
"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

author:Let's talk
"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13
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"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

On Chinese New Year's Eve 2015, on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, a young figure attracted the attention of audiences across the country. He was Zhang Junhao, who was only 5 years old at the time, and conquered the hearts of countless audiences with his wonderful performance.

However, who would have thought that this little boy, known as the "most bullish child star", would experience a dramatic transformation from shining on the stage to gradually fading out of the public eye in just a few years.

From becoming famous at the age of 3 for participating in the "I Am a Big Star" program, to participating in 5 movies before the age of 9, Zhang Junhao's road to a child star seems to be a smooth road. But now, at the age of 13, he has chosen an unusual path.

What kind of life is this once dazzling child star living now? What led him to choose? Let's uncover this legendary story together.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

In 2010, in an ordinary family in Zibo City, Shandong Province, Zhang Junhao fell to the ground. This seemingly ordinary beginning, but it laid the groundwork for an extraordinary story.

Cheung's father works outside the home all year round, while his mother chooses to take care of his siblings full-time. Although the family is not wealthy, a warm and harmonious atmosphere permeates this small family.

During Chang's childhood, his grandmother became an indispensable role in his life. When night fell, Grandma would take Xiao Junhao and his sister to the nearby square.

It was originally just an ordinary pastime, but it unexpectedly became an opportunity to discover Zhang Junhao's potential talents.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

Zhang Junhao, who was only two years old, was deeply attracted by the lively atmosphere in the square. In the sound of cheerful music, his small body unconsciously swayed to the rhythm. Grandma was amazed to find that her grandson's dance steps were surprisingly harmonious, as if he had been born with a knack for how to follow the rhythm of the music.

Even when the music stopped, Zhang Junhao was still in high spirits, pestering his grandmother to ask to continue dancing.

Seeing her grandson's keen interest and talent in dance, the grandmother was ecstatic and immediately told Zhang Junhao's parents about the discovery. Despite the limited family conditions, the parents knew the importance of cultivating their children's interests and decided to sign up for a dance class for their son.

In the dance class, Zhang Junhao is like a fish in water. His innate sense of rhythm and expressiveness quickly made him stand out. The dance teachers marveled at the little boy's talent, calling him a "natural dancer".

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

Zhang Junhao has also won the reputation of "the little prince of square dance".

In this way, a seemingly ordinary family entertainment activity has become a stage for Zhang Junhao to show his talents, and it has also laid the foundation for his future fame. This serendipitous discovery not only changed the trajectory of Zhang Junhao's life, but also allowed his family to see a future full of possibilities.

Zhang's story teaches us that talent can sometimes blossom in the most unexpected places. The support of parents and family is the fertile ground for this talent to thrive.

In 2013, by chance, Zhang Junhao, who was only 3 years old, stepped on the stage of Shandong Satellite TV's "I Am a Big Star". This decision not only completely changed the trajectory of Zhang Junhao's life, but also brought an unexpected visual feast to the audience.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

When Zhang Junhao stood in the spotlight, the audience and the judges held their breath. After all, how can a 3-year-old perform on such a big stage? Many people expect to see a child with stage fright, perhaps crying, or hiding behind their parents.

However, what happened next completely overturned everyone's expectations.

As the music sounded, Zhang Junhao seemed to be a different person in an instant. His eyes became determined, and a confident smile spread across his little face. He began to dance to the rhythm, and every movement was clean and energetic.

His performance is not only in place, but also exudes an infectious energy that transcends his age, as if he was born to stand on stage.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

The audience and the judges were stunned. Where is this the performance of a 3-year-old? Zhang Junhao showed confidence and calmness, even surpassing many adult contestants.

His interaction with the host was even more unbearable, and his witty answers and cute expressions won bursts of applause.

Zhang Junhao's performance is not only cute, but more importantly, the professionalism he shows. Even in the face of big scenes, he can maintain his composure, do not forget his dance steps, and do not have stage fright.

This expressiveness and ability to work under pressure makes it hard to believe that he is only 3 years old.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

With his outstanding performance, Zhang Junhao passed all the way and finally broke into the finals. Although he finished in fourth place, he had already managed to attract the attention of a national audience.

This competition not only made Zhang Junhao famous in one fell swoop, but also opened the door to the entertainment industry for him.

Since then, major variety shows have thrown olive branches to this "most bullish child star". For a time, Zhang Junhao became a hot star. The media rushed to cover this cute and talented young boy, and the audience was also fascinated by his performance.

The success of this competition not only proves Zhang Junhao's extraordinary dancing talent, but also shows his excellent stage performance and unique personal charm. It marks Zhang Junhao's official entry into the showbiz and the beginning of his legendary acting career.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

However, behind fame, it also means more challenges and responsibilities. For Zhang Junhao, who is only 3 years old, and his family, how to maintain their original intention in the spotlight and how to balance career and life will be new topics they need to face.

In any case, the stunning appearance of this 3-year-old boy on the stage of "I Am a Big Star" is destined to become a strong stroke in his life, and it has also laid a solid foundation for his future growth.

