
Roll fast: motivation is the best preservative of interest

author:Little Red loves code words

"Deliberate Practice" talks about the first stage of the roadmap to becoming a great person, which is to generate interest, and one of the motivations is to compete with the three siblings, which is inspiring in itself.

Difference Between Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation

This competition stems from motivation, and motivation is divided between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Roll fast: motivation is the best preservative of interest

For example, when you find a good book in a bookstore, you want to calm down and savor it, hoping to sip a cup of tea and read quietly in the flowing music notes on a leisurely afternoon.

But if someone asks you to peruse the book, because the exam content is inside; In other words, after reading it, you have to defend it, and the defense is linked to the scholarship. At this time, you often lose the interest in reading books that you just had.

It's all about reading books, and it's reading your favorite books, why does the emotional experience change so much?

In fact, it is because the motivation has changed, from the intrinsic motivation of liking to read books to the extrinsic motivation of pursuing the reward after reading, and the mood is also different.

The same is true when parents ask you to do housework, which is originally voluntary, but once you accept external instructions, you don't want to do it.

When we are not interested in something, giving incentives such as rewards from the outside world can increase our interest in it.

But if we are very interested in something, it may be counterproductive to give an outside reward at this time.

Of course, most of the time, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are intertwined and inseparable. For example, when we study seriously, it is not only the encouragement of parents and teachers, but also the need to realize our own value.

The roll runs fast, retains motivation, and is full of interest

Students from poor families are more talented, and this is the truth.

Roll fast: motivation is the best preservative of interest

I thought of too many poor students, who ran all the way, rolled themselves into cabbages, and rushed forward, and finally rushed out of the mountains, rushed out of the county, and got rid of poverty.

Poor children need to be braver and more resolute than others.

They are gray from birth, but occasionally there will be a splash of color, and what you have to do is try to hold on to it and never give up, because once you give up, you will fall back into that gray world.

For them, life is not a hardship to get ahead, your background, your environment, like an incomparable black hole constantly swallowing you, you need to hold the chips in your hands tightly, keep climbing, desperately climbing, in order to see that little bit of light.

That's what motivates them to always be interested in learning.

It can be seen that inner interest is the lasting motivation for us to do something. Do something as your own pleasure, even if you don't get a reward, you can still enjoy it and stick to it for a long time.

Roll fast: motivation is the best preservative of interest

On the road to pursue your dreams, keeping motivation is the light on your way forward, and keeping interest becomes the most solid wings for you to fly into the distance.

Every persistence will reap the fruits of growth. Don't forget your original intention, stay enthusiastic, and your world will be more exciting because of you!