
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

author:Lin Ruoxin

Yesterday, Zhang Lan took her grandchildren, as well as Wang Xiaofei, Ma Xiaomei, and Aunt Xiaoyang, the nanny, to Okinawa, Japan for a vacation, and the family was happy, it was really a rare picture!

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

Zhang Lan's little grandson is lively and cute, some netizens said that he looks like Wang Xiaofei, the eldest granddaughter Xiao Yue'er has beautiful hair, and her height is up to the position of Zhang Lan's ears.

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

When Zhang Lan posted the video, she sighed that her grandchildren had grown up, and this sentence sparked heated discussions and went directly to the hot search.

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

Some netizens said that no matter how much mom pays, she pays more than grandma,

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

Many netizens were upset for Zhang Lanming:

said that Zhang Lan just told the truth, living in the house that her grandmother bought, spending her grandmother's money, and not letting her grandmother see her grandson.

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

Some netizens said: "When watching the big curve and Wang Xiaofei on the show, I can't do anything, Wang Xiaofei also said in the live broadcast room, the big curve knows that he is lying down, and the children don't care, the two children have been with the nanny for 24 hours since they were born.

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

The bald head also said that they can't cook, they can only order takeout, and the two of them held hands during the earthquake, and netizens are asking why they don't care about the children?

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

The clothes worn by the two children were bought by the nanny, once Wang Xiaofei said that she saw that the shorts at the roadside stall in the vegetable market were very similar to those worn by his son, and Aunt Xiao Yang said that she bought them, and you thought that the shorts worn by the child were bought by the nanny in the vegetable market. How responsible this mother is,

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

Today's vacation photos came out, and the comment area was saying that the slippers worn by Zhang Lan's granddaughter did not fit, the jeans were particularly small and clamped to the buttocks, and they were more ordinary than ordinary people.

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S
Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

And it is Aunt Xiao Yang who picks up and drops off school every day, Wang Xiaofei has been divorced from Da Curve for so many years, and she has never seen Da Curve take her children out to play, or pick up and drop off her children to school.

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

And this time I came to Japan, netizens were curious and had to specify to come to Japan, not to let them go back to Beijing, I saw that some netizens posted articles to guess the approximate reason, I have to say that the big curve is really ruthless,

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S

So I saw that some netizens said that although what Zhang Lan said was angry, it should be the truth! What do you think?

Zhang Lan asked netizens: What has Big S paid for his children? It is indeed difficult for netizens to comment on the past of Big S


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