
The People's Liberation Army penetrated 200 kilometers deep into Vietnam, and Wen Jinyong temporarily went into battle and said: We must fight to China

author:Xiaomei told you

The People's Liberation Army penetrated 200 kilometers deep into Vietnam, and Wen Jinyong temporarily went into battle and said: We must fight to China, and the relationship between China and Vietnam, the two neighbors, has always been very delicate. Since the reunification of Vietnam, the leader of the Viet Cong, Le Duan, has embarked on a series of ambitious plans to expand his influence in Laos and Cambodia and become the "little overlord of Central and South China". However, Vietnam alone was not strong enough, so Le Duan turned to the two major military powers, China and the former Soviet Union, for help. The Soviet Union pushed the boat along the way, wanting to take the opportunity to train Vietnam to fight China. China, on the other hand, politely declined Vietnam's request for military aid, exposing its hidden ghosts. From this moment on, Sino-Vietnamese relations began a period of saber rattling. Sure enough, with the strong support of the Soviet Union, the Vietnamese army captured Cambodia. But when the PLA counterattacked Vietnam, how could the Vietnamese army be an opponent?

The People's Liberation Army penetrated 200 kilometers deep into Vietnam, and Wen Jinyong temporarily went into battle and said: We must fight to China

Since the reunification of Vietnam in 1976, it has embarked on a new round of expansion under the leadership of Le Duan. This small country finally became independent after a long war, but it still seems to be lacking. Le Duan was anxious to play the role of "hegemon" in the Indochina Peninsula region, and successively planned to support pro-Vietnamese regimes in Laos and Cambodia, two neighboring countries. But Vietnam was too weak to carry out this ambitious plan, so Le Duan turned to its two former military allies, China and the Soviet Union, for help.

The Soviets were clever and smelled opportunity at the first time. They revealed to Le Duan that they were willing to vigorously support Vietnam's growth in the Indochina Peninsula in order to contain the influence of China as a potential adversary. On the Chinese side, Deng Xiaoping quickly saw through Le Duan's wolf ambitions. After much deliberation, China categorically rejected Vietnam's request for large-scale military aid.

The People's Liberation Army penetrated 200 kilometers deep into Vietnam, and Wen Jinyong temporarily went into battle and said: We must fight to China

In this way, the original comrades-in-arms became incompatible opponents. Resentful Vietnam quickly deepened ties with the Soviet Union, viewing China and Cambodia as its number one enemies. In 1977, more than 200,000 Vietnamese troops, with the strong support of the Soviet Union, captured Cambodia in just 14 days.

The wolf-like victory made Li Duan elated and high-spirited. The arrogance of the Vietnamese army is also increasing day by day, not only persecuting Chinese immigrants at home, but also provoking the Chinese border from time to time. In response to these provocative acts of the Vietnamese army, China's repeated warnings have been ineffective. Thus, in 1979, the Sino-Vietnamese self-defense counterattack broke out.

At the beginning, the Chinese army's attack was indeed fierce, leaving Wu Yuanjia, a veteran commander of the Vietnamese army, helpless. Seeing that the defeat was decided, Wu Yuanjia said helplessly to Wen Jinyong, who was ordered to participate in the war in danger: "Vietnam's defeat is inevitable." Wen Jinyong was completely unimpressed, full of blind confidence in defeating China.

The People's Liberation Army penetrated 200 kilometers deep into Vietnam, and Wen Jinyong temporarily went into battle and said: We must fight to China

In the northern part of Lang Son province, Van Chun Dung laid three layers of fortifications, first by the public security militia, then by the regular army, with numerous fortifications in the center. At the same time, he also concentrated 100,000 elite troops in Lang Son to defend, vowing to fight to the death with the People's Liberation Army. Moreover, after Wen Jinyong was ready to win the battle of Langshan, he directly counterattacked China. In this regard, he said in a bold manner: "We must fight to China!"

However, the actual situation is far from what Wen Jinyong expected. More than 500,000 PLA troops concentrated their firepower, and the number of troops was wide, and they were roaring forward. In the face of the fearless Chinese army, the Vietnamese army's authentic defense lines and militia fortifications were all useless. Wen Jinyong's original strategic deployment was not enough to see at all, and the classic Tiger Falling Pingyang was slapped in the face.

In just 30 days, the strategic towns of the Vietnamese army, Tang Tang and Lang Son, were lost one after another, and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) approached Hanoi. In the face of the defeated Vietnamese army, the disparity in strength was finally exposed. In that war, the Chinese army fought a beautiful protracted war by overwhelming superiority, and Wen Jinyong's hubris was in vain.

The People's Liberation Army penetrated 200 kilometers deep into Vietnam, and Wen Jinyong temporarily went into battle and said: We must fight to China

Through this Sino-Vietnamese self-defense counterattack, we can see that although Vietnam defeated the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, it was too self-sufficient against the PLA. Wen Jinyong, who was ordered in danger, certainly had the courage and determination of a general, but he lacked a comprehensive and accurate judgment of the comparison of strength. In the end, the Vietnamese army not only made serious mistakes in strategic deployment, but was also defeated and lost almost its entire territory.

This war not only taught Vietnam a lesson in its indiscriminate recklessness, but also showed the world China's determination not to tolerate foreign invasions. As a responsible major country, China has taken the initiative to fight back, which also demonstrates its responsibility as a major country to maintain regional peace and stability. This war has dealt Vietnam a blow to the head, and it has also made it recognize its own position, no longer act rashly, and maintain the way of peaceful coexistence with China for a long time. #头条首发大赛#

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