
There is cancer in the body, and the stool knows? There are 3 situations when you go to the toilet, which may be a sign of "cancer".

author:Health Road Plue

There are 6 kilograms of "stool" in the human body?

People often hear the word "stool" in advertisements. Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, in fact, there is no concept of "stool" in medicine. Xu Runsan, a national-level famous Chinese medicine doctor, said that there is no such thing as "stool" in traditional Chinese medicine, and even the term "constipation" was not put forward until Wu Qian in the Qing Dynasty in "Yizong Jinjian: Surgical Heart Method".

It can be seen that the term "stool" may be a concept created by merchants for more vivid and vivid marketing. What's more, it is believed that there will be 6 kg (12 kg) of stool in the normal human body! You must know that a baby weighs only 3-4 kilograms in the mother's body, and from the outside, the belly bulge is very obvious. If ordinary people are "carrying" 6 kilograms of stool every day, you can imagine how exaggerated and funny it is.

In fact, the formation of feces is basically through the colonic part of the human body. Before entering the colon, food is basically thick or semi-solid, and these foods do not stay in our intestines for more than 10 hours. To put it bluntly, most of the food we eat will be excreted from the body within 10 hours.

There is cancer in the body, and the stool knows? There are 3 situations when you go to the toilet, which may be a sign of "cancer".

Can constipation cause cancer?

However, constipation is really annoying, if long-term constipation will increase the incidence of bowel cancer?

Boston University School of Medicine has selected more than 110,000 data in the database, including 29,000 patients with chronic constipation and 86,000 people without constipation.

Does this mean that constipation can lead to bowel cancer? Don't panic! At this stage, there is not enough research evidence to show a direct correlation between constipation and bowel cancer.

However, Wang Yuanzhao, director of the anorectal department of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that for long-term constipation, the intestinal mucosa is prone to inflammation and damage the integrity of the mucosa; There are still some undigested fats and proteins in the intestines, and carcinogens such as ammonium nitrate and phenols can be produced in the anaerobic environment of the intestines, which may lead to carcinogenesis of the large intestine mucosa.

Constipation can also be an early warning of bowel cancer

Be wary of these signs in the stool

Constipation may be a risk factor for bowel cancer, but it can also be a symptom of bowel cancer. Director Wang Yuanzhao said that the symptoms of early rectal cancer are not obvious, and with the development of tumors, it is accompanied by inflammation and necrosis, which causes intestinal lumen obstruction and prolongs the passage time of stool and causes constipation.

There is cancer in the body, and the stool knows? There are 3 situations when you go to the toilet, which may be a sign of "cancer".

In addition to constipation, these stool abnormalities may also indicate the development of bowel cancer:

1. Fecal blood

Blood in the stool is one of the early symptoms of all colorectal cancers, but the timing and nature of colorectal cancer varies depending on where it occurs. In patients with rectal cancer, blood in the stool is less common in the early stage, and fresh blood is usually present on the side of the stool. The sigmoid colon has similar symptoms of blood in the stool because it is close to the rectum, but the color of the blood in the stool becomes darker because the stool stays in the sigmoid colon for a long time.

2. Change in bowel habits

These include alternating diarrhea, constipation, frequent bowel movements, and diarrhea and constipation. In general, the number of bowel movements in healthy people is 1-2 times a day, and if the tumor stimulates the intestinal mucosa, it will cause diarrhea, or not much bowel movements each time, or even no feces at all, just some mucus and blood are discharged.

3. Thinning of stools

Normal stools are cylindrical and slightly curved. If the tumor protrudes into the intestinal lumen and compresses the stool, the stool that passes tends to be thin and can be flat or thin in shape, and sometimes there is a trace of blood attached to it.

Poop that can't be passed

You might as well use these methods to solve the problem

There are clouds in the rivers and lakes, and nine out of ten are constipated. Constipation not only affects life and work, but also damages the intestines and increases the risk of intestinal diseases.

There is cancer in the body, and the stool knows? There are 3 situations when you go to the toilet, which may be a sign of "cancer".

