
Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

author:Let's talk
Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother
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Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

In the Chinese film and television industry, Song Chunli's name is like thunder. She has created countless mother characters that move the audience, but she failed to become a real mother in real life.

In order to chase her acting dream, she missed the best childbearing age; For the sake of career advancement, she once reluctantly gave up the opportunity to get pregnant. However, there are always unexpected turns in life.

When entering the age of sixties, Song Chunli and her husband Sun Weixi, who have been together for 44 years, made a life-changing decision - to adopt a daughter. This decision not only filled the long-term regrets in their hearts, but also brought infinite joy to their later life, allowing Song Chunli to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother at the age of being a grandmother.

Song Chunli's artistic career is an enviable legend. In 1963, at the age of 12, she resolutely left her hometown Beijing with a dream and joined the Art Troupe of the Guangzhou Military Region.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

This decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also cultivated an outstanding actor for the Chinese film and television industry.

When she first entered the barracks, Song Chunli was assigned to the dance team. However, fate seems to have already arranged another path for her. Her performance in dance is mediocre, but she shows amazing talent in drama performances.

Her acting talent was soon discovered, and she immediately transferred to the Repertory Theatre and began her career in the performing arts.

On the stage of the army, Song Chunli spent 16 spring and autumn seasons. This experience laid a solid foundation for her future acting career. Every time she performs is like a metamorphosis, the audience seems to be able to see a character gradually plump and vivid under her interpretation.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

With her love and pursuit of art, 21-year-old Song Chunli stepped into the school gate of Beijing Film Academy. Here, she eagerly absorbed professional knowledge and accumulated a rich theoretical foundation for her future acting career.

She not only studied hard, but also actively participated in practice, showing her talent and potential on the stage of military literary and artistic creation.

In 1980, Song Chunli joined Bayi Film Studio and officially opened her brilliant film road. Her screen debut "Sister" left a deep impression on the audience.

The image of the heroic, fearless, kind and beautiful female soldier of the Red Army played by her is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has won the love and praise of the audience.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

Since then, Song Chunli's acting career has been booming. She has starred in classic works such as "Wind and Rain Beauty", "Plainclothes Police" and "Jiuxiang", creating one unforgettable role after another.

Every role is the crystallization of her hard work, and every performance is her interpretation and sublimation of art.

Over time, various awards followed. Her works have been recognized by authoritative awards such as the Golden Rooster Award and the Feitian Award many times, which is not only an affirmation of her acting skills, but also a tribute to her persistence and dedication over the years.

The title of "Actress" is the highest praise given to her by the audience, and it is also the glory she has earned with her hard work and sweat.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

However, for Song Chunli, these accolades are just milestones in her artistic path. She has always maintained her love and dedication to acting, constantly challenging herself and breaking through her limits.

Even today, she is still active on the screen, interpreting life and conveying warmth with her performances. Recently, the TV series "The World" starring her was broadcast on CCTV, which once again won warm praise from the audience, proving that her artistic charm will last for a long time.

Song Chunli's artistic journey, from the barracks stage to the screen, is an admirable and legendary journey. With her persistence and hard work, she wrote an inspirational story of an ordinary girl growing into a film and television superstar, and also left a valuable artistic wealth for the Chinese film and television industry.

Behind Song Chunli's brilliant acting career, there is a man who silently supports her - Sun Weixi. Their love story is a love song that has become more and more touching after years of baptism.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

In 1978, 27-year-old Song Chunli tied the knot with Sun Weixi. Sun Weixi is a professor at the Central Conservatory of Music, gentle and knowledgeable. Their encounter seemed to be fate, and the two hearts found resonance in the sea of art.

However, the sweetness of the newlywed is soon interrupted by the test of reality.

Due to the special nature of her work, Song Chunli runs around various crews all year round, while Sun Weixi sticks to the podium in Beijing. The life of gathering less and leaving more tests the feelings of the couple.

However, they built a fortress of love with understanding and support. Whenever Song Chunli was filming in other places, Sun Weixi always waited patiently for her call, even if it was late at night.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

And Song Chunli will also take time out of her busy schedule to call her husband to share her joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

In 1980, Song Chunli became pregnant unexpectedly while filming the movie "The Spy". This should have been a celebratory news, but it became one of the most difficult decisions of her life.

Faced with the choice of career and children, she fell into a deep struggle. In the end, with the support of her husband, she chose her career and gave up her life in her womb.

This decision caused great pain to both of them, but it also deepened their relationship.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

Sun Weixi has always understood and supported his wife's love for her career. Even if he longed to have his own child, he chose to respect Song Chunli's decision and silently accompany her.

This silent support has become the strongest backing for Song Chunli's career.

As the years passed, the relationship between Song Chunli and Sun Weixi became more and more mellow. They understand each other, support each other, and face the ups and downs of life together. Even in their old age, they are still like newlyweds, and they are full of affection.

Whenever work comes to an end, Song Chunli always returns to her husband as soon as possible, interpreting her cherishing of this relationship with her actions.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

However, there are always regrets in life. As a result of devoting herself to her acting career, Song Chunli missed the best opportunity to become a mother. As they grew older, they tried various methods and even considered using technology to achieve their dreams of having children.

