
The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

author:Xinxin Sports

In recent international competitions, the performance of the Chinese men's basketball team has attracted widespread attention and discussion. Especially in the confrontation with the United States team, the Chinese team lost with a disparity of 62-146, which was not only a loss in one game, but also a severe test of the strategy and management of the entire team.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

Coach Li Xiaoyong's tactical choices and response to the situation on the field were particularly passive, as evidenced by his substitution decisions. The use of He Wenwei and Li Yuezhou is particularly problematic, and the latter is a decision to be substituted early at a crucial moment despite his active performance on the field, which raises questions about the coach's vision and understanding of the game.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

In addition to the tactical and strategic problems, the discipline and image of the team are also worrying. In the match against Australia, the on-field behaviour of player Du Yunwang caused controversy, which not only affected the team's image, but also reflected the lack of self-control of the players in a high-pressure environment.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

Such behavior not only damages the team's public image, but also weakens the team's morale and unity to a certain extent. Management needs to learn from these incidents and strengthen training on player behaviour management and mindset adjustment to ensure that the best looks can be seen on the international stage.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

From a deeper perspective, the problem of the Chinese men's basketball team is not only the loss of a single game, but also the shortcomings of the deep-seated system and management. The coach's tactical arrangement and on-the-spot scheduling ability are the key to improving the overall competitiveness of the team.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

However, from the recent games, it is not difficult to find that the coach's control of the game and tactical innovation are obviously insufficient, which directly affects the team's performance on the international stage. In order to keep up with the pace of international basketball, the Chinese men's basketball team urgently needs to introduce a coaching team with an international vision and modern basketball concepts, and change the outdated training methods and tactical layout.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

The mentality of the players is also an aspect that cannot be ignored to improve the team's performance. In high-intensity international competitions, players often face tremendous psychological pressure, and how to remain calm and confident in the face of adversity is the key to determining the success or failure of the game. Therefore, in addition to technical and physical training, psychological counseling and emotional management should be an important part of the team's training. Through regular mental training and team-building activities, the mental resilience of players is enhanced, and their ability to perform in critical moments is improved.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

In general, although the Chinese men's basketball team faces many challenges, there is also a lot of room for reform and improvement. From the coaching team to the individual players, from the application of tactics to the construction of psychology, every link needs to be thoughtful and innovative.

The men's basketball team lost 87-107, He Wenwei's 10 mistakes were not as good as Xu Jie, and Du Run Wangbo's violation caused boos in the court!

Through systematic training and management, combined with international advanced training concepts and technologies, it is entirely possible for the Chinese men's basketball team to return to the forefront of international competitive sports. Looking to the future, we look forward to seeing a brand-new, more competitive Chinese men's basketball team win respect and glory on the world basketball stage.

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