
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted

author:Lin Ruoxin

Zhang Lan has been very happy in the past two days, yesterday when she saw her eldest grandson and granddaughter, she sent a video as soon as possible, and the laughter in the video continued, and the joy was beyond words!

Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted

Zhang Lan posted a video again early this morning, it is the picture of the eldest grandson kissing her grandmother's cheek, Zhang Lan is very happy in the video, although the grandson and grandma only meet once a year, but the family relationship that blood is thicker than water cannot be changed, no, one day of meeting, the grandson and grandma are very close, at this moment 66-year-old Zhang Lan has traveled a long distance and crossed the ocean to come to the grandchildren is worth it!


Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted

Netizens left messages: "Grandma is rich and can make money so much, her education is still high, and she still loves her children, what is the big curve that she can't think of, and she resolutely doesn't let grandma see her grandson, now that she has Ma Xiaomei, she has a sense of urgency, and she finally let me see it again, but I can't see it in Beijing, how contradictory, deliberately alienated, afraid of being too close, is it really good for the child?" ”

Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted

Some netizens found that Zhang Lan liked the video of netizens letting Ma Xiaomei give birth to a baby quickly, many netizens said that they saw it, seeing her grandson Zhang Lan was excited for a long time, and her grandson kissed her, Zhang Lan can fight for another 20 years when she goes back, and she will not let the child go back to Beijing at that time, estranged from the relationship, and the family property will be given to Ma Xiaomei's baby in the future, the big curve is really not smart, and it is far worse than S! Now that the child is kissing grandma, Ma Xiaomei is going to give birth to a baby, and the big curve is going to cry and faint!

Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted
Zhang Lan posted a video of her grandson's face full of happiness, and the likes gave birth to Xiaomei's comments, netizens: Sister-in-law Lu cried and fainted


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