
Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

author:Polaroid says sports

When it comes to the CBA in the new season, the Guangdong team is really unsitting! This year, our Guangdong team has high morale and intends to win the championship in one fell swoop. Think about it, Coach Du Feng is holding a "twin tower combination" like Zhou Qi and Meke in his hand, and the situation on the field is changing, and the aura is definitely numb when the opponent encounters it.

Don't say anything else, let's talk about our insider Zhou Qi first.

This young man, standing on the court is like a moving Great Wall, let alone breaking through the attack, just standing there, the opponent has to weigh if he wants to shoot.

Coupled with the "Warcraft" Meck from the United States, the cooperation between the two is like a double-edged sword, both offensive and defensive, so that the opponent can't attack and can't defend against it.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

Look at our outside line, Hu Mingxuan and Xu Jie, these two people's three-point shots are as accurate as missiles, and once they find the right opportunity, the opponent's basket will suffer.

Especially Hu Mingxuan, when this young man comes on the field, you can clearly feel that the wind direction on the court has changed, as soon as you get the ball, the atmosphere in the audience is warm, as if to say: "Come on, be happy!" ”

Our Guangdong team not only relies on a few star players, but also a group of energetic young players.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

For example, Huang Mingyi and Li Yizhen, these two young men, one is full of hard work, the other is skilled, and the future stars are them.

Xu Xin, a new star, don't underestimate it, although he is still inexperienced, but his spirit of aggressiveness and daring to fight can knock out sparks when he is excited on the field!

Now let's talk about our end-of-the-art teaching—Du Feng.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

This "master tactician" is not covered, every time you play, you can see him directing from the sidelines, and his eyes are as sharp as if he knows everything.

His ability to dispatch troops is simply the pinnacle of our Guangdong team.

With him, every little wheel of the team can turn fast and precisely.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

Let's take a look at the preparations for this season.

From the training ground to the dressing room, everyone was preparing for the game with 200 per cent effort, as if there was a determination to keep the championship at home.

The management is also unambiguous, from nutritionists to tactical analysts, with top teams to ensure that the team is in the best shape for every game.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

As for the opponents, our biggest opponent, the Liaoning team, is not vegetarian.

Their strength is also very strong, but the goal of our Guangdong team this year has been set, that is, not afraid of any opponent, go straight to Huanglong, go all the way, and win the most dazzling championship trophy!

The fans' enthusiasm for the Guangdong team is absolutely hot.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

In every game, you can see the jerseys all over the stadium and hear the earth-shattering shouts.

Their support is to give the team unlimited motivation.

The team did not disappoint them, often interacting with the fans through social media, open training days, etc., and truly made it possible for the fans to be our sixth player.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

Finally, a few words about the outlook for this season.

The long-term goal of the Guangdong team is not only to win the championship for one season, but to build a strong team that continues to compete and develop more outstanding young players to become the main force in the future.

At the same time, we also hope that through our efforts, we can promote the level of the entire CBA to a higher level, so that more people can fall in love with basketball and enjoy the happiness and passion brought by basketball.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

Look, the curtain of the new season is about to open, and the Guangdong team is ready to go all out.

Opponents, are you ready? Watch how our Guangdong team set off a storm on the field, with the banner of victory, sprinting to the last moment! Let's wait and see how we can witness the wonderful moments of this basketball feast!

Having said that, this season's Guangdong team has attracted much attention! Everyone is looking forward to whether the Guangdong team can achieve better results in the CBA this time? After all, with the training of Du Feng, a master tactician, plus our "Twin Towers" Zhou Qi and Meke, it is really hardcore!

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

First of all, I have to talk about Zhou Qi, this big man is under the basket, which is a real "basketball harvester".

Just ask if you're afraid? When the opposing player saw him, he had to beat the drum fast in his heart and wanted to break through? There are no doors! Coupled with the muscles and strength of Meck's body, it is like a demolition team on the field, where it needs to be demolished, it is powerful at both offensive and defensive ends.

The combination of Hu Mingxuan and Xu Jie on the outside line is simply an "artillery regiment" outside the three-point line.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

Once they're here, the fans can get ready to cheer, because a three-point rain is coming! The opposing defenders are expected to collapse, no, they will have to mess up.

Some netizens commented: "How far can the Guangdong team go this time? Look at this posture, the champion is none other than them! Is there any mistake, Du Feng is trying to play with his opponent in the palm of his hand! ”

Let's take a look at those rising stars, Li Yizhen and Huang Mingyi, two young men, who are full of energy and passion every time they play.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

Their performance can be described as the future stars of the Guangdong team, as soon as they appear on the field, they can bring a fresh breeze and bring surprises to the opponent.

Not to mention Xu Xin, although he is young, he has the strength to dare to fight, which really makes people feel a rush of blood when they see it.

A netizen commented: "Looking at the performance of the newcomers, I think the Guangdong team is really a successor.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

These young lads will definitely become new stars in the CBA in the future, and the future of the Guangdong team is really exciting! ”

Moreover, Coach Du Feng's tactical layout and sideline command ability are smooth and flawless.

Every time he plays, he can quickly adjust his tactics according to the situation on the field, which is eye-catching.

Fight to the death! Du Feng led Zhou Qi + Warcraft Meke + Hu Mingxuan + Xu Jie to fight for the CBA championship in the new season

I have to say that the Guangdong team can have such results today, and the coaching team is indispensable!

Some netizens commented: "Does Du Feng have magic? Every time I watch the Guangdong team's game, I always feel that they can always play amazing tactical cooperation at critical moments.

It's a real headache for opponents.

By the way, I have to mention the relationship between the Guangdong team and the fans.

This group of loyal supporters can stir up the atmosphere with every match.

The interaction between the team and the fans is also quite frequent, making the fans feel that they are really an integral part of the team.

This kind of atmosphere is undoubtedly a huge plus for the morale and confidence of the team.

And, don't forget the wisdom of the management.

Not only did they put a lot of effort into the team's technique and tactics, but they also did a very good job of logistical support.

From nutrition to recovery, we strive for perfection in every aspect of the process to ensure that the players are in the best possible condition, and this all-round support is truly admirable.

Looking at the preparation of the Guangdong team this season, I can only say that the opponents really have to be careful, this is not a joke! The Guangdong team is menacing this time, and the goal is clear, that is the championship! Guys, are you ready to fight? Or can you just watch the Guangdong team go all the way until the final trophy of victory?

Looking at all this, you say, will this season's CBA become more exciting because of the Guangdong team? Don't worry, let's wait and see how this veteran powerhouse can write again on the field!

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