Zhang Junhao's stunning appearance on the program "I Am a Big Star" seems to have opened a door to the entertainment industry. In the following years, this little boy's star journey can be said to have been soaring, from variety shows to the Spring Festival Gala stage, and then to the movie screen, his footprints have almost all over the entertainment industry.

In 2014, 4-year-old Zhang Junhao was invited to participate in "Brilliant Chinese Season 1". In the face of a bigger stage and more competitors, he has no stage fright.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

Those big smart eyes shone with confidence, and every dance step stepped on the tip of the audience's heart. His performance not only won the applause of the audience, but also made the audience in front of the TV fall in love.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared on the stage of "Happy Camp" and competed with popular stars. In the face of these adults, the little Zhang Junhao not only did not have stage fright, but became the most dazzling star in the show with his unique innocence and talent.

However, what really made Zhang Junhao famous in one fell swoop was the CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 2015. He was only 5 years old at the time and became one of the youngest performers on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

In the opening program of "Four Generations in the Same House", Zhang Junhao, who was dressed in red festive clothes, instantly captured the hearts of audiences across the country with his innocent smile and superb dancing.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

His interactions with other actors are natural and fluid, as if he was born to belong to this stage. The success of this Spring Festival Gala made Zhang Junhao a hot topic of discussion among the people of the whole country, and also opened the door to the film and television industry for him.

In the following years, Zhang Junhao successively participated in many movies such as "Falling from the Sky", "The Fiery Sarilang", "New Oolong Courtyard: Laughter in the Rivers and Lakes" and so on. From the variety show stage to the movie screen, Zhang Junhao has shown amazing adaptability.

For each role, he poured all his passion, and that seriousness and focus made it hard to believe that he was just a child. His age-defying comprehension and expressiveness often amaze directors and seniors.

In 2019, 9-year-old Zhang Junhao ushered in another peak in his acting career. In the movie "Redemption of the Soul", he played two roles by himself, and played on the same stage with powerful actors such as Wang Xun and Huang Xiaolei.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

In the face of this challenging role, Zhang Junhao showed acting skills beyond his age. His profound interpretation of the role once again proved that he is not only a cute child star, but also an excellent actor with potential.

However, with the growth of fame came the voices of skepticism. Some people began to question whether Zhang Junhao really liked acting or was pushed to the stage by his parents to make money.

In the face of these controversies, Zhang Junhao's parents have always kept a low profile, emphasizing respect for their children's choices, and insisting that he not relax his studies in addition to his busy acting work.

In this way, Zhang Junhao went further and further on the star-studded road of acting. From the age of 3 to 9, in just a few years, he has accumulated many achievements that are difficult for his peers to achieve.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

However, on this seemingly glorious path, Zhang Junhao and his family also faced many challenges and choices. How to balance career and study, how to deal with public skepticism, and how to maintain their hearts while becoming famous are all difficult problems in front of them.

In any case, Chang's story teaches us that hard work can make a person achieve amazing things at a very young age. But at the same time, we also need to think about how to create a healthy and happy growth environment for children on the road of chasing their dreams.

As Zhang Junhao's achievements in the entertainment industry continue to rise, the controversy and doubts he faces are also increasing. Some are beginning to question whether the young child star really enjoys acting or whether he has simply become a tool for his parents to make money.

What's more, he has been compared to a "modern-day version of Chung Naga", suggesting that he may lose his future development potential due to his precociousness.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

In the face of divergent public opinion, Zhang Junhao's mother chose to stand up and publicly respond to these doubts. She insisted that her son's participation in acting activities was purely out of interest, and stressed that Zhang Junhao has always taken care of his studies and has never relaxed his pursuit of knowledge.

However, this explanation did not completely quell the public skepticism.

After much deliberation, Zhang Junhao's parents made a difficult and courageous decision: to let their son gradually fade out of the public eye. They know that it is more important to protect the healthy growth of their children than to chase fame and fortune.

Despite their reluctance, they firmly believe that this decision is for the long-term development of Zhang Junhao.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

In this way, Zhang Junhao, who used to appear frequently on the screen, began to gradually withdraw from the public eye. This decision marks an important turning point in Zhang Junhao's career as a child star, and also opens up new possibilities for his future.

It not only shows the protection of parents for their children, but also shows that they are thoughtful about their children's future.

Today, 13-year-old Zhang Junhao has quietly entered junior high school life. Away from the spotlight, he devoted all his energy to his studies. On campus, he is no longer the high-profile child star, but an ordinary and excellent student.

Zhang Junhao not only has excellent academic performance, but also serves as a class leader, and is deeply loved by teachers and students.

"The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3, went on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now has become the pride of his parents at the age of 13

Although he no longer appears frequently on the screen, Zhang Junhao has not given up his interest. In the school's literary and artistic activities, he is still the focus, whether it is singing or dancing, he always wins warm applause.

These experiences allowed him to find a stage in ordinary school life and continue to develop his talents.

Zhang Junhao's story tells us that on the road of growth, we need not only talent and applause, but also the support and correct guidance of our family. Today, he is embracing a new stage of life with full enthusiasm, and believes that in the future, no matter what path he chooses, he will become the pride of his parents.

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