In 1998, she released three music albums. Although the market response was mediocre, her unique appearance mixed with exotic ancestry and perfect body proportions still allowed her to successfully gain a foothold in the film and television industry.

Fans affectionately call her "Kobayashi Chiling", which seems to indicate that her future star journey will be bright.

From Huagang Art School to the entertainment industry, Wu Peici's growth path is full of ups and downs. Her talent and beauty opened the door to success, but her straightforward and even somewhat sharp personality also caused her a lot of trouble.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

This contradictory trait is both her charm and the source of the challenges she faces in the future.

Looking back on Wu Peici's growth process, we can't help but ask: what kind of force pushed her from a girl from an ordinary working family to a bright star step by step? What kind of vision and pursuit made her finally choose to give up her hard-working career and embark on a road full of unknowns? The answers to these questions may be hidden in her complex and multifaceted personality.

Wu Peici's love life is like an urban drama with ups and downs, full of drama and suspense. Each of her relationships is eye-catching, as if looking for the perfect partner who can give her security and status.

Her emotional journey began as a Japanese restaurant chef. The two are called "godbrother" and "godsister", and their relationship is ambiguous. The chef's wealthy family and owning a number of shops should have been in line with Ng's image as the ideal partner.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

However, the differences in their personalities eventually led to the end of the relationship.

In 2005, Wu Peici made her relationship with designer Su Dianzhong public. Su Dianzhong is not only talented, but more coincidentally, he is also Lin Chiling's ex-boyfriend.

This relationship caused quite a stir, but it ended because of the opposition of Wu Peici's girlfriend group. After the breakup, Wu Peici once said: "If you want to pursue me, you must first pass my sisters!" This sentence not only shows the importance she attaches to friendship, but also hints at her high requirements for her future partner.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Peici met Shi Mingyan from a Japanese pharmaceutical manufacturing giant family. In order to pursue Wu Peici, this rich second generation decisively ended the relationship with his flight attendant girlfriend.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

In this relationship, Wu Peici enjoyed the feeling of being pampered, and various expensive gifts followed. She once excitedly said in front of the media: "In the past, you always had to work hard to make money, but now suddenly someone pays for herself without reservation!" However, the relationship eventually collapsed due to the opposition of Shi Mingyan's parents, leaving Wu Peici with a deep sense of frustration.

After that, Wu Peici had an affair with Wang Renfu, a member of the idol group 5566. But Wang Renfu already has a stable girlfriend, the well-known host Ji Qin. This episode soon ended under the pressure of public opinion, once again casting a shadow on Wu Peici's emotional journey.

In 2008, Wu Peici met Peter Chen on a flight. The two quickly fell in love, and Wu Peici even announced to her girlfriends that she was about to enter the palace of marriage.

However, the truth is surprising: Peter Chen is not the legendary rich man, but just an ordinary salaryman. The revelation of this truth may be the real reason why the two broke up, and it also made Wu Peici fall into the myth of love and wealth again.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

Looking back on Wu Peici's emotional journey, we can see her process of constantly searching, trying and disappointing in love. Every relationship is like an attempt on her way to her ideal life, but it always ends in failure for various reasons.

These experiences may have shaped her complex attitudes towards love and marriage, leaving her torn between the pursuit of true love and practical interests.

When Ji Xiaobo finally appeared in her life, Wu Peici seemed to see an object that could meet all her expectations. However, does the relationship really bring her the happiness and security she's been looking for? The answer to this question may only be given by time.

Ji Xiaobo's life trajectory is legendary, from a troubled teenager from a high-level intellectual family to a man of the year in Macau casinos, his experience is full of drama. Despite his mediocre academic performance, Ji Xiaobo has demonstrated social skills and business acumen that surpass his peers.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

In 2003, Ji Xiaobo came to Macau alone. When he first arrived in Macau, he found a seemingly ordinary job - stacking horses. This job is mainly responsible for guiding customers into the casino and connecting customers with loan needs.

Although it seems simple, it is actually full of tests, and many of the characters who later became casino tycoons, such as Zhou Zhuohua and Chen Ronglian, started from this position.

With his keen business acumen and excellent social skills, Ji Xiaobo quickly established himself in Macau. He has successfully contracted a number of casino businesses and his business is booming.