Unfortunately, this wish never came true. This has become the biggest regret in their married life, and it is also an indelible pain in Song Chunli's heart.

Still, the couple wasn't struck down by regret. They chose to extend that love to other things. They treated their nephew as their own and poured out their love.

This kind of selfless love fills the void in their hearts to some extent.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

44 years of love has witnessed how the love between Song Chunli and Sun Weixi has withstood the test of time. Their story is not only a good story, but also a moving hymn to love.

On the balance of career and family, they found their own balance and composed a warm and moving music of life.

In the Chinese film and television industry, Song Chunli is known as the "spokesperson of the mother". The mother images she created are deeply engraved in the hearts of the audience. What is less well known, however, is that these roles are not only her pursuit of art, but also a way for her to make up for her real-life regrets.

Every year, Song Chunli takes on the role of at least one mother. Under her interpretation, we see a kind rural mother, a strong military mother, and a gentle intellectual mother...... Every character comes to life as if it were real.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

The diversity of these characters shows Song Chunli's in-depth understanding and delicate portrayal of the role of mother.

In 1994, Song Chunli starred in the movie "Nine Fragrances". In this film, she plays a rural woman with five children. When the children called her "Mom" in a childish voice, Song Chunli's heart was deeply touched.

At that moment, she seemed to have truly become a mother, and the warmth and happiness filled the void in her heart. This role not only earned her praise from the audience, but also allowed her to find a special solace in her artistic creation.

In every mother role, Song Chunli poured her emotions into it. She delicately portrays every detail, and carefully understands the joys, sorrows and sorrows of every mother.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

For her, this is not only a display of acting skills, but also an emotional sustenance. She poured all the maternal love that she couldn't experience in reality into these roles.

Through these characters, Song Chunli seems to have found a way to make up for the regret of not being a mother in real life. She interprets the maternal love that she can't experience in reality on the screen, and uses performance to satisfy her inner desire for motherhood.

This unique way of interpretation makes her performance more real and moving, and also allows the audience to feel her deep understanding of the role.

However, even so, the mother character on the screen cannot fully fill the gap in reality after all. Every time she plays such a role, Song Chunli will feel a deep loss.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

This complex emotion has become the driving force that pushes her forward, and also makes her performance more real and moving.

Song Chunli's image of "mother on the screen" is not only an important part of her artistic career, but also a reflection of her personal life. She uses superb acting skills to interpret the greatness of maternal love, and at the same time finds self-comfort in the process.

This unique way of artistic creation has made Song Chunli's performance more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and has also made her a well-deserved "mother spokesperson" in the Chinese film and television industry.

Life is always full of surprises and surprises. Just when Song Chunli thought that she had no chance to be a mother in her life, fate gave her an unexpected turn.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

In a casual chat with friends Deng Jie and Zhang Guoli, the idea of adopting a child sprouted in Song Chunli's heart. This idea was wholeheartedly supported by her husband, Sun Weixi.

After much deliberation, they made a life-changing decision - to adopt a girl and name her "Lele".

At that time, Song Chunli was already over the age of six, and she should have enjoyed the age of teasing her grandson, but she opened a new chapter in her life. She and her husband, Sun Weixi, devoted themselves to the work of raising Lele.

They give Lele infinite care, and also pay attention to nurturing her all-round development. Under their careful cultivation, Lele has shown great talent in dance and piano.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

Song Chunli knows that true love is not doting, but strict requirements. Her education for Lele is both warm and strict. She hopes that her daughter can grow up healthy and happy and become an excellent person with both character and learning.

Under such an educational concept, Lele thrived and gradually became a versatile, excellent girl.

Whenever she goes out with Lele, Song Chunli always proudly introduces to acquaintances: "This is my baby daughter!" At that moment, the glint in her eyes was the happiness and pride that only a true mother would have.

Although it came a little late, this belated maternal love is extraordinarily precious. Song Chunli finally experienced the happiness of being a mother in real life and made up for her regrets over the years.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

This decision not only filled the void in their hearts, but also brought infinite joy and new meaning to their later life.

Today, Lele has stepped into primary school life. Song Chunli and Sun Weixi gained great joy in the process of accompanying their daughter to grow up. The family of three is happy and happy, and they are writing a happy and happy life together.

At the age of being a grandmother, Song Chunli fulfilled her dream of being a mother and interpreted the true meaning of love without boundaries with her actions.

Looking back from the height of life, Song Chunli has a deeper understanding of the balance between career and family. She admits that every choice in life comes with a price, and the key is to learn to face the gains and losses peacefully.

Actor Song Chunli: She has been with her husband Sun Weixi for 44 years, but she became a mother when she was a grandmother

Years of experience have taught her that there is no perfection in life, but there is always the possibility of fulfillment.

Even if she is past her prime, Song Chunli is still active in the film and television industry. She believes that as long as there is an audience that enjoys her performance, she will continue to persevere. This dedication and love for art is a true portrayal of her life.

Her story is not only a legend of an actress, but also a microcosm of a woman seeking a balance between career and family. Song Chunli uses her own experience to interpret the wisdom of life: cherish the present, stick to dreams, and find the meaning and value of life in balance.

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