
Li Cunmiao: More ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin for the unification of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

author:Xiaomei told you

During that turbulent period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, there were countless separatist regimes and self-proclaimed emperors on the land of the Central Plains. Some are short-lived in power, while others are powerful overlords. Among them, Li Cunmiao of the Later Tang Dynasty Zhuangzong is undoubtedly the most worth mentioning. The son of the Khan King, who was far away, finally rose in the midst of the strife and once unified most of China by virtue of his outstanding military talent and wisdom in controlling the crowd. No wonder some people say that he is more ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin to unify the world. So what kind of ending will this angry hero usher in in the end?

Li Cunmiao: More ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin for the unification of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

In the year 920 AD, the Central Plains was so lively, from the emperor to the common people, there were seven different era names. One can imagine how dizzying this complex situation is.

Since the death of the Tang Dynasty in 907, the original feudal towns and Jiedu envoys began to compete in the Central Plains. No, in 923, there was a new regime - the Later Tang Dynasty.

Li Cunmiao: More ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin for the unification of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

The founder of the Later Tang Dynasty was Li Cunqiao, who was nicknamed "Little Devil". This kid is really not small, Lao Tzu Li Ke used to shock Hebei, he has been stained with the bloody atmosphere of the military since he was a child. Zhu Wen, who fell short, used despicable means to seize the Tang Dynasty and establish the Later Liang, while Li Cunqiao was high-spirited and determined to unify this land full of smoke.

As a powerful separatist force, as soon as the Later Tang Dynasty was born, it was surrounded by several small channel regimes in the surrounding area. The Khitan cavalry in the north often plundered, and the rear beams in the west also eyed the tiger. It's a pity that some important warlords of the Later Tang Dynasty actually escaped from the battle and took refuge with the enemy. Seeing that Zezhou was about to be lost, Houtang was in danger.

Li Cunmiao: More ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin for the unification of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

Faced with such a predicament, Li Cunmiao did not sit still. Experienced in a hundred battles, he knows that being an emperor is competing with others, and only by defeating the opponent first can he have the last laugh. So he turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands into rain, quickly suppressed the threat from the back beam, and directly killed the opponent.

Zhu Wen engaged in so many conspiracies and tricks, and in the end, he was beaten by Li Cunmiao effortlessly, and he died of anger. I see, this is called retribution, and Zhu Wen also deserves it! Next, Li Cunmiao grabbed again and quickly took down several small southern secession regimes.

Li Cunmiao: More ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin for the unification of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

However, his powerful opponent Qianshu refused to surrender easily. Although the previous ruler Wang Jian was slightly more popular with the people, his son Wang Yan was a master with waves in his bones. A good opportunity to dominate the world is in front of him, and this faint gentleman is obsessed with sound and sex playthings and forgets things, and the result is ruined. When he heard that the brave Li Cunqiao was going to conquer him, he arrogantly refused to surrender, and as a result, blood and rain were rampant, and Qianshu was defeated. What did Li Cunqiao say?" Unscrupulous means, resolute and resolute". This is really rich and unadulterated!

In this way, Li Cunmiao stepped on Wang Yan's corpse and marched all the way. He once destroyed the Later Liang in the south, attacked the Khitan in the north, bordered Hebei in the east, and merged in the river in the west. The ambition of this hero is not small, and it is not enough to fight all over the Central Plains, so he actually took Zhejiang in the east and Shaanxi in the west.

Li Cunmiao: More ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin for the unification of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and Li Cunqiao didn't live to see the day of reunification. In the prime of life, the male lord died young, which makes people sigh. However, his son Li Jilie is a personal existence that is neither human nor ghostly, and he actually usurped the throne and seized Lao Tzu's country, directly destroying the Later Tang Dynasty.

Li Cunmiao: More ruthless than Zhu Wen, stronger than Chai Rong, and more hopeful than Zhao Kuangyin for the unification of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

Seeing this, I really admired and felt distressed for Li Cunmiao. This kid from a remote background relied on his own strategy and courage to advance all the way and almost unify the country. It's a pity that because of his untimely death, he was not able to see this great achievement with his own eyes. What's even more distressing is that his son is so mediocre and self-disturbing, and he ruined this exploit in one fell swoop.

In the final analysis, Li Cunmiao was like a big wave sweeping the sand, reintegrating the divided Central Plains, and laying a good foundation for the later Song Dynasty. Although he could not match it, in that turbulent era, his footprints were so tall and magnificent. A generation of heroes will die forever, but his legend will live on forever. #头条首发大赛#

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