According to statistics, in the first half of 2011 alone, Ji Xiaobo earned a profit of up to 300 million Hong Kong dollars, which is enough to prove his success in the casino industry.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

However, the accumulation of wealth also brings with it an expansion of desires. Ji Xiaobo began to frequently have scandals with many actresses, including well-known artists such as Yang Gongru and Lin Xinru.

In particular, the relationship with Xiong Dailin once became a hot topic in the entertainment industry, and was even rumored to be one of the reasons why Xiong Dailin broke up with Aaron Kwok.

The rise of Ji Xiaobo seems to be a modern version of the story of the "Macau gambling king". From an obscure stacked horse boy to a casino tycoon who can influence the emotions of celebrities, Ji Xiaobo's success seems to confirm the truth of "seeking wealth and danger".

However, is this rapid way of accumulating wealth solid? Is the casino industry also accumulating risks? These questions may have been answered in Ji Xiaobo's later experience.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

When Wu Peici and Ji Xiaobo met, she seemed to see the light of hope leading to a wealthy family. However, the road is destined to be full of thorns and challenges.

In order to win Ji Xiaobo's heart, and more importantly, to obtain an official marriage status, Wu Peici made an astonishing decision: to get pregnant out of wedlock. This decision is undoubtedly risky, because Ji Xiaobo and his mother have publicly stated many times that even if they give birth to a child, they will not let her enter the door of the Ji family easily.

However, Wu Peici seems to have made up her mind to gamble on it. She not only gave up the resources and future she had worked hard to accumulate in the entertainment industry, but also gave birth to 4 children for Ji Xiaobo in just 7 years, regardless of the risk of advanced maternal age.

This desperate attitude shows her persistent pursuit of entering a wealthy family.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

Wu Peici's efforts are not only reflected in childbirth, but she also tries to win the favor of Ji Xiaobo's mother with luxurious gifts. One of the most striking is the two worth 8. 800 million yuan crystal dragon.

The dragons were housed in the lobby of the seven-star hotel that Ji Xiaobo's mother invested in Saipan, and became the hotel's signature décor. This move not only shows Wu Peici's financial strength, but also shows her determination to curry favor with her future mother-in-law.

After retiring from the entertainment industry, Wu Peici's focus has completely shifted to children and luxury life. She frequently shares photos of her children's growth on social media, and at the same time unabashedly shows her wealthy life.

This kind of behavior is not only a show off of one's current situation, but also a response to doubts from the outside world.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

However, despite all the efforts, Wu Peici has never been able to get her wish. Her role is still limited to Ji Xiaobo's girlfriend, and she has never been able to obtain official marital status.

This relationship is like a big gamble, Wu Peici bets on her youth, career and dignity, but the final result is embarrassing.

Wu's wealthy strategy reflects her desire for wealth and status, but also exposes her vulnerability and insecurity in pursuing these goals. Her behavior sparked a discussion in society about women's value and life choices: Is it worth paying such a high price in order to enter a wealthy family? This is a question that each person may need to answer according to their own values.

In 2020, Wu's social media accounts suddenly fell silent, and the final content involved some economic disputes. At the same time, there are rumors that due to the severe impact of the new crown epidemic, Ji Xiaobo's various businesses have suffered serious losses for many years, and the debt he is currently burdened with is as high as billions.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

This series of changes makes people worry about Wu Peici's situation.

This situation can't help but be reminiscent of Zhou Zhuohua, who was also born in a Macau casino. Both men were once born as Stacked Horse Boys and later became casino tycoons, but now they face very different fates: Xi Mihua is imprisoned, while Ji Xiaobo is saddled with huge debts and his whereabouts are unknown.

Faced with such a situation, Wu Peici's situation is embarrassing. She gave her youth, career and dignity in exchange for a future full of uncertainty.

Looking back on Wu Peici's experience, we can't help but ask: If she had chosen to rely on her own talent and hard work, would she have had a different life trajectory? In the pursuit of love and wealth, how do we balance self-worth with external temptations? These questions may be worth pondering for everyone.

With the same background, Xi Mihua was sentenced, and after Ji Xiaobo's debts disappeared, could Wu Peici get out

Wu Peici's story is like a mirror, reflecting society's definition of women's value and the choices of individuals in the face of temptation. Regardless of the outcome, her story is a profound inspiration for us.

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