1. Pay attention to diet

Grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans with crude fiber all help to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and are more conducive to relieving constipation. Spicy and cold foods can easily cause dry stools or diarrhea, so it is not recommended to consume them regularly.

2. Exercise more

Many people with constipation do not have the habit of exercising. Walking, walking, or massaging the abdominal muscles with both hands every day can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, which is faster and easier to smooth stool.

3. Cultivate bowel habits

Develop a good bowel habit, try to actively defecate at a time every day, if you don't feel the urge to defecate, you can wait for the habit to form a conditioned reflex.

4. Rational medication

Don't rely on drugs as soon as you have constipation problems, the most important thing in constipation treatment is rational treatment, don't use laxatives indiscriminately, which will lead to intestinal disorders and be more likely to fall into a vicious circle of constipation.

The term "stool" is not a medical term, it is just a marketing concept. The so-called "clear stool" is nothing more than laxatives or health supplements, and using laxatives or health products to solve constipation cannot solve the health risks at the source. If you want to be "relaxed", you still need to develop good living habits, reasonable diet and exercise. If you suffer from constipation for a long time, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly.

Skillfully press 3 points to detoxify

1. Tianshu acupoint: the "power switch" of the intestine

(1) Location efficacy

The Tianshu acupoint is specifically located about two inches on both sides of the navel of the human body (three horizontal fingers), one on the left and one on the left, which belongs to the acupuncture point of the stomach meridian of Zuyangming. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Tianshu acupoint is a large intestine acupoint, which is closely related to the physiological function of the large intestine. Massaging the Tianshu acupoint can stimulate the peristalsis of the large intestine, enhance intestinal motility, help push the stool downward, and relieve constipation.

There is cancer in the body, and the stool knows? There are 3 situations when you go to the toilet, which may be a sign of "cancer".

(2) Massage method

Take a sitting position or a supine position, put the index finger and middle finger of both hands together, respectively on the Tianshu acupoints on both sides, gently press and knead in a clockwise direction, each time lasting about 5 minutes, the strength is appropriate for local soreness, once a day in the morning and once in the evening.

2. Branch ditch points: adjust the ventilation machine, laxative and swelling

(1) Location efficacy

The branch groove point is located on the dorsal side of the human forearm, 3 inches on the dorsal stria of the wrist, between the ulna and the radius. This acupoint belongs to the acupuncture point of the hand Shaoyang Sanjiao meridian, which has the effect of regulating the Sanjiao Qi machine, clearing the intestines and dissipating heat, reducing swelling and relieving pain. When constipation occurs, massaging the branch groove points can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and promote bowel movements.

There is cancer in the body, and the stool knows? There are 3 situations when you go to the toilet, which may be a sign of "cancer".

(2) Massage method

Take a sitting or standing position, make a fist with one hand, and press the branch groove point with the thumb and finger of the other hand, the strength is from light to heavy, and gradually increase the strength, with obvious local soreness and swelling is appropriate, each press for about 1-2 minutes, alternately on both sides, 2-3 times a day.

3. Daheng acupoint: wide intestine and qi, moisten the intestines and laxative

(1) Location efficacy

The big horizontal acupoint is specifically located next to the navel of the human body to open 4 inches, one on the left and one on the left, which belongs to the acupuncture points of the Taiyin and Spleen meridians. The main movement of the spleen is closely connected with the function of the spleen and stomach. Massaging the Daheng acupoint can strengthen the spleen and stomach, widen the intestines and regulate qi, moisten the intestines and laxative, and is especially effective for constipation caused by spleen and stomach dysfunction.

There is cancer in the body, and the stool knows? There are 3 situations when you go to the toilet, which may be a sign of "cancer".

(2) Massage method

Take the supine or sitting position, put the index finger and middle finger of both hands together, put them on the big horizontal points on both sides, press and knead in a clockwise direction, each time lasting about 3-5 minutes, the strength is moderate, and it is advisable to have a comfortable and warm feeling locally, once a day in the morning and once in the evening.

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