
The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will be much better!

author:Health Road Plue

As the saying goes, "nine hemorrhoids in ten people", it can be seen that most of us will suffer from hemorrhoids. As the most common anorectal disease, hemorrhoids have always been compared to "nail households", although they do not endanger the lives of patients, they can make patients suffer painfully.

Some people think that hemorrhoids are not a disease, some people are shy and unwilling to be treated, some people are busy with work and have not found time to treat, and many people's hemorrhoids are slowly becoming serious, and if they are not treated in time, the condition will be delayed.

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will all disappear For some non-serious hemorrhoids, you can take some dietary remedies, which will have a good effect, and I will introduce it to you below. The "nemesis" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, you can drive away hemorrhoids without recurrence, and even constipation is gone.

1. Houttuynia cordata

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will be much better!

Houttuynia cordata, also known as dog ear, is widely used in rural areas, is both a wild vegetable and a green herb, rural people like to make a cold salad to cool off the heat, fresh or dried can be used as medicine, heat clearing and detoxification is very good.

The old people in the rural areas of their hometown will pick it back, dry it and make tea to drink, which can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and treat sores, diuretic and dampness, clear away heat and stop dysentery, strengthen the stomach and eliminate food, and it is said that it can boil water to soak the buttocks and treat hemorrhoids.

Second, dandelions

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will be much better!

Dandelion is very suitable for use in a variety of heat poisoning diseases, among which the effect of clearing liver heat is very good, and it is also very good for the treatment of severe redness, swelling and pain caused by liver fever, as well as a variety of wound infections or purulent diseases.

Soaking dandelion in water every day can relieve hemorrhoids bleeding, swelling and other uncomfortable feelings, and this all-natural green food has no side effects and can be drunk for a long time.

3. Figs

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will be much better!

Figs are peaceful in nature, sweet in taste, rich in dietary fiber, can effectively relieve and treat the symptoms of constipation, and the consumption of figs has a variety of effects in the treatment of hemorrhoids, laxative, loss of appetite, indigestion, etc.

Eating 2 fresh figs raw every day, or using 10 dried fruits and a section of the pig's large intestine to cook cooked food together, has a significant curative effect and preventive effect on hemorrhoids, prolapse, constipation and other symptoms.

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will disappear

Fourth, spinach

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will be much better!

Spinach is rich in dietary fiber, which lubricates the intestines and is an essential food for the treatment of constipation.

The reason why traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is intestinal dampness and heat, spinach has a thermophilic effect on the intestines. The effect is even better if black sesame seeds are mixed together. The sooner acne is detected, it is as easy to treat as other diseases.

5. Ma Lan

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will be much better!

The young aboveground stems and leaves of Malan can be eaten as a nutritious and health-care vegetable, which can be stir-fried, cold mixed or made into soup, with rich fragrance and rich nutrition. Malan is a very important traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of cooling serum heat, diluting dampness and detoxification, stopping bleeding and breaking stasis.

Li Shizhen said that the root of Malan is used as a medicine to treat hemorrhoids, using fresh Malan in spring and summer and dried products in autumn and winter, boiling it in white water with salt, and drinking it together with juice, and at the same time decocting water with Malan salt to bathe the affected area, which has a good effect.

6. Sweet potatoes

The "natural enemy" of hemorrhoids, as long as you eat a little every day, hemorrhoids and constipation will be much better!

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which can absorb a large amount of water in the intestines, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, have a good effect on laxative, and are commonly used to prevent and treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

The starch and cellulose in sweet potatoes can stimulate the intestines, absorb a lot of water, promote food softening, and enhance peristalsis, so as to achieve a laxative effect.